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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Understood, I do indeed have to proofread better. I've been wondering if perhaps writing my blogs first on Microsoft word would be better as I know they have a more reliable error detection system then what MLP forums provides. Your input may encourage me to try it on the next review, and I thank you for your honest opinion to better myself in typing and review works.
  2. Just a question, was the contention of saying I didn't proofread well against me? If so, I apologize for my poor proofreading skills and ponder if this is one of many issues people have with my blogs.
  3. Pardon? Well she's trying to be like Meghan Mccarthy in being the one to handle the adventure episodes for the comics like Meghan does with the majority of them. While both work best with slice of life episodes, unlike Meghan who can at least write a pretty good and entertaining adventure story, Katie can't write one that isn't filled with rage inducing issues to save her life thus far.
  4. Here's a sample for how bad that arc was. Twilight refuses to help a town or her friends in dealing a bandit problem because she's not allowed to use her magic against Equestrian citizens which the crime committing bandits falls under and looks like an apathetic asshole for it. There are loads more problems with it and it's why many consider it the worst comic arc in the whole series. I'd suggest to try her best arc in Big Mac and the art of the Gazeebo, easily one of the best comic arcs IDW made.
  5. True that Celestia was Machiavellian in the Crystal Empire episode and it is one of the episode's problems, not the benign leader we've expected her to be. I also agree that Andy Price is by far the best staff IDW has. It's a shame that Katie has been slagging off in her writing after starting off well in the series. It seems as though the negative backlash with the Reflections arc really soured her belief in her writing and she's just not putting forth the care and attention for them as well I mean as you said, the reflections arc had a lot of good ideas that could've made it made the arc great. At least it's not as bad as the Good, the bad, and the pony, that was where it showed Katie just stopped caring.
  6. I'm in agreement with most of your points for this review and it does make a good point for how despite being an AU verse of Equestria, there was no Elements of Disharmony despite the mane 6 and the alternate mane 6 appearing in AU Equestria (which Andy Price confirmed they don't exist in that verse so that makes those covers nothing more then a bait and switch). Another excellent point was of how you pointed out that it implied that AU Equestria was peaceful and stuff before AU Luna turned evil but that would imply the Original Equestria was barren and destitute, which it certainly it wasn't. One of the arc's problems I believe was that Celestia's love for AU Sombra clashed with her character so much she was acting ooc. She was willing to risk her kingdom for the sake of romance when we've seen plenty of times to see how serious she is of protecting her kingdom, even to the point of banishing someone she loved when said sister threatened to ruin Equestria in her bitter jealousy. It was supposed to show a deep sacrifice Celestia was making to ensure the safety of ponykind, even at her own expense as she clearly loved her sister and has been pained by the actions she had to commit. The fact she chooses not to make this sacrifice with AU Sombra implies she has greater love for him then she does for her own sister and even the kingdom she vowed to rule justly. I don't mind Celestia having a romantic life either, but to the point where she acts ooc for the romance to work as intended was a rather foolish decision. Personally, I believe the arc would've worked better had the focus for Celestia's contention between herself and Starswirl the Bearded had been not on AU Sombra but on AU Luna. What if instead of pursuing a romance, she instead grows attached for the easier to talk to AU Luna as she finds her much like the sister she knew before Luna became more distant. Soon after Original Luna's forced banishment, Celestia becomes more desperate and further attached to AU Luna despite Starswirl's warning not to enter the AU world anymore. And in that moment when Starswirl closes the portal, instead of desperately crying to see AU Sombra one last time, it was instead for not wishing to let go the whatever connection she had for Luna in AU Luna? Suddenly this would show the audience of how painful it was making that sacrifice for her and how badly she misses her sister. Then, following Lauren Faust's canon, Starswirl then suggests Celestia that if she misses Luna so badly, why not try to find a way to save her sister from Nightmare Moon instead of trying to take the easy way out with AU Luna. Thus after some time reflecting on those words, Celestia begins to see the wisdom in them and then starts to create plans to freeing her sister, and we see her constantly failing in whatever new idea or plan to free her, but she never gave up on the hope she can free her, even it took a thousand years, her love and determination for her sister never wavered. It's not a perfect idea as it still had to have Celestia willingly threaten her kingdom for Au Luna's sake, but at least it helps show off good character development for Celestia while keeping her character intact I believe. What do you think?
  7. It's a reflection of Katie's ongoing writing problems in the main comic arcs where she places too much emphasis on her OC's solving problems over the actual main characters and they look incompetent for it, a preachy protect the environment message, out of place humor, the deer leader committing essentially an act of war against Equestria and gets away with it relatively even if he actually does make amends for it, and of course many characters being ooc for the sake of humor especially Rarity in the arc. It's slightly better then the last arc, the good, the bad, and the ponies but that's more of because that arc was soo bad that unless she decides to essentially retcon everything about the characters and FIM to her own design, she could only go up and even then the jump is still a weak one as there were loads of problems that would frustrate many readers in this arc.
  8. Dexter's inventions never had an issue working to what he intended unlike Jimmy whose actually had whole episodes dedicated to how his inventions prove faulty and wreck stuff because of it, forcing him to quickly solve it before it's too late. That's cause Dee Dee is pretty much a wrecking ball towards Dexter's experiments that he really can't punish as his parents will punish him in turn. Another underrated advantage Dexter has over Jimmy is that he's a lot more physically fit and has far better athletic feats compared to the rather anemic Jimmy. And Dexter has a device that allows him to take a person's free will away.
  9. So apparently KND is returning with a new sequel series if horse new's Twitter is to be believed

