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Everything posted by Bronyette

  1. 20 perhaps? *clicks profile* Well if that is correct then I'm terribly wrong.
  2. Ehhh. I'd have to say no. Sorry. You seem nice however.
  3. Neat, I'm pretty excited. I wonder what my parents will say once I get a pony plate. X3 Thank you so very much for your generosity. Also I'd hate for it to be broken in the mail, do you have some packing materials?
  4. Yay! Thanks a whole lot for commenting! I appreciate it. And I do see what you mean with the legs, I'll remember that when I draw next time. It is out of my usual style so I'm not too good at spotting things like that. :3 Thank you~
  5. Wow, this is very unique. I really like the idea. But I'm sorta confused, do you keep the plates or ship them to us? It doesn't really matter. If you want you can use my character Pixie Dust as a design, though I'm sure you'd get more attention if you did any of the mane 6 first. But here she is, if you want to paint her, that is.
  6. Oh darn, I can't believe I missed this! Well if you decide on doing more requests I'll be sure to show up. Your art is one of my favorites from around the forum, and it is so kind of you to do it for free.
  7. Thank you! :3 I meant for the eyes to freaky, so my work there is done. My character is a little crazy, so it fits perfectly. Now if only I could draw this well digitally...
  8. Aww, thank you. Its just that this style is pretty new to me and Skybound is so much more professional. Also I would happily draw your character if you make one, just pm me the details if ever want to.
  9. Well a certain very talented fellow named Skybound inspired me enough to try his style out with my own twist. Of course he is so much better than me, but for a pretty quick drawing without references I think it turned out decently. Overly Attached Pix Seriously, if you haven't seen his art, you certainly should, instead of looking at this weird deformed pony. That is all, if you have any critiques, please inform me so Ican do better next time.
  10. @@Mint Drop, @@GingerJoy, "Oh dear, are you okay?" The earth pony seemed very concerned for the shy pegasus. Her older sister instinct kicked in, after all she was the oldest filly in a rather large group of foals. "Uh, let me help you to your room, I think maybe you'll feel a bit more comfortable there." The earth pony suggested. Pixie could lift the small shaky pegasus rather easily with her strong legs, so it didn't really phase her at all."Cheerilee, maybe you can help. You seem to know a bit more first aid stuff than I do."
  11. Size - Regular (600x100) Image(s) - http://mlpforums.com/uploads/monthly_08_2013/post-11323-0-21069600-1376789102.png Background - Maybe the colors of the pony in a gradient with sparkles, but if that doesn't look right, feel free to do what looks good. Text - Pixie Dust Other - Maybe you can have the sig rounded, I just think it looks better that way.
  12. ((Yeah, its kinda hard for me to do that when I can't proofread it all at once. x3 sorry )) "Uhhhhh... I think we might need the school nurse. That is, if we have one." Pixie sighed. It seemed as if she wouldnt really make a friend on campus. She would have never guessed it would be so difficult. "Well kid," She said to the pegasus. "Try to relax a bit, your goin' to give yourself a heart attack."
  13. Pixie sat, daydreaming to herself about her future school adventures, when she noticed a pegasus pony quietly walk in. She seems a bit... nervous maybe? She wasn't too sure. But Pixie really had only talked to one pony the entire time she had been here. 'Well here goes nothing.' She whispered under her breath, brushing her mane back a bit with one hoof. This pony seemed semi-normal at least, not anything like the freakshow she had been thrown into. "Uh, hello there! I'm Pixie Dust. I noticed you here and thought I'd say hi." She spoke, smiling to the pegasus. "Wait. Are you sure you're okay? You are trembling pretty bad." (((Sorry if this isnt too gramatically correct, I'm on moble and it sucks. Also i cant do the mention thing, so I'll just brohoof people when I am talking to them)))
  14. D: Poor pony! ... I kid, I kid. I really like it actually. Like the pony's disheveled mane, and well, the freakyness of the entire picture. Seems really ominous. Kinda reminds me when I try to draw something scary, I end up making horribly mutilated ponies! :c Oh well. Sorry for you being in a bad mood though, that always sucks. I hope you feel better soon.
