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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. 261 Congratulations, you have the honor of being our 260th poster..which doesn't mean anything lol.
  2. 259, who will be the next winner?
  3. 255 Well we were going fast relatively lol.
  4. 247 Slowly climbing?! I get off for about an hour and I get 50 notifications that are all about someone posting on this topic; we're going fast at the moment!
  5. Flight 191. Worst air disaster on US soil.
  6. You get steam. *inserts red matter*
  7. 173 Most mass-produced aircraft ^^^
  8. Slumber has claimed its next victim.

  9. A gentlepony would never hurt a mare..*sigh* I would convince her this is something out of the question. Otherwise I'd probably let Derpy deliver a few blows, and then return them at about the same strength she gave them to me so we'd be equal; I'd be upset if I put her in the hospital. I'm not really capable of brute force so I doubt any of us would get seriously injured, and I doubt she'd be pretty strong herself. I'll just eat all her muffins or something to get her to submit.
  10. Bat ponies eh? I'm guessing this is going to be canon. I also thought that both Princesses shared the same castle in Canterlot..guess not! Well I hope this new species isn't portrayed in a blood-sucking sort of way like bats tend to be. I like the idea of bat ponies though; hundreds of them flying into the night sky in search of...wait, aren't bats carnivores? So wouldn't that mean that these ponies... EAT, MEEEAT ?!!?!
  11. She's my favorite mane 6 character. I like her enthusiasm, her rainbow colors are eye candy, and it's amusing to see her perform so many tricks like her Sonic Rainboom and soo, aweesumm face . *notices later* What else do I like and dislike about her since.. I don't think she's done anything remotely annoying (maybe in Rainbow Falls, but she learns about what she's doing by practicing with the Wonderbolts), so I can't say her ego has really hit me hard at all. Do wish she would write more stuff in that journal, if you know what I mean.
  12. Celestia is probably one of the kindest ponies in the storyline, maybe kinder than Fluttershy. Her voice is soft and comforting, making one feel like they are in good hooves. ..but she can be a bit of a "troll" sometimes, like giving Twilight 2 tickets to the gala when she knew she has six friends, or when the wonderbolts and Rarity were falling to their deaths and she just sat there and watched the action....which I liked! We all love a good joke don't we?
  13. Hmmm, here are some things he could do: 1.) Derpy's eyes would no longer be derpy, forcing the fandom to call her Ditzy Doo instead. 2.) All of Twilight's books are replaced with textbooks about the history of chaos (edition 1 to edition 2000) 3.) The crystal empire becomes the jello empire 4.) Lyra....GROWS HANDS!!
  14. OH EM GEEE! I'm inside something sooo wuvible !!!! Dammit! Ninjaed! FORUM! Y U NO ALERT ME THAT SOMEONE POSTED A NEW REPLY?!!??
  15. So this was my first date ever, we were already in a relationship (should've dated her first before anything else happened). We went to the cinema to see a movie. Got the popcorn. Watched the movie (seriously, who's first date is to watch a movie?!). We finished and ate pizza and talked a bit. Sat outside on the bench...talked a bit... I didn't think she was really into me; I couldn't notice it from her voice or her touch. I won't even say the last thing I asked her...
  16. Not really, I think he's a great character. Conflicting the Elements of Harmony with the ruler of Chaos, doesn't that sound like a good combo? Discord's change wasn't forced. Fluttershy made him feel wanted and appreciated at her home, not to mention she was always the one to back him up. When Fluttershy said they were no longer friends, Discord felt sort of depressed from the thought of losing his only friend. I think Discord was more of a lighthearted evil creature; one who likes to pull pranks and cause chaos for the fun of it, not so much because he wants to torment ponies (I mean, Pinkie Pie loved that chocolate rain!).
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