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Everything posted by baba_booey

  1. That's a hard one honestly. I grew up with both (had the remakes/ports of Mario 1-3, World and Yoshi's Island for the GBA and Sonic Classic Collection for the DS) and I'd probably say I enjoyed the Genesis Sonic games over the NES Mario games, but Super Mario World has always been one of my favorite games of all time and I'd probably say I like that game more than any of the Genesis Sonic games (albeit SMW and Sonic Generations and Mania are also pretty neck-and-neck to me) I'll probably go with Sonic here since the series technically got it's start in the early 90's and Mario was already an established franchise at that point but this is a pretty tough question to give me a direct answer to.
  2. Why is it that the Republicans who bring up the constitution when it comes to gun rights are in support of Trump jailing people for burning the flag, inherently violating the first amendment?

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Or better yet when they want to make kneeling to the pledge, or peacefully protesting, a crime...?

    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      The weak follows the strong

  3. I’d probably say: -Sonic Lost World -Sonic Forces (probably, I can see where the criticism is coming from but I feel like it’s somewhat overblown in some cases) -Sonic Heroes -Undertale (technically popular, but I feel like it gets a lot of hype backlash at the same time) -Overwatch (Same as above, plus I feel like people don’t get the dev team enough credit for listening to the community) -Star Fox Adventures -Fortnite (not my personal kind of thing, but it’s in the same shoes as Overwatch and Undertale) And probably some others that aren’t coming to mind atm.
  4. Honestly I am pretty interested in Pony Life, just on the mere basis that it's more pony content.

  5. To be honest, I always wanted to get a Dreamcast growing up but never got around to doing so. Today that changes.
  6. Guys check it out I got the PlayStation 5 early
  7. I also played The Lion King game for SNES a lot growing up, but I don't think I have ever managed to get past the "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" level, which is only the second level in the game. But I think anyone who played it can understand that. didn't stop me from buying the re-release on switch though
  8. To be honest, I feel "hate" is kind of a strong word for these sorts of things, but I will say that I just never really got into the Star Wars movies, Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit movies, Harry Potter movies and those sorts of movies in general. Also never really got into most "Superhero" movies with some exceptions (mainly the Avengers series and some of Marvel's other stuff).
  9. In my own country, I definitely want to visit New York City, Hawaii and Alaska, and I also want to visit Bend, Oregon just so I can go to the last Blockbuster lol I also have never really traveled outside of my own country, and when I get the chance to I want to visit Canada, Japan, South Korea, China, Britain, Australia and Sweden, and I also really want to visit Estonia because I have an online childhood friend from there.
  10. Of course Brett fucking Kavanaugh dissented today's Supreme Court ruling.

    1. TheBronyHeart


      I have to admit that I rarely retain information regarding the US Supreme Court Justices. But I have seen his name in the papers a few times... Don't remember exactly what he was quoted saying but it ticked me off enough so that I permanently associate his name with a solemn "f*** you"

  11. yo can I have a free balloon EDIT: oh boy thanks
  12. Crash Bandicoot has always been one of my favorite game series tbh. To this day I really love going back to the original trilogy and playing through, even completing the games (especially with the N Sane Trilogy) and Crash Team Racing has always been my favorite kart racer of all time... at least until Nitro Fueled came out I also really like Twinsanity on that note.
  13. Honestly? My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. There were a lot of other great 2010’s cartoons, but MLP:FiM was just a big part of my personal life and really influenced my writing and drawing styles, and honestly in general it was just a show that had a lot of influence on me as a person to the point where I would probably my favorite show of all time. That said though, Steven Universe is a very close second.
  14. Pfft, PS5? Now, this is where it’s at - 


    1. konakona


      Now that I looked at it again, the PS5 looks like a router.

  15. is it me or does the ps5 look like one of those fake ps4 mockups you’d find on google in 2010

    1. konakona


      It really does

  16. I was extremely introverted growing up... and still am.
  17. I know I'm late to say this, but I am honestly kind of sad that Friendship is Magic ended. Not that I wanted it to last forever and turn into The Simpsons or Spongebob or something, but I still feel like the show and fandom were a pretty big part of my personal life and influenced my own creative style so it just felt like the end of an era for me. Same goes for Steven Universe as well.

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Very understandable. FIM lasted nine years, and a lot of people not only spent a great deal of time following it, but grew up with it, too.

  18. tbh I've always loved Final Fantasy VII (the original, haven't played the remake) and I enjoy my time playing but I haven't beaten it for multiple reasons. It's mostly just that I have a hard time sitting down and playing games for a long period of time, which Final Fantasy VII is definitely one of those types of games you really need to. Also in one of my playthroughs I got decently far into the first disc and my save file somehow got corrupted. Also I pretty much grew up having The Lion King game for SNES but I haven't ever beaten it simply because of the game's crippling difficulty.
  19. I really like the concept of the Game Gear Micro, but... $50 for 4 games on a tiny system that looks uncomfortable to use? No thanks.

  20. As an American, I was never really familiar with Angelis’ narrations outside of the New Friends for Thomas DVD, but considering his history with the series and the British fans of Thomas and Friends who did grow up with his narrations, it is sad to see him go and he will be missed.
  21. I need healing.

  22. I don't think any games are overrated, because I think "overrated" is a dumb term and concept in of itself.
  23. I want to have a Rarity PFP but I'm not at my PC right now and I'm not sure where I saved all my Rarity art so Starlight will do for now.

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