  15. Pixie's dream is to be able to have a nap in the clouds like her pegasus sister... That kinda sounds like the stupid stuff they always have printed on the front of the blindbag cards. Drew up something pretty quick. I used a random sleeping pony vector as a ref. Oh well. I was just making a desktop wallpaper for myself.
  16. Simply lovely as always. I love the facial expressions and how the movements look so fluid. But as a bit of friendly critique I would say that the wings in the second picture should be bigger, especially with the realistic style you have going on. But if you want to leave them rather small, as the show has them, it would be fine as well. Still can't wait to see more. :3 Your art is fasinating.
  17. Pixie sat in awe of how rude the headmaster was acting towards his students. Even though she was an earth pony she found it unacceptable that he looked down upon others, especially since her sister was a pegasus. She didn't particularly want to say anything about it though, what if he kicked her out of his school? It wasn't a good school at all, but it was all her farm family could afford. She couldn't handle the idea of her returning home without any schooling, so she just kept to herself.
  18. @, "Oh yeah, I guess any of us could do that." She giggled. "Also, you live in Ponyville? I have a cousin that lives there. It's such a nice quiet place." Pixie said looking to the center of the sports hall. "I really hope this thing starts soon, I wanna go check out the campus."
  19. @, "Oh yeaaaah... " She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. " So what do you think this assembly is about?" Pixie asked Blast, looking out at the rather dull sports hall. There was hardly anything in there except for the bleachers everypony was sitting on. She noticed how awkward she was sounding and gave a quirky smile.
  20. @, She saw the colt stumble out of the bathroom and greet her. "Hi Blast, I guess you could call me Pix." She giggled. "Are you ok? You don't look all too good." She looked a bit confused, mostly since it was only the first day after all, too early in her opinion to be drunk. Maybe he is just sick, dude...that really sucks.
  21. Pixie Dust watched the small group of ponies from afar. She felt extremely awkward sitting by herself. She took a deep sigh and scooted a bit closer to all of the ponies. "Uh hi." She said, kicking her hoof. "So what's cool to do around here, anypony know?" She smiled awkwardly.
  22. @@Noble, Pixie's ears perked up as she heard her name. She wasn't a pony known to be shy, but in a place like this, she surely didn't feel as bubbly as normal. She just shrugged it off and sat in the corner. Meh. She silently wished that the darn assembly could start so she could go explore and maybe set up a prank... ((Thanks Noble, This is going to be soooo awesome! ))
  23. Pixie walked down the long corridor and looked at all of the rooms. Even if this college wasn't the best or even the biggest, it was still a much larger building than she was used to. She looked at the room number that was given to her and back to a number printed on the wall. 'Well, this must be it.' She hesitated for a moment and then pushed the door aside. Empty, save for a couple beds and a desk. Shouldn't my roommate be in here? Pixie wondered dropping her saddlebag beside the desk. Maybe... MAYBE I'M MISSING SOMETHING IMPORTANT! The earth pony mare panicked. She couldn't just miss out on something on her first day here. She burst out of her room, forgetting to even close the door. Then she heard the loudspeakers. She immediately calmed down, and hoped no one witnessed her outburst. Pixie nonchalantly walked the halls and finally made her way to the sports hall. Perfect.
  24. Thank you~ But I'm not quite sure what you mean by her eye blending in with her mane. Is it because it is the same color? Yeah, I did realize her one leg looked a bit out of shape, maybe later I'll look at a ref to see where I went wrong. I have had this OC for a long while now and I think changing her mane now might be a bit too late. And I do need to create better backgrounds, mine always seem pretty bland. I'll try to do better next time I draw something.
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