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Everything posted by baba_booey

  1. I think I might watch the Equestria Girls movies again just for the hell of it

  2. Watched the new Pony Life episodes from Saturday. Enjoyed 'em.

  3. happy fourth of july 


    1. EpicEnergy


      Happy 4th of July to you as well! :grin:

  4. I watched Crusaders of the Lost Mark (S5E18) for the first time in a while, and honestly the ending still gives me chills.

  5. I prefer FiM, and honestly I'll probably always prefer it, but I have enjoyed what we've gotten from Pony Life so far and am looking forward to the future of it.
  6. I apologize if this goes against the recently established rules on political topics, but what the actual fuck - https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53236050

  7. Honestly I sometimes feel like Family Guy is simultaneously one of the most and least funny shows I've ever seen.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Magic Note

      Magic Note

      The first few seasons were actually funny. Now, it tries too hard at being funny, and also derailed the characters to become extremely unlikable.

    3. Megas


      Nah, that's totally the case. First three seasons are genuinely funny and great, but immediately goes downhill by the time the revival happened relying too much on being offensive and crass and using shock humor, to the point even Seth McFarlane admitted it should have been cancelled a long time ago

      Also, welcome back!

      EDIT: Wait you've been back for a while :p

    4. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Used to be one of the best shows for the first few seasons. But since it was revived a second time, it just lost its way and doesn’t understand why it was appealing.

  8. When I was a kid, I used to really hate those Reeses' Puff commercials with the rap songs mostly because for lack of a better word I found it cringey as hell. Not sure if there's really any commercials now that I hate (tbh I don't watch a lot of live TV nowadays other than Simpsons re-runs on FXX) but that one has always came to mind.
  9. I'm diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder. I particularly feel like I struggle largely with social anxiety which has always been a personal issue for me. And while not diagnosed, some of the shit that has happened in my life has led me to believe that I also have depression and probably PTSD. I also have felt for years that I deal with trichotillomania, which was mentioned as a hair pulling disorder, although in my particular case I have an issue with picking my eyelashes and eyebrows. I feel like that's been an issue even since I was a kid and at this point it's just become a habit.
  10. (note: avengers endgame spoilers for those who haven't watched it) why does this work so well


  11. I walk to Burger King then I walk back home from Burger King.
  12. I don't really collect Blu-Ray that much, but from memory: -My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) -Thomas and Friends: Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure -Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy -The Polar Express -Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) -Rio 2 -National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation There's also some more that are technically my brother's (All the Harry Potter movies, Pacific Rim, and more) but yeah. Don't have a huge collection admittedly. Also some PS3 and Xbox One games that are technically on Blu-Ray so I guess there's those too
  13. The Security system TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARD'S HOUSE and begins ATTACKING THE CITY. Leaving the mayor to give Squidward community service for the damage he caused. EVEN THOUGH Spongebob and Patrick were in his house the WHOLE FUCKING TIME, and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS EPISODE!
  14. To be honest I am looking forward to the rest of Pony Life. After watching the first two episodes again I gotta say that it is still fun to watch even if it’s not the original show.

    1. EpicEnergy


      Same here, I love Pony Life! ^_^

    2. Madame Rarity

      Madame Rarity

      oh? it's already aired?

    3. baba_booey


      yeah, in Canada.

  15. As a furry myself, I personally see bronies as more of a dedicated fandom towards MLP:FiM whereas I see furries as more of a hobby or that sort of thing. I wouldn't consider bronies furries by default (it'd honestly be like saying Sonic the Hedgehog fans are automatically furries or something), although I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who have gotten involved with the furry fandom based on their experience with the brony fandom even other than me.
  16. no one:


    1. EpicEnergy


      Sounds like just an extended ad to me.

  17. Every copy of Super Mario 64 is personalized.

  18. I turned on my TV and immediately saw the MLP movie on. Alrighty then.


    1. EpicEnergy


      I love that movie! ^_^

  19. I watched the Pony Life episodes. I am... really unsure how I feel about this.

  20. To be honest, I didn’t exactly like Slice of Life (S5E9) when it first came out and I was actually reviewing MLP episodes, but watching it again now I gotta say it is a fun, enjoyable episode. At the very least I can tell the writers, animators and everyone involved had fun creating the episodes and I can respect that.

  21. Calling the next Crash game Crash Bandicoot 4 is kind of a retcon considering Wrath of Cortex was technically that.

    1. CheeryFox


      Regardless...still really excited. : )

  22. Honestly pretty much any of those reactionary anti-SJW channels like TheQuartering or Sargon of Akkad that constantly go on about the same subjects about how "SJWs are offended about whatever" with little evidence and how SJWs are apparently ruining movies or video games or whatever plus anyone who uploads those "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Liberals" compilations. Also, Steven Crowder.
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