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Kazuki Fuse

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Everything posted by Kazuki Fuse

  1. Some more Japanese hardcore/screamo. What else is there to say? I feel like Moog, Treeboy, Djenty and Erio will all enjoy it. http://youtu.be/I35rJISVYC8 100char
  2. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Its an awesome black metal band covering one of my favorite crust punk band's favorite songs. What more is needed in life? http://youtu.be/3X8WCWcYZoc And they returned the favor. http://youtu.be/MC0OYVmZHzU
  3. Welcome to the NHK Probably my all time favorite anime. Satou is a NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), spends his days sleeping, drinking and watching porn. He only leaves the house at night and only to go to the convenience store or have a smoke at the nearby park. One day a strange girl shows up, claiming she can "cure" him and make him into a functioning member of society. He wants none of it, so he pretends to already have a job as an erotic game designer. To back up this lie, he teams up with his neighbour (and former school mate) to create their own eroge. Funny, dark, realistic and often depressing. One of three animes that I'd say actually deserves a 10/10 rating. This trailer probably explains it better.
  4. I don't play video games except for the occasional play through of one of my N64 games. I was given a PS3 for Christmas last year, but knowing I wouldn't even touch it, I returned it and spent the money on movies and books I wanted instead. Video games just hold zero interest for me unless there is something truly special about them (which I haven't found in any games made past '98)
  5. The thing I want most in the world is for my room to exist in a seperate dimension. I just want to be alone there, with no mother barging in whenever she feels like it or a brother in the room above mine blasting his shit-tier brostep and hiphop when I'm trying to sleep. I just want to be alone in my room.
  6. I see I'm not the only one who wears shades in the house at night even...
  7. Well we watched our friends grow up together, and we saw them as they fell. Some of them fell into heaven, some of them fell into hell.

  8. Why are you so hung up on labels? Not all nerd play D&D, not all jocks play football. What kind of idyllic fantasy high school world do you live in?
  9. No one's even gonna mention Kill Bill 1 and 2? Or Death Proof? Kurt Russell as a psychopath, c'mon now. Of course, like many other people, Reservoir Dogs is my favorite film of his.
  10. The only thing I've ever been bullied about is my minor speech impediment (it's kind of like speech-dyslexia, I screw up and mix my words around alot or pronounce them wrong). Other than that, I've been teased for being too skinny but that's never really bothered me. And of course pretty much every friend and family member has made a snarky comment at one point about my anime obsession.
  11. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Is there at least one other person here that enjoys Man is the Bastard as much as me? Probably not. If you like powerviolence/hardcore give it a listen. It's alot different from other bands, as the bass takes precedence over the guitar, but its really great stuff.
  12. Anime DVDs: Black Lagoon dvd/bluray combo pack Bubblegum Crisis Toyko 2040 Burst Angel Elfen Lied Evangelion 1.1.1: You Are (Not) Alone Evangelion 2.2.2: You Can (Not) Advance Ghost in the Shell Ghost in the Shell: SAC: Solid State Society Neon Genesis Evangelion boxset Serial Experiments: Lain dvd/bluray collector's boxset Soul Eater: The Complete Series Welcome to the N.H.K Movies: Spirited Away The Man With No Name Trilogy Silence of the Lambs Shogun Assassin: The Collection Evil Dead 1+2 (Necronomicon editions) Army of Darkness Fight Club Scarface The Strangers FUBAR Crank 2 The Thing Se7en The Matrix trilogy American Psycho Basket Case The Funhouse Mark of the Devil Witchfinder General Maniac Night of the Demons The Cable Guy Ichi The Killer Hard Boiled Oldboy Sympathy For Mr Vengeance Unleashed Battle Royale: The Complete Collection And I also have all six seasons of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
  13. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    RIGHT? Everyone is getting a Tomoko avatar now, dammit! I liked WataMote before there was even an anime adaptation #hipster victory #basedtomoko #itsnotmyfaultmyshowbecamepopular
  14. Every Lifelover album is the "wrong" one. More like Moneylover right guys? I'll nominate Anal Cunt's "It Just Gets Worse" for shits and giggs.
  15. Malon are one of those bands I discovered just surfing through bandcamps tags, but they stood out so much from everything else. In Reverie was probably my favorite emo album from 2012.
  16. Afterall, the opinion of one in a hundred million will not reach anyone.

  17. When I first saw Hard Boiled back when I was 14. That was the first movie I ever watched subtitled, and subsequently was my introduction to Asian cinema. It remains one of my favorite movies to this day, John Woo is a great director and Chow Yun-Fat is a badass. A must-see for action fans, this film has the greatest shoot out scenes I've ever seen.
  18. "People Who Eat Darkness" by Richard Llyod Parry. Here's the summary from amazon.com I'm about 1/3 through it and it is quite a good read. I'd recommend it to fans of true crime books.
  19. The Chameleons "Script Of The Bridge" is a such a fantastic post-punk/goth rock album, yet I never see people discussing it. I'm not just talking about here either, I can't recall seeing it mentioned on any music site I frequent.
  20. You're screaming, and cursing, and angry, and hurting me, and then smiling, and crying, apologizing.

    1. DaReaper


      Do you have a pregant gf?




  21. Only one episode released so far and I already suspect WataMote will be my AOTY. I absolutely love the manga, its nice having an official VA for my waifu. Also, best ED. I just want to go do karaoke with Tomoko, she's so off key I love it! And dat 2edgey OP is fantastic too! http://youtu.be/uOEEqJLKpdg
  22. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    >A dog always returns to its vomit. >A dog always returns to its vomit. >A dog always returns to its vomit. Holy shit, that was rough.
  23. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    The last two pages have provided me with the toppest of lels. If RD92 actually stops posting in this thread cause of what djenty said I might cry laughing. Stop taking everything so fucking seriously, dude. This is not metal. This is better than metal. Fans of Joy Division, Type O Negative and Sixx, check it out.
  24. My lovely angel, Ayase-tan! L-l-l-lewd...
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