This may require some explaining. First of all I took this with a crappy webcam so you know, quality isn't everything. Now the two games I am holding, Parasite Eve, my favorite PS1 game I'd say, and Final Fantasy 7 (The first one I grabbed, my favorite is 9 xD). The thing on the right for all you kids out there is a Super Nintendo controller, I wanted to take a shot of the whole system but It's set up on an old tv and there is a load of stuff in the way so I figgured the controller would do, still play some Mario and Zelda: Link to the Past from time to time. Lastly is the hat on my head, anyone who know's me, know's that I love that hat! I had it custom made for a my xbox clan way back when (didn't go anywhere) and I just kept it because, well it's awesome! I also blocked my face because I am a mess right now! I'll add a pic of my keyboard later xD.
My childhood ladies and gentlemen!