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Everything posted by --Thunder Bolt--
I'm going to go with the "whole theme park" idea. Equestria in the show is already set up like a theme park. So here's how mine would work: Ponies: The ponies are not people in costumes. They are autonomous robots able to move freely around the park, not bolted down in a location, and built to scale. Approximately 4 feet high for average ponies, less for fillies, more for the alicorns. They are designed to be able to recharge inductively through their hooves. When a robot starts to run low on charge, its pilot can take it to a "ponies-only area" (there will be one or more human attendants nearby to prevent visitors from following the pony) where it enters a building, and an artful little door closes behind it. Inside is a charging station (or set of charging stations) with induction coils built under the floor. The pony-bot stands on the station, which begins charging the robot's batteries. If the robot is a background pony, the pilot will switch to another background pony that's fully charged, and exit the charging station via another door. If it's a Mane 6 pony, there will be more than one robot of its type per park section so that it will always be fairly easy for kids and bronies to meet and get their pictures taken with a Mane 6 pony. Each robot has a vocoder that "translates" the pilot's voice into a show-accurate (or as close to that as possible) sound of the pony's voice. If digital transformation of the pilot's voice wouldn't work, this could probably be done by having the show's voice actresses record a lot of words and lines in different expressions, then use speech-recognition software to replace the pilot's words with recorded words from the VA. There would probably be a lot of "set phrases" (things the robot character would need to say over and over again) that could be triggered by speech recognition or a set of function keys. Under normal circumstances, the robots would be directly piloted by humans, but they would have a full suite of sensors and advanced navigation software, and body sensors (similar to those on the new Baxter industrial robot) so that the pony-bot could avoid collisions with people (even when the pilot can't see them). In the event of a loss of the pilot control signal, a pony-bot will say something like "Oooh, excuse me, I'm tired, I gotta go take a nap!" (with a nice animatronic yawn), and head for the nearest charging station. If it's surrounded by people, it will continue to yawn and act sleepy while transmitting an emergency signal. If necessary, it will "fall asleep" right where it is until a human attendant can come to pick it up. A similar subroutine would be activated if a pony-bot got knocked over (and it wasn't possible to design them with the ability to get back up). They would have gyros to enhance stability. In areas without direct guest interaction (such as scenes visited on rides) pony-bots would be autonomous most/all of the time and programmed with a number of different things to do in the scene so that it would be unlikely for riders to see a pony doing the same thing twice on repeat rides. Speech-recognition software could be incorporated so that if someone on a ride calls out to the Lyra-bot, she could recognize her name, look in their direction, and wave a hoof. Naturally, the pony bots would be designed to be huggable, with their robotic "skeletons" enclosed in foam of "realistic" texture, and coated in some soft fabric with germ-resistant coatings. They would also have multiple redundant tracking chips and whatever other anti-theft devices would be practical. Some of this tech may be in advance of what we have now, but since it would take years to get financing, building permits, approval contracts from Hasbro, etc., and get the park itself built, it would probably be on hand by the time construction of the pony-bots begins. The Japanese are already doing pretty good with android robots these days. Locations: The Ponification Chamber: Somewhere near the entrance of the park, guests would have the option of being "ponified." They would step into a surround-screen chamber where they would be scanned into the system. An animated Princess Celestia would appear, welcoming them to the park. Sofware would generate a ponysona based on their appearance (build, hair and eye color, clothing style if possible). They would then have some simple options to modify it, something like a 3D version of Pony Creator, probably with a time limit or something. Or, once they were scanned, they'd step out of the chamber, but could download a mobile app that would let them take their time tweaking their ponysona's appearance. They could then place an order for a 3D-printed version of their ponysona in a range of sizes and poses, or a plushie (this would probably take longer, maybe be shipped to them). At various places in the park (see The Sonic Rainboom below), they could "become" their ponysona. Pinkie's