  10. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15684-fim-for-whom-the-sweetie-belle-toils-episode-review-redux/ Here's my review for For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils. Now march onto my review and give your opinon about my review, and answer me a question I posted at the end of the review.
  11. For whom the sweetie belle toils remains one of my favorite and better episodes of season 4. Helping to cement Dave Polsky as my fav writer of S4

  12. I'd wait till you have enough for a normal edition instead of trying to bid 400+ dollars at an auction. My experiences with Ebay has been absolutely pleasant as I got what I wanted with the funko figurines, even if a couple of the boxes weren't properly closed, the figurines are mostly intact and in excellent condition so I didn't mind too much. However trying to bid up for an item that is surely going to cost you alot more money then what a retail and game will cost is to me rather foolhardy unless you plan to keep it in a place as a collectible and not mess with them. Thus I'd advice going for the regular 3ds xl or wait till christmas sales appears and hope they return as that would be the best time to find some stuff to buy.
  13. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15656-fim-maud-pie-episode-review-redux/ My review for Maud Pie is up, please come and discuss what you guys thought about this episode and if you agree or disagree with what I've written in my review.
  14. This sounds like it could be a really heartwarming episode between Rainbow Dash and her pet friend Tank and some nice character development for RD. Though it could also be cringey for what she could do to ensure that winter never comes.
  15. Maud Pie is a good introductory episode to everyone's favorite goth pony and had some good pinkie pie characterization, though I'm not sure I like how the episode forced the remaining five to form a friendship bond with Maud despite obvious compatibility issues.

  16. Mist if you're interested in a laptop, I'd suggest you consult with Daring as he's our resident computer expert and knows what computer would be good for you. As Daring said, the new MacBook is actually not a good idea to get due to only having one USB port that will force you to either remove it's charger to exchange data or you can't send data though that MacBook with a flash drive that uses a model not widely used so it will run into compatibility problems too.
  17. http://www.bundlestars.com/store/?utm_source=giveaways&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=giveaway+avencast Humble Bundle is having a good sale right now. Most notably giving a free game away till Monday just a heads up.
  18. Hopefully Retro Studios (love that game developer) can work on something similar to Raven Blade in the future after they're done supposedly finishing another Metroid game. Retro is simply too talented of a developer to be working solely on two nintendo franchises.
  19. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15595-fim-somepony-to-watch-over-me-episode-review-redux/ My review for Somepony is obessed with me is up. Please come and discuss what you think and if you agree with my points for the episode. Argue and discuss to your heart's content.
  20. Finished watching Somepony is obsessed with me. Aj and the villain were annoying in this episode form me

  21. I'm so happy to see your return with your analysis, Wind Chaser Now for your question, here's an interesting point the folks of /mlp/ and in relation to them, horse news, has pointed out. MA Larson is a noted fan of one story called Harrison Bergeron, written by Kurt Vonnegut. A story of where in a dystopian society where all individuals are created equal. To do this, any individual that expresses any sort of talent that is better then anyone in any shape or form, a Handicapper General agent goes out and enforces this equality by ensuring the intelligent is forced to wear radio earphones to disrupt their thought processes, the beautiful with masks to hide their beauty, and weights to wear down the strong. I personally think that with MA Larson on board and the whole theme of equality, I believe that while it will be inspired by it, I don't think they will portray her as a pony who believes in equality but rather a power hungry person who wishes to acquire cutie marks for some design. Though this scene can easily be taken out of context, we do see a scene of Starlight Glimmer with her cutie mark not the equal sign seemingly running away from ponies for whatever reason. (You'll have to look that up on derpibooru or so under Starlight Glimmer tag). Whether she'll be defeated or survive and make a return remains to be seen but I think she'll probably be the first season long villain this series has. She won't be a one shot villain self contained in their episodes but rather we will see her again probably in the finale. Whether she'll be defeated or reformed remains to be seen but I'm interested in her and I hope they write her well.
  22. Pinkie Pie is not filli second and she merely adopted the power a comic book hero had in that episode. It's not a power she normally has. Rainbow Dash still has shown many better speed feats then Pinkie Pie has. As for who would win, if their characters are anything like the characters they parody, then Filli second would compete against Radiance for the victory title as Filli's insane speed alongside Radiance's ability to imagine anything she wants out on the field can prove very powerful if she's not eliminated immediately.
  23. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15574-fim-it-aint-easy-being-breezies-episode-review-redux/ My review for It ain't easy being breezies is up. Please come and discuss what you think and if you agree with my points. This also means you Wind Chaser!
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