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Grumpy Enchantress

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Everything posted by Grumpy Enchantress

  1. None of those characters are forced to work against their will. (Except for Sweetie Belle in Sleepless in Ponyville but that's only because Rarity is an abusive sister sometimes and she didn't want to go camping anyway.) Also, you can have a pet that's sort of like family a little bit, that's what Spike is.
  2. Yeah but, he was worried about her so he followed her to try and help her out in the other universe. She still treated him like a pet when they were there and stuff, though. No, I'm just expressing my own opinion, I didn't insult anybody else's. I personally think the characters work best having a pet/master relationship and think the show testifies to that idea. You can think of them as family if you want but, I disagree.
  3. Yeah but, she still treats him like a pet and made him make her a bed out of books. Would slave be a more appropriate word to describe him than?
  4. I love the Spike abuse in the show, it's easily one of the biggest highlights. I like Spike as a character but, I think it's funny when he's abused. Most of the other jokes in that show are funny too, my favorite episode is Foaly Matripony.
  5. This was brought up in the other pets thread but, I don't want to derail it. Personally, I say that Spike works best as Twilight's pet and it was always my headcanon and I consider it real canon now that he was shown as a dog in Equestria Girls. Besides he's abused by Rarity sticking pins in him and Dashie and AJ hurting him in their games and Twilight making him do everything so he's clearly being used as forced work. What do you guys think?
  6. I love the music in almost all of the songs but there are so many of them that have awful cringe-worthy lyrics that I can't stand because they're so lame and feel so childish and cheesy.
  7. Oh yeah, I remember you. Good to see you again, I'll add you on Skype in a little bit. :D

  8. It would take way more balls for the writers to make her disabled and I think it could be really good and just the right amount of sad/tragic if they do it right. Besides, it's not all depressing if she can't fly because she kicks ass at riding her scooter.
  9. I still don't remember this widespread fanon of Spike outliving Twilight ever being shown as canon but it's still irreverent. Also, dogs don't tend to talk in our world but, we do keep them as pets. The dragon code thing was made up and seems completely inconsistent with everything else in the entire show. Plus you can tell he's an abused pet because Rarity sticks pins in him. Nah, she's just a decently nice owner. (Although, I personally like Friendship is Witchcraft's treatment of Spike better because it's funnier, I'd still say it's canon that Spike is a well treated pet who's sometimes abused but only for comedy. )
  10. No, him being a pet that's forced to assist Twilight has always been my headcanon and it was confirmed canon by Equestria Girls. (And is the only good thing about that movie.)
  11. Pinkie Pie and Spike are so cute together, it's the best shipping ever! Besides that, I also like Sparity and Spilight because Spike gets all the bitches.
  12. No, pets are gross. The only character that should have a pet is Twilight and I'm not talking about Owlowiscious, I'm talking about Spike.
  13. No, I love her, she's easily the second or third best pony ever. (Next to Pinkie Pie and possibly Lyra and Derpy of course. )
  14. Definitely Sparity, SweetieSpike has always seemed really creepy to me because no matter what age people in the fandom say that Spike is, he's always seemed way more mentally mature and adult-like than the CMC and it seems creepy to me for him to be in a relationship with one of them.
  15. If Pinkie Pie wasn't pink, what would her name be? Personally, I would name her Poopie Pie.

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