Party Playhouse: This would be a bigger, souped-up version of a bounce castle with the pit of balls to jump into, etc., slides and so forth. There would always be a Pinkie bot on hand to welcome kids and their parents. Fluttershy's Petting Zoo: Fairly straightforward, though it could also include some robotic fantasy creatures. And of course there would be a Fluttershy there. This area might also include a nature garden people could walk through for a relaxing break from the more high-energy amusement park atmosphere. There might also be something like a pet supply and/or "nature" store, where guests could buy pet supplies, pet-care books, books of nature pictures, packets of flower seeds, environmental stuff, and the like. Sweet Apple Acres: This would be an outdoor slow ride. The ride cars would be wagons, or designed to look like them, for a hayride ambiance. They might even be "pulled" by ponies (in reality, they'd be self-propelled or powered by a track or underground cable). The wagons take passengers through the orchards, where they see Applejack, Applebloom, and Big Mac bucking apples. A pony-bot trots up to a tree and steps into place. Clamps concealed from view by "grass" seize the robot's front legs and hold it secure so that the robot can "buck" and kick the tree. The tree is animatronic, and shakes. Apples are threaded over thin, transparent wires that lead to the buckets underneath the tree, so that they can "fall" and land inside. Then the riders approach a "cave" built into a mountain, or a "forest." Here, the ride transitions to an interior "darkride," where riders are transported into Granny Smith's memories, and experience a zap-apple harvest. The interior is lit only with argon lamps (IIRC). There's an exhibit in the Exploratorium in San Francisco with this kind of lighting. It "turns" everything you see (including yourself) to sepia tones. Accompanied by Granny Smith's narration, riders experience the story of how she learned to grow zap-apples, or maybe an original story about a different harvest so the ride wouldn't be a repeat of the show. The ride then exits into the barn/farmhouse area where an Apple Family Reunion is underway. Here, there are restaurants selling caramel apples, apple fritters, apple pie, apple cider, etc., and some carnival-type amusements, like a dunking booth where you throw apples, a "competition area" for three-legged races etc. (modeled on Sisterhooves Social). There would be souvenir shops, maybe a little "country clothing" store, and a place selling apple-scented candles, recipe books, country decor, and the like. The Carousel Boutique: This would be an actual carousel, very large. Look toward the interior, and you can glimpse Rarity at work through the windows. If possible, the exit queue could be designed with some switchbacks or something, so that you get the illusion of exiting into Rarity's shop, where you can speak to her and Sweetie Belle as you move past (there would be railings and human attendants to keep people from mobbing her). Finally, the exit queue would deposit guests at the entrance to an actual boutique with "Rarity-licensed" clothing designs embroidered with her logo. Twilight's Library: This is a "science shop" and bookstore with science toys, books, stage magic kits and the like. On an upper level inaccessible to guests, a Twilight robot and a Spike move around, talk with guests, and so forth. Each section of the store could have concealed LED lighting systems built into the shelves, so that if someone asks Twilight where to find something, and it's in the store, the robot can light its horn, and the relevant section is also lit up. If possible, some David Copperfield stage-magic stuff could be built into the upper level so that Twilight could be seen to "teleport" from place to place and do other "magic" as she goes about her business. Cloudsdale: This is a "gentle" roller coaster that offers a flying tour of Cloudsdale. There will be some curves, dips and swoops but nothing too scary for younger children. There will be one or more "tracks" built around the coaster itself so that a robotic Rainbow Dash can buzz and swoop around the ride, interacting with guests in each car at some point in the journey. The mechanisms would be as artfully concealed as possible to create the most realistic appearance of RD flying with the riders. Or, there could be areas throughout the ride where high-definition screens are built into the clouds and sky, so that a realistically-animated RD can fly through them. The Sonic Rainboom: This is a thrill ride, an integration of a cutting-edge roller coaster with the latest flight-simulator technology. It would be one of those "under-slung" designs where the guest's legs hang free in the air, but their heads would be enclosed with wrap-around high-definition screens. Rainbow Dash challenges the riders to a race through a set of photo-realistic simulated Equestria environments (e.g. that gorge where she had the pets