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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Orca

  1. Eh, depending on the size of the wings I could see them being caught on things and being damaged very easily. I don't think that would be worth it, if you couldn't even use them for anything.
  2. My favorite background pony would have to be Vinyl, I really like her color scheme and mane style. It's a shame she's only showed up a couple times.
  3. I think my favorite genre of music would have to be symphonic metal, however I enjoy and listen to many different kinds of music. Some of my favorite bands are Nightwish, Delain, Nemesea, and Chevelle.
  4. Heh.. Yeah, we need to try that again for the season 4 premiere. I've only managed to watch about 10 episodes at one time, before I have to take a break or I get distracted and go play games.
  5. Remember the age spell from Magic Duel? I wonder if Twilight could cast that on her friends/family if she needed to, now that she's (I'm assuming) the highest level unicorn.
  6. I've played about 2500 matches of League of Legends. On average, each match lasts about 35 minutes. 2500 x 35 / 60 = 1458 hours approx. Steam games: Garry's Mod - 250 Hours Grand Theft Auto 4 - 176 Hours Saint's Row: The Third - 108 Hours Spiral Knights - 184 Hours Hat collection simulator (Team Fortress 2) - 193 Hours Also countless hours on Minecraft. I have a lot of spare time..
  7. This image sums up my thoughts on Equestria Girls so well - http://i.imgur.com/euF8fsE.png

    1. MrL0LZ
    2. ~Butter and Rose~

      ~Butter and Rose~

      Butter Bean weally doesn't see what is so bad about the upcoming show...

  8. If there's one thing I've learned after having tons of shots and having blood drawn quite often, it's that thinking about it makes it worse. If you just stay relaxed and try not to think about it, it'll be over before you know it. Whenever I have to get a shot or have blood drawn, I usually watch the needle go in so I know when I can expect some pain, but after that it gets better.
  9. I don't feel like my personality changes between the internet and real life, but there are a couple differences in how I communicate. On the internet, I can express myself and my thoughts more clearly than in real life, as I have time to plan my responses and make sure what I'm saying makes sense. The only other difference I can think of is that I'm a lot more quiet in real life than I am on the internet. I'm not particularly shy, I just prefer to be silent.
  10. Sleep paralysis isn't fun

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      No, it's not. Fortunately I don't have that problem often.

  11. If they're going to be like that, leave them in their ignorance. It's no use to try to reason with people like that. I don't really care if people say things like that; if they're too close-minded to try something different, it's their loss.
  12. I tend to save all of the money I get until I need something, or find something I want to spend it on. Then I usually spend it all at once.
  13. I've been fortunate when it comes to not getting injuries, however recently I've had a couple ones. I was cooking dinner a couple weeks ago, making homemade fries and cooking hamburgers. All was going well, until the moment I put my arm over the fries to take them out of the grease with tongs. There was a loud "pop," and extremely hot grease managed to get all over on the back of my hand. Luckily, I only sustained 2nd degree burns, but it still hurt for weeks after. The second one I got while chopping vegetables. I think you can guess how that went. I missed the food, and hit my finger instead. There was some blood, but nothing major. The moral of the story: novice cooking is dangerous business.
  14. I made mine five or six years ago while signing up for a game. I had recently returned from Seaworld, so I decided to go with orca, another name for killer whale, and just stuck with it.
  15. I've been on Disney Cruise Lines twice, and absolutely loved it each time. The rocking of the boat at night helps me fall asleep, and there's so much to do during the day. Excellent dining, fun activities, not much of a crowd, and getting to see the world at the same time. I would do it again in an instant.
  16. I really enjoyed this episode. Spectacular visuals, all of the music was superb, and the story was great. The first 12 minutes or so felt a bit rushed, but the part where Twilight and Celestia are in the space looking place was beautiful in every way!
  17. I like Mountain Dew, but root beer is probably my favorite. Dropping a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream in to make a root beer float is delicious.
  18. I shower three or more times a day, usually. One for cleaning in the morning, and the rest just relaxing and contemplating the day.
  19. My friend SCS showed me this forum yesterday, and I'm super excited to be here. I'm 14 years old, and got into the show during the summer of 2012. Hopefully I can be active on this forum as much as I want to be, it seems really nice here.
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