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Fire Lily

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Everything posted by Fire Lily

  1. "Why do I get the feeling this was a bad idea?" Angel softly murmurs to herslf as she picks through the dense undergrowth of the Everfree forrest. Her mother, Lily told her she should never go into the forrest as it was full of Timberwolves, Windegos, and other things that like to steal little fillies in the middle of the night. She wasn't even sure what compelled her to be there to begin with. Angel's day was rather dull up to that point and not to her liking. School was more of the same and her friends had all slacked off and had to go home right away to finish their school work. She'd already explored every part of ponyville any normal filly would think of, as well as a few other areas she knew she'd be in trouble if she was caught in. She flutters her wings a little both to look bigger to whatever is out there and to use a little of her energy up as well before she went home. She was cautiously but excitedly bounding across a small open field when she thought she saw a small building in the distance. "That's strange, mamma told me nopony lived out here..that i'd want to run into at least." Angel shivered a little in fear as she entered a more shadowy area. "Hmmm" She said out loud as she jumped up in a tree to get a better look. The ground around her started to change, and not in anyway she was used to. it was full of pock marks and holes. She jumped down carefully making sure she didn't fall into one she couldn't get out of. She approached the door carefully and knocked a couple of times, no answer. She hovered a little in front of one of the windows but it was too dark to see inside properly with nobody home. She thought for a few moments to try to open the door but gets too scared. Her eyes light up mischeviously as she gets an idea and she jumps up on to the roof and crouches down low, shaking a little in antecipation and fear both to see who lives out this far.
  2. I could run with all three and see what gets picked up I guess. Due to Lily's past, Angel has been known to venture close to the forest I'm really bad with starters though so not really sure where to jump in at
  3. Not presently, but my OC Lily has been shipped with other peoples OC's.
  4. As far as I've devloped Dusk is in her page. I could use any or all three though. Would prefer to not have Angel by herself though if there's no other foals around. I'm probably going to be using Dusk for sure though.
  5. I agree with RainbowDarth. It's nice to be able to go where you want when you want, and for however long you want. It's a nice sense of freedom, but somethings just aren't the same by yourself, like going to a movie, or the mall. I had an ex I used to play videogames with and even playing games all day can get boring alone (seems impossible I know)
  6. Well it was way back earlier this year...or maybe last year. Real life got in the way of me being on here for a long time so I don't know the exact time frame. I have the short term memory of a goldfish, but my long term memory is still going for me which is nice. Lily is typically by go to and is really well developed...Dusk (who I just made a page for) has only been used like twice in the history of anything ever. She's been somewhat fun to use in the rare events I've gotten the chance to so I might bring her in.
  7. I kind of took an extra long hiatus, but I'm thinking of rejoining if that's ok. I haven't decided on what oc to use yet though. I have a couple that I haven't made pages for yet.
  8. Finally back from my long hiatus. Still haven't seen any of season 5 though.

    1. Show previous comments  83 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      of course you are =)<3<3 you so lovely dear <3<3 *hugs <3 but i need go now sweetheart <3<3 you get your rest <3<3<3 =)<3

    3. Fire Lily

      Fire Lily

      Well I don't think so...but at least you do *hugs then snuggles* OK, I'll do that just for you <3<3<3

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I'm back my sweetie <3<3<3 awwh <3<3 I hope you are having good rest <3<3 this night my dear <3=)

  9. I like the idea of this, reminds me of a short story series I was really into a few months ago. I'd like to be in too if you wouldn't mind. Not that great with comming up with names though so can't help you there.
  10. Single. But I tend to be way too needy for my own good after some bad experiences. I don't see anyone being interested with me any time soon.
  11. Apparently I'm staying home tonight. Nobody in my family ever tells me anything.