race, Cloudsdale, maybe some caverns in the Everfree Forest, or through the trees like the speeder-bike scene in Return of the Jedi). If the software is up to the task, each animated RD would be able to interact individually with each rider (talking smack when they do, basking in admiration if they give it, etc.). The riders then get a pegasus-eye view of a stunt race with Rainbow Dash, ending in a towering drop that culminates with the riders experiencing a Sonic Rainboom. If Guests have become Ponified, the simulator would insert the ponysona of the person next to them, with face-recognition scanners reading and interpreting emotions, so that they could interact with each other (as ponies) as they fly. Otherwise, it could insert randomly-created "generic" pegasus ponysonas. There could also be a second coaster intertwined with this one, but without the flight simulator apparatus, so that guests would have the option of a more conventional roller coaster with views of the park. Wonderbolt Academy: This is a sophisticated virtual-reality arcade. Guests slip into waldo sets of different sizes with haptic interfaces and VR helmets, and "become" their ponysona (if they had one made) or a generic pony, if they didn't. If logistically possible, these waldoes would be built into gimbals and suspended with wires, so that the gimbals and wires can simulate their flight (if the player makes a loop, the gimbals spin them end-over-end, etc.). Using the waldoes as a control interface, they can enter a "story mode" game where they try to make it through Wonderbolts Academy, or compete with each other in races and dogfights (think: VR laser tag in the sky). There is also a souvenir shop where you can get a Wonderbolts uniform for your ponysona, WB T-shirts, running outfits, pajamas, uniforms, hats, etc. for yourself, and so on. The games would have various "achievements" and ranking insignia you could earn. After you're done playing, you go and get pins of the ones you've earned. Their price is included in the price to play the games. Celestia's School of Unicorn Magic: This is another VR arcade, but it's oriented toward the mind. Using galvanic skin response, biofeedback technology, and brain sensors, players are taught to do "magic" in a virtual environment by directing their thoughts and emotional levels. For example, they could "levitate" an object by raising their excitement level (breathe faster, think of something exciting), and "lower" it by calming themselves. Various brain-teasers and puzzles would be integrated into a story-mode game where players solve problems and learn techniques to perform "unicorn magic" in a virtual world. Basically, a high-end, extra-sophisticated version of this. As with the Wonderbolt Academy above, players would unlock "achievements" and get "treasures" (say, by opening a puzzle-box with "magic"), which they would receive when they're done playing. Books, puzzles, clothing, games, etc. would also be on sale at the shop. Both of these virtual arcades could also offer "home versions" of their games for sale. These might be MMORPGs, or have an online option. Sugarcube Corner: The world's best pastry, ice cream, and candy shop. Pony-bots of the Cakes and Pinkie Pie would be behind the counter taking orders, which would be fulfilled by human attendants. This would be some distance away from Pinkie's Party Playhouse so that it wouldn't seem too weird to see her again. If possible, stage magic tricks could be built in so that Pinkie could "break physics" from time to time. There would also be a toy store/novelty shop. The Changeling Hive: This would be an imposing "Space Mountain"-like interior roller coaster/darkride designed with alien Changeling architecture. It would be a ride comparable to the Haunted House at Disneyland, with various optical illusions, virtual reality tricks, and animatronics/robot Changelings. At some point in the ride, guests would be confronted with Changelings who turn into them. This would be done using face-recognition software that would scan and create an emulation of each person's face and body (the scanning might take place surreptitiously while guests are in the entrance queue, which would have something like a turnstile to isolate each guest for scanning). High-definition 3D video screens would be subtly built into the environment at some point so that the computer-animated Changelings could appear. This probably wouldn't be too hard, since the whole environment could be built out of translucent dark green glass in twisted curvy structures, lit internally. There would be just enough Uncanny Valley designed into the Changelings-as-guests animations to make it creepy. Then Chrysalis appears and orders her minions to seize the guests, at which point the ride becomes more of a roller coaster/chase, finishing with an escape from the Hive. Discord's House of Chaos: This is a "walk-through" interactive area with optical illusions and other strangeness. This could include some