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Victoria and Co.

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Everything posted by Victoria and Co.

  1. Enigma looked up at the alicorn, "Not so fast, who are you?"
  2. "Do you really think the princess would send me here to not try and save her students? How many 'adventures' do you think take place out here?" Enigma shook his head, "Without the sarcasm, yes that is why I'm here, as for her," at this Enigma pointed towards the blue unicorn, "I have - er - no idea..."
  3. Enigma looked the alicorn in the eyes and said, "I am Enigma, and I am on a mission for Princess Celestia. If you wish to oppose me in my quest, I recommend that you are a bit more thoughtful with your cloaking." Enigma turned toward the blue unicorn slowly, "Like I said to the alicorn, if you and I are on the same side, you have nothing to fear." Enigma held his breath and tried not to look worried, if these individuals were in-fact hostile he wasn't sure what he could do to them, he wondered if he could even take on one of them. As he looked back at the alicorn, he prayed they didn't see through his bluff if they were the enemy.
  4. *MasterBall blinks out of existence* *Turns TheGuyWhoReviewGames into a Pokeball* No.
  5. HA! Those simpletons? No, no, no, they've captured what their pathetic minds think is me, but is actually just an data value in a game!
  6. What the hay? Why are people suddenly adding me as contacts on YouTube? What does it even mean? Argh, three people have tried to add me as a contact in the last day! WHAT IS GOING ON?!

    1. Skullbuster


      youtube contacts are useless as far as i know, im not sure what the point of it is

    2. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy

      BECAUSE YOU ARE AWESOME!! And our friend!!

  7. It's actually quite boring, I spend most of my days just floating around, obliterating nonbelievers and such...
  8. Enigma looked around, he knew someone was nearby, smoke didn't just clear itself and there had been no natural breeze, let alone a gust of wind, strong enough to clear the entire cloud. He turned to his left and saw a blue pony walking in the same direction as him. Was it possible this pony had been sent to help as well? Enigma focused his mind and slowed his pace, it would be better to let the blue pony find him if it was hostile. Something was still bothering Enigma, the blue pony was a unicorn, how would a unicorn have cleared the smoke? Enigma assumed the blue pony wasn't behind clearing the air because her cutie mark appeared to by that of one particularly adapt in using Ice Magic, not wind. No, someone-something, else was here. Enigma continued to search, but there was no one to be seen. Fearing the worst, Enigma stopped were he was and sat down. Unblinking he stared straight ahead, determined not to move until the unseen force revealed itself. And then he realized it, the outlines... This blue pony couldn't have been the unicorn he had seen, she was standing in a completely different spot. How could he have so quickly forgotten about them? A grin appeared on Enigma's face as he called out, "You know, alicorn, you'd probably be better at hiding if you didn't announce your presence by flapping your wings everywhere!"
  9. Hello puny mortals, Arceus here. Have you ever had a question for an omnipotent being? Do you want to know details of your future, past, or present? Have you ever wanted to be a different creature, or live in a different place/time? Well, you've come to the right place! I, the powerful Arceus, god of Pokemon, am at your disposal for the next *insert amount of time here* !!! So go foolish humans, ask away!
  10. Cartoon mice are immune to extreme temperatures and, as a matter-of-fact, flourish in warmer ones. As a result, they purposely try and catch their furniture on fire. This sentence is false, correct?
  11. Granted, but I also took the liberty of resurrecting SOPA and passing it. I wish my wish won't get corrupted.
  12. How are you Mentlegen? All your base all belong to us!
  13. It looks like I'm going to be starting college classes over the summer... Let's hope I don't die...

    1. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy

      LOL Sucks for you. I am still in middle school :P

  14. My opinion on Doctors is the same as my opinion on Ponies. I like them all because of the show they are in and they are all awesome themselves, but I have always liked David and Matt best because they were the first Doctors I ever saw.
  15. Hey, hey, happy birthday! Check this out:

    1. Jokuc


      Haha nice video! Thank you :)

  16. Happy birthday to you!

    1. Kodiak


      Loved the video xD And thank you

  17. I love everypony! Although AJ lost some points from me with her "I didn't learn anything" letter. Her little superiority rant just made me angry, mainly because she wasn't right, her family still had lost the rights to sell cider, and she cheated! It was a contest of quantity, not quality! Stupid Apple family... 9 vs 2 and they still managed to lose! -_-
  18. The final boss of the internet is different for everyone. It all depends on which website you visited first, how many places you've been to, and how many hours you've spent online.
  19. >Saw title >Instantly thought of Lavender Town >Started freaking out I am so weird...
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