  12. Derpy and Dr. Whooves. I really just don't get it or where it came from. It just seems like it's always been there and I still don't care for it. Maybe it's just because I don't watch Dr. Who, but I what little I know makes me understand the Roseluck/Dr ship.
  13. Her curiousity got the best of her and Dusk climbed up the stairs herself. Her eyes quickly expanding in the flickering light looking almost like a normal ponies with only the slightest points at the top and bottom. She looked over at Stormlight only catching the first part of the comment. "Now I may be a bit batty..."She said giggling to herself a little at the pun, some ponies didn't care for bat ponies but she loved who she was. "..But I wouldn't stay in a place like this for all the tea in Canterlot." She continued walking a couple doors down and seeing a smaller door on the side, she chose to open it. Much to her displeasure she was promptly covered in dust as well as a plain, thin, white sheet that fell on top of her. "Nothing in here, just a closet." She said and closed the door. Hearing the talk of food downstairs completely wiped her mind of everything else, including her new garmet and she trotted back downstairs. "I'm so hungry I could eat an entire haybale!"
  14. Lily stared deeply into the stallions eyes. A world she had left far behind a lifetime ago came back in one instant. Images flashed through her brain as time seemed to stop, a black stallion and a yellow filly with red tipped wings in particular. She had fought so hard back then, and failed spectacularly. She swore to herself she would not do so again, she couldn't save them, but at the very least she could save herself. Far off in the distance she smelled something burning, she wasn't sure if it was a house in flames by the gangs or something much closer. The longer she stared the less she saw. She gazed into an abyss, but little did he know the abyss gazed back. Lily might not have strength on her side, but she had determination. To her his eyes appeared empty, not deep pools like most ponies, but flat as paper. She saw no intellegence or spark in them that shows in ponies that were alive. She knew there was no saving him, this place had destroyed him a long time ago. She sighed heavily imagining his loss, as she promptly flapped her wings giving her a just enough of an advantage to slam her head into his, directly under the base of his horn, hoping the headache would disable his magic for a couple minutes. As he reeled back she had to think of something fast, it wouldn't be long before the infected showed up from all the noise, or perhaps another pony she didn't want to run into, or worse yet both, and would give her a whole new set of problems to deal with. The odds were very clearly not in her favor today anyway. She glanced around quickly and saw a nearby trashcan. She took this chance to buck it with all of her might at his head, hoping that just maybe his horn would get stuck inside of it. Sticking around to find out the results was not on her to do list though as she flapped as hard as she could to get up onto the nearest rooftop. As she layed there panting she took a quick tally of her physical state. Aside from being completely exhausted and a headache of her own, she figured that there wasn't much of any permanent physical harm done. She rested her head on her hooves and a single small tear fell from one of her eyes. She might have been a loner but she typically hated seeing other ponies in trouble, and the look in his eyes brought back bad memories as well. She sniffed a little and wiped her eyes, hoping nopony saw this moment of weakness.
  15. Dusk bit her bottom lip trying not to hurt herself as she watched Times go up the stairs. A very large part of her wanted to follow and explore. She flapped her wings once in irratation as she watched him go up, not noticing or really caring if anyone was close enough to accidentally get slapped. In spite of being young she thought she was more than capable of taking care of herself, convieniently ignoring more than a couple times she had been proven wrong there. She glanced over in his general direction trying to be nonchalent. "What'd you find?"
  16. Dusk stared down at her boots, trying to avoid acknowledging the fact that Times might just be right. Being one to enjoy the rain though she didn't put too much thought into it. "Well at least nothing too terrible could happen, I think." She said walking over to the window. "Still better inside than out though on a night like tonight." She trotted over to a couch and curled up on it and wondered if there ever was a P to begin with.
  17. @, (I know that feel bro, I'm scared of falling way behind alreay) @, Flutter Dusk stares at Times "I thought zombies were just a myth. Like something old mares tell the foals to scare them into being good and going to bed at night. She said taking a look around the house but being careful not to exactly go too far away from the others either in spite of her curiousity about what exactly else was in the house. Her attention being mysteriously drawn to a staircase going to the upper levels.
  18. Flutter Dusk giggled a little at the stallion who just got zapped. "Well, yes actually I did receive this strange invite actually, she said pulling it out of a hidden pocket in her armor. "It said there was some pony here and it was signed just P. I don't know any P so I figured I'd come check out to see what was going on. Seem's kinda scary even for a nightmare night party."