areas like an "odd perspective house" (one of those rooms built with funny angles so that it looks like you grow/shrink as you walk from one end to the other), and things along those lines. Some places could have walking areas and walls of transparent acrylic with high-definition screens behind them, so that you could walk through photo-realistic computer animated environments of houses revolving, herds of long-legged bunnies galloping past and so on, while a computer-animated Discord pops up and chats and taunts. A set of hallways and stairways (acrylic-over-screens) could be designed to create the illusion of an M.C. Escher environment, where you look up or to the side and see other guests (caught by hidden cameras) in other parts of the area walking around upside-down and at otherwise impossible angles. This would also have a novelty/toy/book shop at the exit, with goods emphasizing the weird and bizarre. DJ PON-3's House of Wub: This is a concert area/dance hall for kids, featuring performances by Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Lyra, and song numbers by the Mane 6 (vocals by the show's VA's). Pizza and other fun foods would be served, and there would be plenty of games. Like a really souped-up Chuck-E Cheese with sophisticated robotics for the pony performers. Canterlot Castle: I can't think of anything really cool to do with this at the moment, so maybe it could be used as the entrance. Ponybots of Celestia and Luna, along with some Royal Guards could welcome guests, answer questions, give directions, and so on. I'm not quite sure how to do their manes. Probably sheets of cellophane or Tefzel lit by hidden LED's or lasers, with hidden air jets that keep the sheets in wafting motion. The alicorns would be posed on balconies or otherwise inaccessible to guests (so that nobody would grab their fragile manes), but that fits with their royal stature anyway. The Ponification Chamber could be located here. This could also be where guests come to pick up their 3D printed ponysonas. If automated manufacturing tech is advanced enough by the time the park is built, plushies could also be picked up here. Canterlight High: This is an Equestria Girls-themed area, for tweens and teenagers. It includes shops, restaurants, and entertainments geared to an older audience, like a dance floor/concert hall that could feature live performances by popular bands on special occasions. Cherrilee's Schoolhouse and Playground A model of the Ponyville schoolhouse with a playground. The main attraction of this area is that you can interact with (and for adults, pick up and hug) adorable little fillies and colts. A Cherrilee-bot and human attendants would keep guests from removing a foal-bot from the area. Transportation: Transportation to the park from adjacent big hotels, and from area to area within the park, would be done using a train like the one seen in the show. The train could be supplemented with artfully decorated trolley cars. Once you've bought your entrance ticket, riding the train and trolleys inside the park would be free. Expansion Areas: Assuming the park is successful, expansion areas like the Crystal Empire, Manehattan, and Appaloosa could be added.
I like him. His color scheme is excellent, and I really like the cutie mark design. The only thing about it that might be worth changing would be to make it look more like an F than a P. If that were my artwork, it would have taken me forever to achieve that level of quality, but since it's you, and you can churn out stuff like that pretty quickly and with apparent ease, you might contemplate making him more big and buff like Big Macintosh, since he's a blacksmith. But he looks great as he is. I'm picturing a steel collar, hoof-bracelets, or "arm" cuffs wrought in Viking-style knotwork. Uber-manly, but also shows off his skill and craftsmanship (craftsponyship?). Along the lines of this in terms of design aesthetic and levels of skill and craftsmanship, but (probably) not sword-related. If you're planning to post him to the Character Database (i.e., have more room for writing than that nifty "trading card" style portrayal allows), I think it would be good to see more of his personal back-story in addition to the family back-story given, along with some personality attributes, flaws, quirks, and so on. Anyway, I think he's a great OC, and I'd be delighted to be in an RP with him.
Sunyatay had forgotten to "turn off" her diagnostic spell, so as Repsol talked, she sensed the beginnings of a new headache. And this one was all her fault. "I'm sorry!" she said. "I could try to explain better... But that would probably require magical diagrams and equations to do properly, and it'd just make his headache worse! she thought. "Or maybe you'd like to meet those other two ponies?" she said, nodding her horn toward Minty and Pacific. If he can get into a friendly conversation with them, then I could make some excuse and go without being rude, right? They seem pretty normal...
