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Everything posted by Bronyette

  1. Thank you so much, it's perfect! I love it sooooo much~ Also if you do think of something please PM me, along with the fact you vectored my OC, especially if you change usernames. I'll be really happy to draw it for you.
  2. Ooh, your art is cute! I can see you have a lot to learn, but that is the fun of drawing. :3 I have a program to suggest; it is called ArtRage. You can get a free demo of it on their website. It has a smoothing feature so it makes the lines crisp and clean. But if you like this program, you can use it as well.
  3. Aww. Thank you very much, you can do whatever pose you want though. It really doesn't matter to me. Also would you like some art in return? I can draw a whole lot of things, but I'm much better at just head poses and such.
  4. Wow, how nice. You sure are good at drawing. Maybe it's just me but it looks like her right front leg is coming out of her neck a bit. But really good job regardless and plus she is an adorable oc.
  5. Hmmm... maybe Edit: Ninja'd but comment still applies
  6. 6/10 I can't read what it says... but I have horrible eyesight.
  7. Bronyette

    request shop Tiny Pixel Badges

    I was wondering if anyone would want me to make them pixel badges. :3 They look like this! I'm not sure what you could use them for. They are too small to be signatures... maybe you could put them on your profile page? ---------------------------------------------- Fill out the form to get one! ---------------- Colors (2): What you want it to say?: --------------------------------------------- I'll will brohoof you when they are done, they will be posted below. Sorry for the wait D: Made Badges:
  8. Yeah but he was behind closed doors and I would had to have burst in and make a scene. Plus I'm sure he is a teacher for the college. Also it was my first day and I'm painfully shy.
  9. I hope this is open since it is a new day. But if not disregard this post. Pony: Type: (answer with a number, 1-5.) 5 please Species: (Pegasus, unicorn, or earth pony.) Earth pony Keyword: (Look above, it's so I know you read the entire thread.) crochet! Your art is pretty darn cute! Thanks.
  10. Hello and welcome to my thread! I was really hoping someone could make me a vector of my character Pixie. If you are willing to help me out I'll give you out a free digital art drawing. Here is a reference of my art skills and the character I want vectored: I would want a pose much like this: http://stargazeschrecken1.deviantart.com/art/MLP-FiM-Female-Adult-Pony-Base-Example-362297244 Thank you!
  11. 9/10 I keep seeing you more and more it seems.
  12. AWESOME! A sushi plate would be very awesome, since I love sushi. Would you like to see the pony that I want on the plate now or later? :3 I can't say thank you enough.
  13. Pixie looked back at her pegasus friend. " Oh her? She was feeling faint so I offered to help her to her room, but she doesn't seem to know where it is." She said, looking down the rather large corridor. "At this rate I'm not sure we will find it soon... But sure, I'll sign it when I have less luggage and more time." She giggled awkwardly, looking down to the floor.
  14. "Wow, I'm not too sure where your room is." Pixie said, carrying the pegasus down the dorm hallway. "Do you know who you room with?" She asked, flicking her ear. "I'm sure once you are alone you could calm down a bit, seeing as the crowd earlier made you pretty upset." Pixie looked and smiled to Cheerilee to make sure she didn't feel left out. ((Mobile once again, will brohoof instead of mention.))
  15. Well, I'm a girl for one. I'm very skinny and active, and I would say I'm decently attractive. Not drop dead beautiful, but I do get my fair share of looks. X3
  16. Oh, man. I'm so rusty in HTML. Whenever I think of ending a statement I think of <endrant> instead of the correct way. Simple mistake. XD thanks for correcting me though. Sadly this is not always true. I was made fun of in high school for a long time because I liked D&D and Magic. So not always is it 'cool' to like guy things, only if said guy things were 'cool' beforehand.
  17. I can't believe people still are so judgemental of people who aren't completely conformant of 'gender roles' or 'society'. I don't understand why he thought that we were bad, was it his business what people do in their spare time. Plus I think he was trying to mock a physically disabled kid by saying he said he was a brony and made him out to be a stereotype.
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