  19. Dusk trotted up to the house hesitantly. She was normally one for parties but this one just gave her the strangest feeling for some unknown reason. At least she normally knew who the invites were from. She didn't have many friends but the ones she had were fairly close to her and she knew them quite well. She trotted up to the house and after quickly adjusting her helmet making sure she looked halfway decent. Her armor was old, something left behind by her parents, so it was formal, functional, and fashionable as a costume all at the same time. The navy blue standing out against her red mane. After taking a deep breath she opened the door and poked her head inside the house. "Um...hello?" She said trying to fake confidence.
  20. Lily's mind was a flash of thoughts, fear, panic, but mostly now just indignent hate for the pony in front of her. She was many things but a city pony she most certainly was not. She had left Cloudsdale as soon as she was old enough to be on her own. Exiled by choice to smaller border towns. She hated everything about big cities, they just made her feel trapped and claustrophobic. She hated everything about them and the stuck up ponies in them getting in everyone's business but being unable to take care of their own. However she realized three truths at the moment. First of all she was presently unarmed and was unlikely to find anything worth using in the near future. Secondly the tone in his voice showed he surely meant more harm than good. Third, she clearly had already made too much noise and therefore time was clearly not on her side. However she was not about to let such an insult go unattended to either. Knowing only time will tell how foolish of a choice this is she decided to stand her ground. Lily spread out her legs and unfurled her wings, preparing for either a quick charge or more than likely a quick get away if she had any choice. She didn't know if the stranger had wings but surely she could outrun him since he appeared to be more weighted down than she was. "How. Dare. You." She said trying to seem tough but not wanting to antagonize him into a real fight either. "I'll have you know I haven't seen any kind of big city in years. I can't stand those city ponies. I stick to myself and I like it that way. Even before this whole...mess." She let out an irritated huff. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way, what exactly do you want?"
  21. I think I'd like throw Flutter Dusk into this, a bat pony seems rather fitting. I'd like to include Lily but I haven't ever written both characters at the same time before, so she might have to wait. Character Sheet: Name: Flutter Dusk Gender: Mare Age: 19 Race: Bat Pony Picture or description: Costume: Lunar guard (if that's OK) Biggest Fear: Fire, specifically being burned. Link (optional): Still need creating
  22. Sounds interesting, I'd like to join with Lily here if possible. I'm no longer in posession of an exact ponysona but she used to be mine. Her backstory got her out there a little but she's not on the badass spectrum at all. Also in terms of not being OP she's blind without her glasses and never discovered her special talent so no cutie mark. Her page is in my sig.
  23. "EW. EWEWEWEWEWEWEW." Was the only thought going through Lily's mind at the moment. She cautiously poked the empty shell of what used to be a pony in front of her to make sure it was really dead. She wasn't big on fighting to begin with, she could hold her own but typically she considered that a bad idea. What had just happened though was way too much even for her. She kicked it hard one last time and looked it over. "I should've just stayed in the forest, it was death either way but at least I wouldn't have had to fight...these things for it." She thought sadly. Lily wiped her hooves on the ground and quickly gave herself a once over to make sure she wasn't hurt in any way. Once she was happy none of the various fluids her any of hers she quickly darted back into the shadows of an alleyway she was sure was clear and laid down against a wall panting. Ever since the infection started she'd only had to fight a couple of times and she didn't enjoy either one. She did her best to be stealthy but failure usually ended up like that. These things were like nothing like what she'd had to deal with in the past. She slowly got up once she had rested and started making her way down the alley. She was determined that nothing else would she her. She'd stick to the roofs and shadows, stopping only for what she needed. Her theory was if you keep moving there's no way anything can find you. Fire Lily came to Newstart by way of Ponyville. Realizing her chances at fitting into such a close knit town where everyone knew everyone where pretty much slim to none, and after a long stretch of finding no decent work, she decided to move on. Friends never really were her thing to begin with and she saw no need to start there. Her first clue that something was wrong started on the train. Something about some infection, cured but came back, was all she heard. She never was involved in world events though, only hearing about a changling from some purple alicorn back in Ponyville. She stuck to herself and liked it that way and figured worse case scenerio she might be able to get to work on a farm. Only a couple days later though she had realized what kind of mistake she had made. She'd barely gotten the layout of the city when everything came crashing down.
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