I think it was Yogi Berra who said "Prediction is hard, especially about the future." But, I'm gonna give it a go anyway. I think the future is going to be complex and multifaceted, like now. IOW, it won't be a shiny techno-paradise with a jetpack in every garage, or an Apocalypse (Zombie or otherwise) with people picking through the ruins for canned food and rags while fighting off Raiders with punk-rocker hairdos. It'll probably be some of both, with a lot of other things besides. There will be both positives and negatives, as always. Major Trends: Here are what I think will be the major trends that will shape the foreseeable future: Decline of Fossil Fuels: Currently, world fossil fuel production is at a "bumpy plateau," unable to continue increasing significantly, but not yet in an irreversible decline. However, in terms of net energy, or EROEI (Energy Return on Energy Invested), we are already past "Peak" oil. At the dawn of the petroleum age, high-quality ("light, sweet") crude oil was easy to get at. It was possible to produce about a hundred barrels of oil while investing the energy-equivalent of about one barrel. That cheap, high-quality oil is running out. Nowadays, the fossil fuel industry is ramping up production of "unconventional" oil (fracking, tar sands). These products are harder to get at, and require more energy to convert into oil. As EROEI drops, oil prices rise, until "demand destruction" (economic downturns, fewer people being able to afford oil) forces them back down again. As time passes, there is less oil available at prices people can afford. A way of life that is built around being able to produce 100 barrels of oil with the energy of 1 barrel of oil cannot work in a world where producers can only put out 5 barrels of oil with the energy input of 1 barrel. For those who predicted lower gas prices...sorry, that is not going to happen. Gas prices will go up and down, but the long-term trend is going to be up. Climate Change: Climate change is already underway, and there is no sign of any efforts of sufficient scale and rapidity to transition away from hydrocarbon energy sources in time to reduce its effects. Positive feedbacks such as methane releases from the arctic, the melting of Siberian permafrost, and loss of ice cover (ice is reflective; once it's gone, the ocean or land it once covered will absorb more sunlight, causing more warming) mean that warming will tend to cause more warming. This, in turn, will cause greater climate instability, with more extreme and less predictable weather. There will be more droughts and floods, causing higher food prices, which will cause political instability, as is currently taking place in the Middle East and North Africa. As ice sheets (such as Greenland) melt, sea levels will rise. Cities holding the lion's share of the human population will have to either build massive--and expensive--levees and sea walls to hold back the water, or abandon some areas and rebuild on higher ground. This, combined with the effects of climate instability on food production will cause large scale migration of "climate refugees." Financial Collapses and Disruptions: The current global capitalistic economic system is predicated on the idea of permanent exponential growth. Investments and loans are made on the premise that there will be more economic activity in the future to provide profits/repay the loans. Without growth, investments and loans (as a whole; particular investments and loans may buck the trend and yield profits while others lose money) cannot provide the promise of more money in the future as a return for money input in the present. It isn't possible to sustain exponential growth (e.g. "GDP growth of 2 percent per year") on a finite planet any more than it is with yeast cells in a petri dish. We have reached a point where limits on the availability of cheap fossil fuel energy and other resources (arable land, topsoil, potable water, phosphorus, "rare earth" metals, etc.) are starting to make continual economic growth impossible. Which means, there will be less and less reason to invest or loan money to fund business operations rather than hoard it or use it to purchase agricultural land. Already, the financial industry has largely abandoned investments and loans for practical things like factories and such for dubious monetary shell-games, to the point that the putative "value" of "derivatives" (credit default swaps and other financial shenanigans) utterly dwarf the real economy of resources, goods, and services. Advancing Automation and Artificial Intelligence: Increasingly capable (and cheaper) robots and artificial intelligence software are undermining the structure of the current economic order, and will probably continue to do so on a larger scale in the future. The current prevailing system defines a person's worth and place in society on "having a job." As robots and computer programs--which can work 24/7/365, never get sick or complain or join unions--are able to perform more and more of the activities humans can do, there will be fewer "jobs" for people to "have." This is especially the case for unskilled labor. Automation wasn't as much of a problem in the past for a number of reasons. Economic growth combined with a strong labor movement and the threat of Communism encouraged industrialists to use machines to increase the productivity of human labor rather than replace it entirely (also, the machines were not versatile and capable enough to do so), so that an unskilled laborer who would have been an impoverished peasant in previous eras could take home enough to support a