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Everything posted by Bronyette

  1. Resolution: Non-Donor Pony/Vector/OC: Text: Pixie Dust Extras: Maybe some fancy effects, just do whatever you think looks nice
  2. Just a nice drawing I made of my character Pixie Dust that I thought I should share. I was wondering if I could get a critique of this drawing. I know I'm not too good and I'd really like to improve~! Also maybe someone should suggest something for me to draw so I could kinda go out of my comfort zone, I think I'm stuck.
  3. Aww. Thank you so much, she looks adorable. :3 I think you did pretty good at drawing her and her pose. She doesnt look like a foal.
  4. Nah, its alright. I've been really busy myself so I understand. So just do it whenever you have time. :3 Also in the sketch she is supposed to be jumping up, kinda like a excited Pinkie Pie. X3 Its kinda hard to tell.
  5. Name of pony: Pixie Dust Pose: being sneaky or mischievous Pic: Of course if you don't have time or simply feel too bogged down by the requests you don't have to do mine. :3 I just think your style is really cute.
  6. I'm scared of talking in public, or just in general to people who are not my family. I go as far as hiding when people come to my house for a while until I feel comfortable. I'm also scared of needles and completely dark black areas. Also when I was really really little I was deathly afraid of the letter X. I saw an episode of Sesame Street where there was a green X. It had big alien eyes and it played the X-files theme song, which I was very familiar with. And in the end it got beamed up into a spaceship or something. Something about that episode freaked me out a whole lot. I'm not even sure if it was a real episode because I have never seen any traces of it on the internet so maybe it was a dream...? I dunno.
  7. This is pretty good for a signature. :3 I really like the background and the text wraps it all up. The only thing I can say is that the vector of Rainbow Dash seems off, it looks like her head is put on backwards. But everything else is perfect~
  8. Thank you very much~! Ithink I have a knack for designing characters... Not so much in drawing them. x3 Next time I try to draw something like this I will try to make the eyes better. Thank you. She is pretty adorable, isn't she?
  9. HHNNNNGG~! The cuteness, it burns. Derpy is one of my favorites, she is always so sweet and innocent. :3 Great artwork, its awesome.
  10. Wow~ Another amazing piece of art. I really don't think you should change anything, it is your art style, and for one I really like it. Its sorta like a more realistic interpretation on MLP. And all the anatomy seems in check. :3 Keep doing what you do best, don't change because other people don't like it. If you think it looks good then it is perfect.
  11. Why don't my posts go through or show up? D: Its sorta frustrating, even though I'm probably the one at fault. Well I fixed the eyebrows so now it doesn't look like she's giving the stink eye. Thank you~~!
  12. This is as sexy as my drawings get. x-x I suck at poses. She kinda looks mad instead of seductive... Oh well. XD She still is pretty darn cute. I was going to put socks on her, but I got super lazy, I might do it later.
  13. Thats a pretty great drawing you got there. X3 Kinda makes me want to draw something similar for my OC... I love the hoodie, I can't draw clothing to save my life. Good job kid.
  14. First person to comment gets a free digital pony picture!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. duidamasterXD


      A huge thanks in advance. This is really generous of you :)

    3. Bronyette


      Just your OC will be fine. If you want a specific pose though I can do it. I'll try to have this done by tomorrow night if not earlier.


      Also, No problem. :3 I do free art for a lot of people.

    4. duidamasterXD


      Whatever you want to do will be fine. Thanks again :D

  15. Well first I draw a freehand sketch, then trace it onto the computer. :3 So technically.... both. But since I freehand the pose first in my sketch I'd like to think of it as a completely freehanded work.
  16. INFP Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(25%) Feeling(38%) Perceiving(44)% Well, I'm Luna according to the chart and it seems pretty reasonable.
  17. One day I was just sitting around like I normally do and my friend texts me.: I'm having I moral dilema right now, what do I do? So of course I ask whats wrong. I don't know if I should eat these scallops or not... they died for me. D: ...weirdo. Its not really that weird but it tops my list as the most random.
  18. Drew a super cute Fluttershy today. Critiques are very much welcome. I love how my digital art is changing for the better, I can't wait to draw some more.
  19. Forum Member Crush: Hehe... None. I'm too much of a loner to talk to people on here. xD No one gets any dokidoki from me. Pony Crush: Hmmm... Time Turner, I dunno. IRL Crush: Well, None at the moment. :3 Once again, too shy and a loner.
  20. Hmm... Good idea. :3 I really didn't think of that. But what would be a good max price for something like this? I will start off really really cheap, but over time I'd hate to overprice. Also thanks for the post, I appreciate it.
  21. I was thinking of starting commissions on Deviantart but I wasn't sure how many points it would go for. I will be doing colored pony head shots, much like the Derpy one I created down below. If anyone knows or has a good idea please post below.
  22. Eh, well I just sketched out the excited pose. Its as close to the shows style as I can get. Well I'm not sure if I can help entirely. At least I tried.
  23. Here, I hope everything is alright, If anything needs changed please tell me and I'll be sure to fix it as soon as possible. Happy forum-versary!
  24. Heck, I could help out a tiny bit, it depends on if you like my art style or not. XD Its pretty close to the show, but not completely. Gime me a sketch you want done so I can show you. I will attach an example. I dont care if you credit me or not, however.
  25. :wub: Wow! I love it so so much! Thank you for taking the time to do that, even though people should be giving you art and not the other way around. Hey, Could I draw your character as a present? I feel like I did nothing to deserve being in the picture. Plus I love giving art to people that deserve it. XD
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