I've come to the point in life where my dark side is a multitude of different personas, with around 6 current stages. Three of them currently are there own beings and identities, like tulpae.
Note: Though some things written here are questionable, I have the common sense to not act on any of them. I enjoy my clean record and enjoy not having any beefs with anyone. I'm incredibly resilient and these sides rarely come out due to the amount of stuff I'm able to tolerate and stand up to. Something I'm quite proud of~
The first is a common side that many people have. Simple annoyances, either at work or home cause irritation and various levels of cussing beneath the breath. Nothing really much to say here beyond that, especially since I rarely stop at this stage.
Stage 2: Twyst
This side of me has been around for my entire life. When not annoyed he is my defense mechanism for a wide variety of things. But when things start falling downhill in ways that are just plain stupid, his mind becomes prevalent and starts conducting things the way things need to be. Overall description? Shut the buck up, sit the buck down, and listen. Most of the time things work themselves out and never progress above this stage. Which is a good thing
Stage 3: Isra
Okay now I'm just straight out irritated. Wide grins, higher pitched voice, and the urge to slash most people who give me the smallest grief. Isra doesn't take anything with a grain of salt. Don't piss her off, don't do anything that can be interpreted as a possible attack. Anger isn't all that apparent in this stage and is gearing more towards sadistic values. This stage typically occurs at work (I currently work at a customer service place, so this is incredible understandable if you've worked in a similar position ;3). Cools over time, though also comes with higher toned giggling and laughing that seems to have no reason.
Stage 4: Yamera
I'm nearing a breaking point. Normally I'll stare at the screen and continue on without the faintest idea of what's going on beyond what has set me off. It's at this stage that a mask can be physically felt over my eye, even to the point of me feeling like I can't see out of it and my vision is only coming from my left eye. Not actively seeking activity or anything but don't try and get cool to me, I'll see through it all and cut you down to size for no reason other than I feel like it. Sadism is my main lust as well as masochism. I simply seek "fun". Voice fluctuations, between high and incredibly low occur depending on the flow of the mood. Desires to break things are there but mainly punches against firm things occur (this is why my middle knuckle on my right hand is permanently discoloured/bruised and the muscle comes off the bone when pulled.).
Stage 5: Unbridled
For the sake of safety, the contents of this part will be in the spoiler. Note that this has only been achieved once and the circumstances were incredibly high valued to my ability to stay stable.
These are my dark sides c:
There's a lot more than what is written here but I can never write out how my self reacts to things properly. Usually, experience is the best way to learn, but as some of my friends would agree, you don't want to learn about these beings through experience.