middle-class standard of living. Since 1973 however, wages for the working class and middle class have stagnated, with the gains from economic growth being captured by the top 1% of income earners. In addition, the new jobs being created by automation aren't for factory workers, they're for highly-trained and skilled computer programmers and technicians. A factory worker, warehouse stocker, grocery store cashier, etc. replaced by a machine can't just go and learn how to build robots or code algorithms for natural language processing. Even if they have the aptitude (no guarantees there), years of very expensive education stand between them and the promise of a job in the "new economy." In addition, resource and energy constraints mean that the rapid economic growth of the past cannot be sustained. On the other hand, automation could make it possible to shorten work-weeks, or provide a "Basic Income Guarantee" that could give people the ability to spend more of their time and energy engaged in creative projects of their own choosing rather than "working at a job." It depends on how we choose to use the robots, and what sort of economic and political structures we set up. Transition to Renewable Energy: As fossil fuels become more expensive and scarce, it will ultimately become necessary for societies to transition to renewable energy sources. Renewables are also becoming cheaper and more efficient. However, renewable energy sources are very different in nature from fossil fuels. Social structures and infrastructure built around the characteristics of fossil fuels will not be suitable for renewable energy, and vice versa. Fossil fuels are easily storable, portable, and extremely energy-dense. Pour a cup of gasoline into an empty gas tank and see how far and fast you can drive the car on it. Now get out and try to push the car that far and fast. Fossil fuels made it possible to build and operate a centralized electrical grid (large power plants provide economics of scale) and a massive transportation infrastructure. 24/7 baseload power and salads whose ingredients traveled as much as 3,000 miles to your dinner table. Renewable energy sources (wind and solar) are diffuse and intermittent. They have to be collected (by windmills and solar panels) over a wide area, and concentrated to useful intensities. The wind does not always blow (and doesn't blow at the same rate when it does), and it's not always sunny (especially at night ). While there are various ways to store renewable energy and use it later, they all involve energy conversion (storage in batteries, molten salt, etc.), and those involve thermodynamic losses. EROEI strikes again. When the whole process of energy generation is factored in (building whatever technologies you use to acquire, store, and transmit the energy, and whatever technologies you need to build those, etc.) nothing comes close to the energy density, storability, and portability of fossil fuels. A civilization built on renewables will have to use much less energy, and use it differently, than the way we use energy now. For example, renewables favor decentralization, in which energy is used close to where it is produced and if possible, when it is produced, to avoid the losses inherent in converting, storing, and transmitting the energy. Intermittency means that any large-scale electrical grid based on renewables has to be "smart" enough to move energy back and forth through a network from many sources to many users rather than just increasing or decreasing the output of a single power plant on demand. Decentralization: Decentralized energy + decentralized information creation and distribution (e.g. the internet, YouTube, etc. in contrast with big book publishers and movie studios) + decentralized manufacturing (3D printers becoming more advanced, able to produce a wider range of products) + decentralized mechanisms for cooperation and perhaps eventually, governance (e.g. web-based systems like Kickstarter and Kiva, crowdsourced information databases like Wikipedia, etc.) + the current dysfunction of national and international political and financial institutions could add up to the breakup of large nation-states into smaller--and more varied--polities. As the mega-scale built environments of the hydrocarbon age (freeway systems, suburbia, etc.) become too expensive to use (due to rising gas prices) and maintain (due to falling government revenues, rising debt, and the need to deal with the effects of climate change), people will need to build new types of infrastructure better suited to the new realities. I think it will most likely take the form of "Traditional Cities" (cities built the way they were before automobiles, with narrow pedestrian streets, buildings side-by-side and up against the street, but hopefully with good plumbing and electricity). Climate change might also spur the development of various kinds of "tech-nomadism," people living on sailboats, floating cities, or all-terrain gypsy wagons that migrate when their portable wind turbines and solar panels collect enough energy to fill the graphene batteries. I think we might see a wider range of technology levels; permaculture communes where people live off of "forest gardens" modeled on natural ecosystems which they tend by hand, not too far away from TechGnostic monasteries where people strive to leave their meat bodies behind in favor of virtual realities. --- Whelp...what was meant to be an introduction has turned into a long treatise in its own right, which is probably gonna be TL;DR'd in favor of everybody else's bullet lists anyway, so I'll stop here for now.
