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Retired Commissar

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Blog Comments posted by Retired Commissar

  1. I thoroughly enjoy hunting.
    Whenever I hunt, it's for food.
    Now, some animals I kill, and don't harvest them, because they're just no good.
    I kill them because of what I call, "Homeland Security"
    Usually, it's just a raccoon, I have chickens, and I can't afford to have the risk of one of them getting eaten. So, when I see a coon, I'll pop him off, and that's that.

    Now, I agree, killing for sport is bad, makes everyone who hunts look like hill billy gunslinger who banged his sister last night.

    But the people I hate more than those "Sport Hunters" are the people who are anti-hunting.
    They're all just assholes in general, they'll just call you a killer all day, when little do they know, animals killed in factories are killed in a more gruesome way than we are doing it.
    And, you have to keep population of each species down to a healthy level.
    Too many of one species in one area, disease spreads and they all end up dead.

    It's quite a touchy subject, and there's a variety of opinions out there. 

  2. This is reason why I like Grand Theft auto. You play as the villain, committing crimes and such. In the earlier games, that's all you did, do bad stuff. But with the new release, you actually get to their life in a different way. Now, they may not have the same intentions as Dr. Horrible, they're just doing it for the money. But, I get what you are trying to say.

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