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Lord Sprixx

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Everything posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. I CAN Taste the rainbow... Tastes like.... Okay I don't even know what that is!
  2. 8/10 I see those stoner eyes all too often... Wait he's not high? He's possessed? Oh... MY bad!
  3. Lord Sprixx

    gaming RPG talk

    I love castlevania. Granted if you asked me which I prefered I might have to pull the hipster card... lol just kidding, SotN is still probably my favorite because it got me interesting in the franchise to begin with. I was actually thinking of something. Tabletop gaming is included in this right? So I figured I'd give D&D an honorable mention from my previous post. Dungeons and Dragons is one of my favorite RPG's just because of the kind of freedom you have to screw around with characters, that kind of customization. I think of RPG and I keep forgetting about western RPG's Bolders Gate and what have you. They just have so much customization and I can really get behind that kinda stuff, being able to make your character! (That protagonist that you name after yourself, you're the hero!). RPG's are best Games
  4. I swear all the threads I really like move at the speed of potato.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lord Sprixx

      Lord Sprixx

      Thank you Fire_Fly, that made my night. Thanks xD

    3. dar tunsh

      dar tunsh

      Yeah, bored outa my skull.

      I didn't look at the RP stuff before either, but after I made my OC I started thinking like what kind of combat powers he could have. Then I came up with the power to create things from what I drew, and a little back story to that power. It went on from there...

    4. Fire_Fly


      Happy to help! XD

  5. 8/10 as per standard. I keep coming on to do these just after you everytime!
  6. Can't say that I have. TPAM has played LoL with me before.
  7. Welcome to the forums my good sir! Something tells me you'll be able to fit in quite well around these parts. Why? Because everyone fits in . Have fun!
  8. Welcome to the forums! I am sure you're going to have a great time here! You have made the right decision this evening!
  9. Well this is one shitty morning, cat vomits in my room, wakes me up, then I vomit! I feel crappy. Something tells me I'll be home all day.

    1. Crazy Misty

      Crazy Misty

      Aww, that sucks ._.

    2.  spas-ticShotty


      Chain reaction :/

  10. Ra... something. Can't remember starts with an R. Rabit or something silly. I saw this on tv before like a few days ago. Coke or Pepsi.
  11. Uhh... 7/10? I think? Purple... Yes, purple.
  12. Known for being some flavor of Squirrely Luna fan.
  13. Achievement unlocked: The Medal. Witness Lord Sprixx call TheBrokenToast's post like a boss! Alternate achievement Achievement unlocked: MALzahard Make me hard struck to make a creative achievement for you, so I made a LoL reference instead xD
  14. Fal.... Okay true, Can you hit youself anyway? I think it'd be fun TPAM IS going to be a fractured bread (if I call this one I deserve a medal!)
  15. It's so true! TPAM will most likely be ninja'd, I have a rep for that kinda thing!
  16. Well if you say so... TPAM has me on their Skype.
  17. Should have been ice cream cake for the obvious pun! Also, what's the occation? Make it yourself or buy it? Is it REAL sugar cream icing?! It's cool though, Actually... I'm rather hungry now, wonder if I have any cake here. Well some of my questions were answered while I was coming up with them xD
  18. This may require some explaining. First of all I took this with a crappy webcam so you know, quality isn't everything. Now the two games I am holding, Parasite Eve, my favorite PS1 game I'd say, and Final Fantasy 7 (The first one I grabbed, my favorite is 9 xD). The thing on the right for all you kids out there is a Super Nintendo controller, I wanted to take a shot of the whole system but It's set up on an old tv and there is a load of stuff in the way so I figgured the controller would do, still play some Mario and Zelda: Link to the Past from time to time. Lastly is the hat on my head, anyone who know's me, know's that I love that hat! I had it custom made for a my xbox clan way back when (didn't go anywhere) and I just kept it because, well it's awesome! I also blocked my face because I am a mess right now! I'll add a pic of my keyboard later xD. My childhood ladies and gentlemen!
  19. 10/10. Just a little scary though xD, love it!
  20. Known for pointing out the obvious! just kidding I post a lot on these forum games, I can't find enough threads normally to satisfy my hunger for talking!
  21. Lord Sprixx

    gaming RPG talk

    Your favorite RPG series? Tie: Final Fantasy (1-10 excluding 2, the one with Furion) and Breath of Fire(1-5) Your favorite RPG? (If different from above) Single RPG: Parasite Eve. Your favorite ability system? Most of the early Final Fantasy games.. Best characters iyo? Most of the Breath of Fire 3 cast, Zidane, and "The protagonist" (Those silent hero's that we all love to name after ourselves ) Favorite sequences/bosses? (Keep these in spoilers for those who don't wish to see it please!) Favorite RPG setting? Preferred encounter type? (Visible or random or other?) RANDOM All The- *Random encounter* GOD DAMMIT! Still love em Do you like RPGs that are traditional more or ones that are unique in some way? I am partial to the older styler of RPG's however a game willing to explore it's limits earns my respect (I love Persona) RPG series you would recommend to anyone? Breath of Fire, Persona (Shin Megami Tensei) Favorite RPG soundtracks or songs? Do you prefer battle themes or immersive town themes, etc.? I love a well put together immersive theme that fits the area well but I mean a battle theme really sets a tone for the game! Example (And my absolute favorite, I post this when I can but it's SOOO good!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcvvNO4v5eY Composed by: Yoko Shimomura Known for her work on the kingdom Hearts soundtrack! Now when it comes to my favorite background, ambient music, I'd have to say: FF7's world map 2 theme [media=]http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAReag1yzEY[/media]
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