which pony would be the hardest to stop
--Thunder Bolt-- replied to FNGRpony's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I'm gonna go with Pinkie Pie on this one. Twilight's power is quite formidable, but Pinkie's is inexplicable. When Rainbow Dash tries to escape Pinkie, Pinkie is already waiting for her at her destination. She's not merely faster than RD, she's non-local. In the episode where Fluttershy becomes a model (I don't recall the title offhand), Pinkie Pie exhibits a kind of omniscience and omnipresence. Even though the other characters can look around the room and know that Pinkie is somewhere else, they also know that she knows what they're saying and can appear at will ("Forrrreeeeverrrrrr!"). IOW, Pinkie could make a "stealth roll" for an assassination attack--and escape afterward--with surpassing ease. In contrast, Twilight can only project power where she is physically present. She can only see and perceive through her own senses and scientific instruments. Her speed is mediocre, and her teleportation power is limited to a relatively short range. The show presents us with plentiful examples of Twilight's combat ability in action, so we have a pretty good idea of where her limits are. We don't know where Pinkie Pie's limits are, or even if she has any. Example: in The Crystal Empire, Twilight is trapped by a growing wall of crystal and has to send Spike to bring the Crystal Heart. Would Sombra's trap have even slowed Pinkie down, were she in Twilight's place? Or would she have just emerged from out of a potted plant with the Heart, leaving Sombra's trap empty? Feeling Pinkie Keen presents us with the closest thing we have to Twilight and Pinkie being in combat with one another, so it offers us our best canonical demonstration of relative power. Twilight gets punked again, and again, and again. We see her with her limbs in casts and in traction as a result. Then, she's driven to a complete psychological breakdown. Twilight doesn't take a shellacking like that from any of the show's major villains. Yet, as far as we can see, Pinkie isn't even upset with her, much less trying to defeat her. We are simply shown that if you mess with Pinkie Pie, the universe becomes your enemy. This is capped off with a demonstration of Pinkie's sense seemingly yanking Princess Celestia right out of the sky. Though the Pinkie Sense probably doesn't cause the events it detects, and it is not under Pinkie's conscious control, it indicates that Pinkie Pie transcends mere personal power. It's a "Pinkie" Sense, thus apparently metaphysically unique to her (unlike, say, "being psychic"). It appears to be infallible, and operate on a basis of reverse causality (events in the relative future cause Pinkie to twitch in their relative past). In Equestria Girls (non-canonical source, but still...), Pinkie and her counterpart demonstrate complete knowledge of parallel universes they have not visited. Keep in mind that when Celestia sent Twilight through the mirror, she said that Twilight would soon know more about the world on the other side that even she did. Pinkie knew more than Celestia without having to go through the Mirror. Combine this and the Pinkie Sense with her other abilities: Pinkie Pie transcends space and time. When Twilight challenges Pinkie, she is punished severely, with Pinkie herself not needing to lift a hoof, or even think about lifting a hoof. In a nutshell: Pinkie Pie kicks Twilight's ass repeatedly, in the most hardcore fashion (harder than all of the show's villains put together), on such a "meta" level that Pinkie doesn't even have to want to fight, in order to win. -
searching (closed) University of Equestria (Romance/SoL/Drama/Etc.)
--Thunder Bolt-- replied to dedacct6's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Which do you need more, mares or stallions? -
searching Sunrise in Kemare't: A Pony Ancient Egypt RP OOC
--Thunder Bolt-- replied to EP1C N3RD's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Brain Drain, @, @, It looks like this is going to be the new "official" OOC thread for our ancient Egypt RP, since it has the new name. For any new players: I can provide an ancient Egyptian name for your OC to use (no need to change bios of pre-existing characters) and "consult" with you on tweaks to your character back-stories to fit with this RP. -
"Yes, I have eight legs. You got a PROBLEM with that?!"
"I'm sstho embarrathed...my 'ongue ith th'uck 'o thith lolly...heeeeeelllfth!"
"You thought the Reaper was a skeleton in a hooded cloak with a scythe? Yeah, that's totally out of date. Now I'm a giant jet-robot with a filly-cannon. By the way...time's up!"
