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Lighting Star

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Everything posted by Lighting Star

  1. Stereotyping of itself is not racist, it's how the stereotypes are used that makes them racist. For example, I'm sure everypony is familiar with this meme: This is negative stereotyping because it's meant to be insulting to Americans by taking the worst traits of American stereotypes and putting them all together. Zecora isn't meant to be insulting to Africans/Blacks Now if we take a look at characters like America from Hetalia or John Doe (Solider) from Team Fortress 2, this is positive stereotyping. Sure their traits are American stereotypes, but they're not meant to demean Americans in any way. These stereotypes are why we love the characters so much. I'd say Zecora falls into this category of using stereotypes to further her character's likability
  2. Did Pinkie ever do anything sweet for you when you two were fillies?
  3. @@The Blades Shadow Sure I'll help with you, but I'll likely not ADC cause I suck at that
  4. @@Dattebayo I already opened one can of worms with this thread, I refuse to open THAT one as well
  5. I'd had this idea for weeks now and had only just recently decided to write it. I want to know if it's a good premise for a story or not What do you think? Does it need more work? Is it even worth the time?
  6. @@The Blades Shadow Mind if I play with you too? I really need to find friendly people I can rely on in teams and not flame with each other
  7. Summoner Name: Seafea Preferred Team: Red Preferred Role: Mid/Jungle
  8. @ First off, good idea for choosing League to get into MOBA's. Nothing against DotA, but it is NOT the game to get into MOBA's because it is way too punishing on the unskilled. Second if you need a coach I'd be happy to help you Maybe, or maybe it's just something, or maybe it's just something awesome that Riot wanted to make for us. On a side note, I am disappointed that Valve has never made anything like this for DotA, espically when they have SFM and an entire pack of DotA character models to use for it.
  9. (Sorry but about the necro-post but this seems very interesting and I want to see more of it) So besides your looks, what else is there to this "New outlook on life"?
  10. (OC in question: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/double-side-r6395 Strikeout: Why are we doing this again? Book Worm: Because we're board and have nothing else to Strikeout: Oh right, well then...*clears throat* My name is Strikeout Book Worm: And I'm his twin brother Book Worm Both: Want to be friends?
  11. I love Rule 34 and I'm not ashamed one bit about it. I've known about it before I even became a brony (it was actually the main tool in my sexual discovery). I can understand somewhat about the hate it get, but is it really a bad thing? I for one don't think so. I think it's a really good sign for a fandom. To me it means that people enjoy the characters so much that they would want to see them in sexual situations. And that artists actually like the characters enough to draw said situations. A high content of Rule 34 means a lot of people really enjoy the characters of a particular media.
  12. Well considering the fact that he could erect (and maintain for an extended period of time) a city wide barrier, I'd say Shining Armor is in the same league or one very close to Twilight's of magic at the time. Either way, I must go, this fanfiction needs to be written!
  13. i guess I'll join with Double Side http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/double-side-r6395
  14. @@Harmony Cube Hey, at least it wasn't as bad as what just happened to me. My family and I just went out to a Mexican restaurant and the entire staff was too busy celebrating Germany to give us our checks
  15. @@Harmony Cube @@MagicalStarRain @ Aqua just looked confused at the pony because she didn't know what was going on. Though true to her personality, she was always one to keep a smile on her face no matter what the situation. "Well my eyes is a problem the doctors call Optical Refraction Disorder. And I don't think it's very nice of you to comment on how bright my coat is."
  16. Aqua Marry slowly opened her eyes. She hadn't had really any idea on what had happened. She had remembered that big flash of light before she had blacked out but that was it. Then the word light made her realize that she was outside and wasn't wearing sunglasses. While this wasn't particularly bad for her, Aqua did know that she would at the least annoy other ponies if she wasn't wearing them. She looked up at the sky to judge how bright the sun was and noticed that it was particularly cloudy. She also looked around the kingdom and felt that it was different somehow.
  17. I feel so lost and left out... Everypony else has friends and is RPing with other ponies...and I just feel like i'm ignored and don't belong
  18. Suddenly the hardest sense of deja vu hit Aqua Marry. The scene before her was exactly like her dream. That soft-skin with the funny voice who can't walk straight was dangerously close to the crystal heart. He looked like he couldn't keep himself up even though he was on clearly flat ground. Aqua realized that he must be about to break the heart. Not knowing what to do but knowing that a lot of ponies would be sad if the heart were to be broken, Aqua charged for the pony to try and stop him. Then there was a blinding flash of light. If anypony could have seen Aqua, they would have said she radiated the most magnificent shade of pink from her body. But all anypony, including herself, could see was black.
  19. Well really it's all speculation till now cause we know next to nothing about cutie marks. There are a lot of ponies who's names are almost identical to their cutie marks. This could either mean two things: one, a pony's name will play a large part in determining what their cutie mark will look like; or two, ponies are likely to change their name to match their cutie mark out of tradition. If we go by the first theory, then Apple Bloom's cutie mark is most likely to be apple-based. To fit in with her heavily implied construction talent, I always pictured it being a wooden apple with a hammer leaning against it.
  20. I am ready to commence the time travel. Also because I can, I'll explain why I have Aqua call everypony soft-skins. When I was thinking of things for her to say I was wondering what a Crystal Pony would call a non-Crystal Pony. Obviously it wouldn't be a normal pony. So after a couple ideas I came up with soft-skins because I figured a Crystal Pony's body must be really tough. Whether or not it's a derogatory term is up to you.
  21. @@Mint Drop Aqua looked at the crowd of ponies approaching the heart. Some of them looked like her father did after he had went out for the night as he and her mom put it. "I'm getting a really bad feeling about this." Aqua Marry said nervously. "Something tells me that bad thing is about to happen."
  22. @@Mint Drop Aqua put her hoof to her chin and thought for a second. "Well it's a dream, so it's kinda hard to remember much that happened. I ust know that something bad is gonna happen. And that there were a bunch of soft-skinned ponies like you an the other mare that went off somewhere here."
  23. So um, is Aqua just gonna be ignored
  24. @@Mint Drop "Oh well, you see my body is kind of weird with light. When I'm in the light somehow it goes through my body and out my eyes. It's why I'm always wearing these sunglasses." Aqua Marry took off her sunglasses and looked up at Winter. Her eyes looked like mirrors that somepony had just shined a lamp into. "It's not as cool as it looks really. I just end up hurting pony's eyes most of the time." "Well the Crystal Heart shines light like I do sometimes when the sun is really bright. Yesterday some of that light got into my eyes and it gave me bad dreams saying that something bad will happen to the heart. And it'll involve a soft-skin pony like you."
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