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Sweet Dreams

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Everything posted by Sweet Dreams

  1. I'm a pegasister, but I don't mind being called a brony at all. Actually, I prefer being called a brony. I think it sounds way cooler. I have nothing against people who want to be called pegasisters, though. I usually say 'pegasister' first when addressing other female fans just to be safe. /)
  2. I didn't read all your text either, but I saw a derp Scootaloo so that's enough for me. 8/10
  3. Yeah, I noticed that too. I'm pretty sure that, as others have said, it was just because the same character model was used. Oh animators. U so silly.
  4. I don't consider anything outside of the show cannon. I only think that things that are in the show itself are really "cannon" but I'm not very knowledgeable on this, so correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. Yeah, there are a lot of Trixie haters around, huh? I personally don't mind her, I mean I like her, but I'm not a huge fan. The only thing I can relate to her about is her distrust of wheels...
  6. The only one of the Spike episodes I thought was really good was Secret of my Excess. The rest of them I find kind of average; I don't hate them, I don't love them. Just somewhere in between. I have nothing against Spike as a character, though, I think he can be almost as funny as Pinkie Pie at times. And he's had plenty of character development.
  7. I'd love the show to touch more on this, but I don't think it will happen. It's just a little mature of a subject to be talking about for a show with such a young audience. Sure, we're part of that audience too, but this show is not directed purely to us. So, I'm pretty sure they couldn't do that.
  8. I'd like it better if they didn't, actually. Sure, I wouldn't mind if one or two more are redeemed, but I don't want them to change any more than that. Also, unlike some, I don't really see how a Queen Chrysalis redemption would work. I mean, she feeds off love. Even if she wanted to be redeemed, she needs to feed off of love to survive, and this would just make everypony else weak. I dunno, that's just my opinion
  9. I wanna see some Luna and Celestia sister love. I'd like to see them being playful and stuff together, it would be adorable Or something along the lines of what a regular day would be like for the Royal Sisters. That's be pretty cool too. AND I WANNA SEE LUNA'S TRANSFORMATION TO NIGHTMARE MOON! It'd be nice to see some more history on that, we only got a storybook telling of it.
  10. Slavery? OH! Do you mean in The Crystal Empire? Okay, I get it now Anyway, OT, I definitely wouldn't mind a change in rating for MLP. Some more mature scenes would be wonderful. As long as they stick to the main theme of the show.
  11. Wow... I wanna give you a hug now. Sad, deep, and incredibly touching. Good luck with your new life, may happiness be with you the whole way through.
  12. ERMAHGAWD THEY'RE SO FWIGGIN KAYOOT!! *ahem* Those are really good! I love pixel ponies! Keep up the good work! I'd love to see some more of these! /)
  13. Heated feelings All a waste Targeting others Enjoying bad taste, Revolting ways Sarcastic haze Bringing kindness Revealing light On the prospect of tolerance, we will fight No hateful words In flame wars tonight Enjoy the company with So much delight! Alright, so maybe I copied the first one off the internet, but the second one I just made up, so. Yeah. Point is, we're having way more fun than they are. Let them be that way, just Love and Tolerate and have fun with your fellow bronies! /)
  14. People don't really expect me to swear. I'm usually quite the shy and introverted person, so when I meet new friends they find it a shocker when I swear. And I swear often. Another one would be basketball. I love basketball, and I'm quite the good shooter, too. But I don't really come off as an athletic person. So when I'm shooting with a few friends, they usually gape when I get the ball in from far away. Just over a third of a court is the furthest I can shoot from and get the ball in. And that's pretty good for a girl my age. XD Another thing, my self esteem. Most people expect me to have low self esteem or something because of how shy I am, but I have a healthier ego than half my friends. XD You could probably tell by now, but anyway. You have a Scootalove sweatshirt? Anyway, I can relate to the diverse taste in music and literature. I listen to music from pretty much all genres, which comes as a surprise to lots of people. Not to mention books. XD
  15. 7/10 Special K cereal with forest berries.
  16. Cutest as a filly: 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Applejack 3. Pinkie Pie 4. Twilight 5. Rarity 6. Fluttershy (She wasn't cute, imo) COME AT ME, FILLYSHY FANS!
  17. I think for me it would be photography. Although I enjoy drawing also. Time for some shameless self promotion! http://mlpforums.com/topic/57131-pinkie-pie/#entry1368540 http://mlpforums.com/topic/56840-watercolour-fluttershy/#entry1360632 And using watercolours on my drawings is fun too. I still prefer photography, though. Also, just as a random side note, I love how the Pony Personality test describes it: "The art of capturing what's real" Best way to put it. Ever.
  18. Plenty of info, and Fluttershy laughing maniacally. Only thing I'd suggest is making your "bests" titles in bold so that they stand out more. Just in case you don't know what I mean by that, this- Best Mane 6/ overall: Twilight Sparkle. Would be nice Anyway, I'd say a 7.9/10
  19. I KNEW SOMEPONY HAS BEEN TAKING MY CHOCOLATES! And they said I was crazy...
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