Jolly Green Giant Uh, lessee, Meadow Rock? Turning Leaf Green Riff Stage Flight Stratocaster Copper Metal (Metal for the rock & roll aspect, Copper because his Feather Star version is roughly copper-colored, and copper tarnishes to green when it's left out in the weather, like the Statue of Liberty. With this name, you could have it in his backstory that his dad wanted him to follow his hoofsteps as a copper miner or copper smith, but he said, "Nooooo...I wanna rock!")
Nah, the anti-brony would probably just go, poke around a little, ask a few questions, then write an article for a conservative "news magazine" about how bronies represent the erosion of Real, True Manliness, and thus, the decline and fall of civilization itself. But that's not very good grist for a comic.
"Yo, I'm DJ P to the O to the N to the E, "Dishin' out the wubs, lemme hear you squee"
"You Equestrian ponies realize that there's no such thing as just one Roman Legionnaire, right? Yeah. You'd better start learning how to say 'Hail Caesar!' instead of 'Sweet Celestia!'"
@@repsol rave, Sunyatay scrambled for words. What'll he do when he finds out what a freak I am? "It's...hard to explain...I don't fully understand the operating principles of it myself. The simplest way to put it is...my 'talent' is to be invisible and incorporeal. I have to concentrate on manifesting physically in order for you to see me at all, and even then, most of the time you...or anypony...would just pass through me. It also makes it harder for me to use magic on anything other than myself. There are...ways I've found to become more real but...it's hard, and it takes time."
Really long legs? Check. Snazzy accessories? Check. Over-the-top mane and tail? Check. Wings? .... AY! WHERE ARE MY GORRAM WINGS?!
Hi there. Awesome Forum banner! I like the way Daring is jumping out into the screen.
open Setting the bow in the clouds
--Thunder Bolt-- replied to Luna Lights's topic in Advanced Roleplays
@, "Awwww, yeah," Thunder Bolt said to himself, spotting a nice, plump thunderhead below. He dove like a falcon, pumping his wings for still more speed. He plunged down at it, wings howling like a dive-bomber. At the last second, he spun in the air, hitting the cloud with his back hooves. He smashed through the center, turning the remnant of the cloud into a roiling smoke-ring. The lightning it held crackled beneath him. "Booyah!" he cried with delight, riding the crackling bolt into a high, sweeping carve. He looped down onto another cloud, glancing off of it into a high 360, following up with an off-axis spin before landing on the next thermal and diving down into a steep descent. He carved in tight S-curves, increasing speed until he started trailing a glowing gold-and-white streak. Finally, he pulled up just before hitting Ponyville's town square, landing on his hooves with a thunderclap and an electric flash. "BAM! Thunder Bolt is in the h--" Somepony thudded into him, knocking him flat. Scrambling to his hooves, Thunder Bolt shook his head to clear the derpy-eyes, then turned to see who'd hit him. It was a little pegasus* whose white coat was smeared with mud and bits of gravel, more mud, and twigs tangled in her mane. "Whoa! You OK there, little Moon? I totally didn't see ya comin'. Sorry for...uh..you know...landing in your runway..." [OOC: *I'm assuming Luna Lights is a pegasus since she's from Cloudsdale. Please correct me if I'm wrong.] -
"Hi. I'm ScootaLou."
"It ain't easy, being green." Ninja'd by the person I was originally gonna caption, before I got ninja'd by two other people while I was writing the following: "I love to read letters from my students telling of their fumbling attempts to learn the things I send them to study. They make marvelous blackmail material."
"The Sun rises and sets by my command. So, what do you do for a living?"
This smug look on my face? Completely justified.
OC Name Suggestions
--Thunder Bolt-- replied to LightsCameraAction's topic in Original Character Help
Hmmm. Goldenshade? CM could be a gold nugget, gold pan with crossed pick and shovel behind it, or something else to do with gold mining. Or she could be a spy (Goldeneye, but with shades). Caramel Mocha (maker of gourmet coffees, owner of Star Bucks, that coffee chain with the Sea Pony logo ) Caramella Chocolat (she makes chocolates and fudge, from Prance or Andalusia)- 10 replies
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