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Orablanco Account

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Everything posted by Orablanco Account

  1. They've finally cancelled American Idol. About dang time.

  2. I used to think it was around three or so years, with Season 3 & 4 roughly happening in the span of one. I think the Summer Sun Celebration happens in the first half of the season, so Season 4 could conceivably happen between then and the following fall And then "first winter together" comes along and suggests that even more crap happened in that same year, up to and including the royal wedding. And if one includes the comics in that continuity, then one will go mad. I still say around three years or so, but that last one was one eventful year.
  3. Probably for the same reason anyone of considerable position goes to any event that annoys them: it comes with the job. Twilight definitely has to go now, and her friends are probably along for the ride. Maybe they think it won't be so bad this time if they stick together like they should have last time. Synopsis sez: "After finding out that Fluttershy is taking a new friend to the Grand Galloping Gala instead of him, Discord goes to extreme lengths to show that it doesn't bother him." Discord is just doing because Discord.
  4. We're only mainstream in the fact that most have probably heard of us weirdos in passing at some point. Otherwise, nope. Maybe that changes a bit with the movie in 2017, but who knows.
  5. Today's episode was great. I especially loved the part where Celestia expounded the virtues of God and shot her nose off. Emmys all around.

    1. Cwanky


      There was an episode today?

    2. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account



      I'm just being absurd.

    3. Cwanky


      Yea Celestia having an actual speaking role. That will be the day.

  6. I recently rediscovered I suck at poetry.

    1. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Haha, well, as with most skills, practice makes perfect :)

    2. Monsoon


      I suck at everything to do with poetry XD

    3. Cwanky


      let your mind wander and open your heart. If all else fails, get drunk or high. It worked for the Beatles and a lot of rock bands and writers

  7. They've redesigned the Hamburglar, and it's worst than whatever you're thinking he looks like. http://www.toplessrobot.com/2015/05/sweet_mayor_mccheesus_wtf_has_mcdonalds_done_to_th.php

    1. Fhaolan


      I.... what?

  8. Happy May the 4th. I'd use a Star Wars avatar, but I'm too lazy to change it.

  9. The first image from the Suicide Squad movie, staring Harley Quinn. Killer Croc looks like a goomba, but otherwise looks alright. http://www.toplessrobot.com/2015/05/your_full_suicide_squad_will_smith_margot_robbie.php

  10. Meh. They're not for me, but I don't hate them. They're intentionally silly and kind of lame, so I don't think they're worth the energy to hate them outside of its overexposure in the popular culture, but that's long past. It's actually kind of fun to go back and watch how those movies pandered to my generation's idea of "cool" and "fabulous." It's pretty hilarious. Anyway, good as time as any to inquire into this, but has anyone else found that all of Troy's friends are assholes? And I just don't mean the basketball team in the first one; I mean everyone. They make him feel bad whenever they step outside they want him to do. "Oh, you want to skip our after-work baseball game so you can talk to colleges and secure a future for yourself?! Well, screw you too, we'll just make you feel alienated and make you feel like you've been replaced with some other guy!" Actually, I take it back. The second one at the country club is pretty actively obnoxious.
  11. Saw Age of Ultron. It was okay. Ultron is a dork.

    1. Megas


      I actually kinda liked Dork Ultron

  12. Moral of the story: If everyone is constantly laughing at you and decide to make you a criminal, it's your fault for just not getting with the program.

  13. Stop using the term "filler episode." It sells every episode that isn't a two-parter short and it comes off as an excuse for shoddier quality.

  14. That was a dumb episode.

    1. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash

      Just like the last two.


      In my opinion.

  15. Who's ready for some good ol' fashioned, grade-school vigilantism?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      What's a mob to a king?


      What's a king to a god?


      What's a god to a alicorn princess?


      What's an alicorn princess to a non-brony?!

    3. Edgeworth1001


      A alicorn to a non-brony is a toy by Hasbro

    4. Orablanco Account
  16. Can't see Age of Ultron till Sunday. Dammit.

  17. I've thought long and hard about it and I've chosen to ignore the "first winter together" line forever.

    1. GenderIsAnIllusion


      my theory is that may the best pet wins happened after winter wrap up and Hearts Warmings Eve episodes.

    2. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      Still means the royal wedding, the Crystal Empire, alicornification, the two separate trips to Canterlot High, the initiation, build-up, and playing of the Equestrian Games, and all that business with the keys and Tirek happened within a 9 month time span.


      No vacations for anyone.

  18. That awkward moment when you live in Baltimore at this exact moment in history.

    1. Megas


      Stay safe man, it looks crazy over there

    2. Cwanky


      Not too long ago the Washington Wizards were called the Washington Bullets

    3. Thunderchild


      They don't call it 'Bodymore, Murdaland' for nothing.

  19. That's it, Disney Channel: you are banned from loooking at DeviantArt and FanFiction.net

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cwanky


      damnit that linked me to a malware the 1st time. Also you probably won't want to look up Sensi Pearl then.

    3. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      People in the comments are already shipping the characters.


      Freaking people.

    4. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      *googles Sensi Pearl*


      Well, at least she isn't making me contemplate who the hell had a kid with Jafar.

  20. Happy 75th, Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time. In my opinion. Which is totally correct. Fight me.

  21. I'm calling it: people are gonna use this episode as fuel to hate on Rainbow Dash more.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      I can see it now. "ZOMG RD IS STUPID AND INCONSIDERATE!"

    3. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      "She's an industrial terrorist!"

    4. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~



      hey, somepony need to stay positive XD

  22. When the writers remember that Ashleigh Ball is a singer...

    1. Batbrony


      I actually really love the new look. I'm glad that they're not just copy-pasting Ledger's look, and that it looks like he jumped from the pages of a comic book.

  23. Oh yeah, Tank episode tomorrow. Sounds fun.

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