Lily stared deeply into the stallions eyes. A world she had left far behind a lifetime ago came back in one instant. Images flashed through her brain as time seemed to stop, a black stallion and a yellow filly with red tipped wings in particular. She had fought so hard back then, and failed spectacularly. She swore to herself she would not do so again, she couldn't save them, but at the very least she could save herself. Far off in the distance she smelled something burning, she wasn't sure if it was a house in flames by the gangs or something much closer.
The longer she stared the less she saw. She gazed into an abyss, but little did he know the abyss gazed back. Lily might not have strength on her side, but she had determination. To her his eyes appeared empty, not deep pools like most ponies, but flat as paper. She saw no intellegence or spark in them that shows in ponies that were alive. She knew there was no saving him, this place had destroyed him a long time ago. She sighed heavily imagining his loss, as she promptly flapped her wings giving her a just enough of an advantage to slam her head into his, directly under the base of his horn, hoping the headache would disable his magic for a couple minutes.
As he reeled back she had to think of something fast, it wouldn't be long before the infected showed up from all the noise, or perhaps another pony she didn't want to run into, or worse yet both, and would give her a whole new set of problems to deal with. The odds were very clearly not in her favor today anyway. She glanced around quickly and saw a nearby trashcan. She took this chance to buck it with all of her might at his head, hoping that just maybe his horn would get stuck inside of it.
Sticking around to find out the results was not on her to do list though as she flapped as hard as she could to get up onto the nearest rooftop. As she layed there panting she took a quick tally of her physical state. Aside from being completely exhausted and a headache of her own, she figured that there wasn't much of any permanent physical harm done. She rested her head on her hooves and a single small tear fell from one of her eyes. She might have been a loner but she typically hated seeing other ponies in trouble, and the look in his eyes brought back bad memories as well. She sniffed a little and wiped her eyes, hoping nopony saw this moment of weakness.