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Lighting Star

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Everything posted by Lighting Star

  1. What we need is a Markiplier/Wilfred Warstache skin for Braum. He would even make the "poof" noise when he uses stand behind me
  2. Double Side took off his saddle bag, which had his steel baseball bat stained red tied to it, and set it down as he walked around the camp. He got a feel for his surroundings and located any and all means of escape, if the need were to arise. His past experiences taught him that he had to be prepared to run at all times, whether it be from the infected or normal ponies. "Thank you for taking us in sir." Double Side said. "You don't know how long it's been since we've gotten to talk to anypony still normal. My name is Strikeout. I'm nothing like you sir, but I can bash one of the infected's heads in real good if I ever need to. And my brother, Book Worm, he knows a lot about them. I'm not sure what good that'll do for you but it's helped us survive this long."
  3. Whenever I have a meal I have to eat all the sides first, then the entree, and not even touch the drink until every else is done. I also have to have an orange soda whenever I eat pretzel M&Ms
  4. Equestira Girls, though I do admit we did NOT need a sequel. And IDW comic series, BUCK YEAH. But a sequel, and one that I actually agree looks like bad fanfiction? Nope.avi Final Fantasy XIII, I guess I can understand where some of the hate for the characters come from, but I honestly don't mind them. I instantly fell in love with Snow's character, Lightning is just an all around badass, Sazh was hilarious, I loved Sazh and Vanille's relationship, and I found Hope's character arc to be very interesting. I also get that the game is linear, but so was X (which was one of the fan faves). I hated XIII-2 though Season 3 The Star Wars Prequels
  5. @ Double Side kept his hooves clamped over his mouth as he tried to fight back his urge to moan in pain. He had encounter enough to survivors to know that you had to be cautious when you approach another pony. He contemplated what he had to do next. Silver Spades knew for certain that he was there now. While he himself didn't look like he would be too much of a problem, that Soul Survivor looked really intimidating. "What should we do?" Double Side's Book Worm half whispered as silently as possible. "We should at least see if they're friendly." Strikeout attempted to whisper. But unfortunately talking silent wasn't one of his greatest strengths. "Quiet they'll hear us!" Book Worm whispered urgently. "They know we're here now so what's the point in trying to be quiet?" Strikeout was talking in a normal tone of voice now. "Um hello."
  6. So I've been thinking about this ever since Equestria Girls came out: What would the plot of an "actual" MLP movie be about? Well here is a thread I started for all of you to pitch your ideas. If a thread like this already exists please point that out to me. Me personally I wouldn't like to see just an extended season finally where some new villain threatens Equestria and the mane six defeat them using some deus ex machina at the end. It would be cool and all but that's what pretty much every season finally is like. I would want something fresh and different. Maybe an epic quest across Equestria to find something for some reason. It would be a great opportunity for some world building and to really define Equestria and maybe even beyond.
  7. @Rainblow Hash I meant that purely to be a humorous post, but I do get what you're saying. The most important thing is to be thick skinned. You just have to know that you are you and you must be proud of you. You're unique because you are you and nobody but you can define you. Not everybody may like you but you are you nonetheless. If being you makes you happy then let nobody tell you not to be you. And the award for cheesiest post ever goes to
  8. You are probably one of the most rational people I've ever met when it comes to this topic
  9. I actually don't think so. Too much of a good thing ruins it (Please go away Batman) And also, Lapis and Lazuli? I don't know why but i just facehooved there.
  10. @Carbon Maestro Well it's just a thought really. Maybe 2000-3000 years is her limit? What you're saying is like saying to a human "You've been alive for a 100 years already, what's a 100 more to you?" But she never seems to do anything significant. I'd imagine just her attacking Chysalis put a lot of strain and took a lot out of her. Though again it's all just a theory, A PONY THEORY!
  11. Well my close group of friends wouldn't see it as out of the ordinary for me, cause they know me too well. We all prescribe to the mindset "To each there own" and we never judge anyone for anything they do. Heck, I actually made it clear one day when we were recording a video over skype that I was looking at Sonic the Hedgehog hentia the entire time and they didn't mind.
  12. @Appleloosa Well I would think that when Celestia sent Luna/Nightmare Moon to the moon she locked her in a sort of state of suspended animation. I mean in the first episode she still looked like a little filly when turned back to herself.
  13. This thought came to me one day. What if the reason Princess Celestia never does anything and relies on Twilight to do it is because she's secretly becoming old and frail. She doesn't want anypony to know that their beloved leader is dying so she allows the misconception that Alicorns are immortal to continue. And the reason she guided Twilight on the path to becoming a princess is so that she would have somepony she knew she could trust to continue her duties of moving celestial bodies. Luna isn't becoming old because of the time she spent in the moon (she was sort of locked in a stasis) and thus is a thousand years younger than she should be. So this would make it even harder for Celestia to tell the truth if she knew that her younger sister would have to feel the pain she felt of not having a sister for a thousand years.
  14. Let's see here Whenever I hear anything a conservative bigot has to say Whenever I look into the comments section on youtube Whenever people don't understand the concept of "to each their own" Teller Whenever I watch the news Whenever I'm in school
  15. Yeah I can see that. But they have Tara Strong already on the voice cast, so I'm just wondering why they didn't use her instead of hiring a new voice atress
  16. When someone eats the last snack in the box and doesn't throw the box away. I'm always like: "Oh I would like a Honey Bun" there's nothing in the box "Son of a-!"
  17. I'm just surprised that no one brought up the fact that Tara Strong should have been the one to voice her. I like her voice in all, but doesn't she sound an awful lot like Raven?
  18. May I have my nose back? Or if you want to keep it I'll settle for that swimsuit you have
  19. @McTurkeyBurger What you have there actually looks pretty good. If it were to be completed in that same style we might have a badass looking knight there
  20. I think Cupcakes is a really good Fanfic for what it is
  21. Hmm, looks a little rough around the edges here and there, but all and all I'd say that you're pretty good at drawing my friend
  22. Is anypony out there a Homestuck fan? Or does anypony completely hate it? Or does nopony no what it is and need somepony to explain it to them. Just wondering if we could have a Homestuck related topic here.
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