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Everything posted by Steeplechase

  1. I know someone who is named Pinky. It's not her birth name, but it was a nickname given to her long before mlp began. It totally fits her. I didn't even know her real name until recently. Though, if she were to have been named after a pony on the show, she should have been named Rainbow Dash instead of Pinky. They are very much alike.
  2. Thanks for the insight! I think I may need a refresher course on how the game is played, it's been so long.. But, I really would like to learn it again because it was fun when I played with friends. I also wish that I had a friend at those events. I'm usually significantly older than all the other kids (like 10-13 yr olds) playing. Maybe I just need to try a different comic store.
  3. I'm playing my way through the Infamous series right now. Been having trouble finding time to video games lately. :okiedokielokie: Having feelings about this.
  4. I have a lot of cards, but only play casually with friends and family. My little brother got me into it. I'd like to play in a local booster night but, honestly, I'm afraid to. Every time I walk into the comic store during a game night intending to play, I get intimidated and leave. You could say, I feel like Fluttershy in room full of Twilights and Rainbow Dashes. I think I may need a Pinkie Pie to push me into the party!
  5. ^^^ Oh my gosh, DO WANT. Lightning Bliss, you're Lightning Bliss is so AwEsOMe! And,...I've been really sickly this past week (like emergency room visit sickly. *bummer*) so today I treated myself to two blind bags. I got Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie! YAY! And on that note, does anyone have any ideas of where I can find blind bags? They've been really difficult to find recently. Anyone know which stores carry them?
  6. When I was wee little my two main role models were Macgyver (for his ability to be resourceful in any circumstance and his ridiculously feathery hair) and Donatello from TMNT. Donnie I admired for his brains and level headedness despite Leonardo's need to be the leader and Raphael's grumpiness. (I loved Michelangelo too! But I wanted to eat pizza and tell fart jokes with him rather than looking up to him) As I grew older, Doug Funny (Doug), Arnold (Hey Arnold), and PepperAnn (PepperAnn) helped me juggle my own conflicts in life. Probably my age and introspective personality played a big role with how they seem to understand me. Also, I have to agree with @Little Black Dress , Chandler Bing still has an influence on my humor and sensibility. I could name more, but now I'm rambling... I digress.
  7. Ironically enough, there is a pony at my barn, that I have always thought looks like Big Mac. He has the same type of hooves, a dirty blonde mane, and his coat is an orangey blonde (so not red, but for real life, kind of close). Personality wise, they couldn't be more opposite. I'm trying to find a picture of him to post for comparison because for the type of pony he is, he is exactly in shape for that breed of pony. That's how I've always looked at Big Mac. Oh, and what makes it ironic is that this pony is named "Mack"!
  8. I would probably set up a picnic and try to have the most epic bbq picnic event, ever! With maybe the largest game of egg toss this universe has ever seen. There are people being murdered in the Antarctic?
  9. I'm an artist, but I usually don't work in photoshop, like ever. So, I made my new avatar which I thought was cute so I thought I'd share because it's hard to see the words at such a small size. I hope you guys like it!
  10. It's a miniature pony event that might be the cutest thing I've ever seen. *^.^*
  11. 7/10 It seems pretty straightforward. Plus, that was going to be my name originally, so there's that.
  12. I'm only going to add that I'm not a fan of the phrase, "Not my cup of tea." Not sure why but it grates on me. Most people I know don't drink many forms of tea; thus, they haven't acquired an opinion on multiple kinds of tea to per say have a cup of tea. It just sounds condescending to me rather than simply saying, "I don't like it." That phrase is just not my cup of tea.
  13. Thanks, everybody! I already feel more connected to awesome peeps who love awesome ponies! You've all been so nice.
  14. True. I always want pie. For breakfast, lunch, dinner. Always pie. The person below me can't wait for summer vacation.
  15. My last purchase was a rainbow dash trading card game box. I'm pretty new to the MLP world. But, I love collecting trading cards, so I'm pretty stoked about starting this collection. And now after reading this thread, I want to go to the store and buy all the things! All the things!
  16. How did you find MLP Forums?: I can't pick just one favorite Mane 6, I love them all! It's a common discussion at home, because my gf loves Twilight Sparkle. I feel like I can't just pick one! How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: On a whim, I picked up an issue of one of the comics for my gf to read because of her love of horses and she needed a pick me up that day. I read it before she got home and was hooked! The ponies were relatable, funny, and entertaining. Neither of us have looked back since! My love for MLP is a recent thing. Many of my friends just don't understand; and despite my best efforts, none of them are willing to give the show a chance. The only person who shares my love for MLP with me is my gf. She is a horse rider and has two horses. The one is fittingly named Magic and before we became bronies, we joked that if Magic was a cartoon she would be Twilight Sparkle. All the horses at the barn have a themed color for all their blankets, wraps, etc. Magic's is and always has been purple. Anyway, enough about Magic. I just wanted to find a place where I could discuss all of the ponies, their jokes, their styles, and such without having to hear snickers or the rolling of eyes. I am in my mid twenties, a professional artist, and a lover with a sense of humor. I hope that I might find some friends on here and learn some things along the way. Thanks!
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