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Samurai Equine

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Everything posted by Samurai Equine

  1. Welcome to the forum! And it's AWESOME you have a brother who is a member here as well. FAMILY IS TRULY A SPLENDID THING!!!
  2. Welcome to the forum! It's always great to make international friends. The love of ponies and friendship is truly a universal notion.
  3. Welcome to the forum! Wow. I LOVE that introduction. Sounds like you understand what it means to be a true, true friend, and I like that! If you ever need a friend, I'm right here! I'm also all about the friendship, and I love to talk about the show and the stuff that makes this fandom great!
  4. Welcome to the forum! BTW, nice fez! I hope to own one myself someday. You wouldn't happen to be a Dr. Who/Dr. Whooves fan, would you? Don't get too discouraged. This place is a little big, and it can be intimidating, but there is lots of fun to be had!
  5. Welcome to the forum! So great to have a new member. Just be sure to glance over the rules and just try to generally get along with everyone. If you can do that, you should be good. Other then that, have fun! There's lots to do here, and lots of potential friends around every corner.
  6. Doing just fine, thanks for asking! Welcome to the forum. We hope you'll enjoy your stay, and we hope your stay is a long and happy one.
  7. Welcome to the herd! Don't worry, shy friends are always welcome with us. Friendship is what it's all about.
  8. Welcome to the forum! And don't worry about being shy or having aspergers. We're all different here, and we all have different needs. You might be surprised to find how many bronies are in the same boat as yourself. I've never really spent time with someone who has aspergers before, but my mother works at a hospital and has a long history as a medical worker. I'd like to think I've learned some things from her, so maybe we can be friends too. I can be very patient and helpful.
  9. Welcome to the forum! That's a cool hobby you got. I was never that big into racing. In fact, I was always terrible at racing games.
  10. Welcome to the herd and the forum! I would LOVE to try one of your chocolate cakes! Don't worry about being lost. I'm almost 30, and I'm still searching for my place in this world. The most important thing is to keep on moving forward and keep being true to yourself and what you believe in. The rest will fall into place, I just know it. In the meantime, you'll make plenty of friends here.
  11. Welcome to the forum, turkish brony! There's always room for more friends.
  12. My dream is basically the American dream. I'd love to get married to the right woman, have children, and raise them the way children deserve to be raised. Loving environment with parents who care about them and are doing their best to give them a better life than they had. I all ready finished college, and now I'm working my way to a better living than the average person. Would be nice if my wife is also working, as long as we can keep from being too busy to raise our kids or pick them up from school. This dream isn't too much to ask, is it? I know I'm not perfect. I began dating when I was young. I've broken a few hearts, and got my heart broken a few times. But all of it was necessary! It helped me become a better person, someone who is more in touch with himself, and someone who understands the pain of break ups and being cheated on and so fourth. I wanted to make sure I get all this out of my system now so that it won't happen when I actually do get married. I was born an only child, and my father ran off with another woman before I was old enough to talk. A boy growing up with only his mother? Times were tough. I know how hard it can be for a child to grow up alone without both parents. I also know what it's like to work through pain and depression (no, I'm not depressed anymore. That's in the past). I don't want children to ever experience that, especially mine. You'd think, knowing how bad it could end up, you'd think I wouldn't want any of these things. You'd think I'd want to be single forever. But I want that kind of precious life more than anything... And even if things don't work out, even if I have a child but things end badly between me and my ex-wife or ex-lover, that doesn't mean I'd run away. I'd fight to stay there for my children and make sure that they had both parents in their life, that they had everything they could ever need. I won't ever let my future children go wanting.
  13. I've been trying to find out if it has a name... Basically, I have a fear of being a failure, of disappointing/letting down others and myself. There might also be some abandonment issues.
  14. Samurai Equine

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    I'm just going to throw this out there... A wise person once told me that Feminism is about equality, not about making one gender better than the other. If that's true, then I'm a male who is proud to be a feminist. I remember when I was younger, when things like Powerpuff Girls and Sailor Moon was on television. In those times, there was a huge "Girl Power" movement, and I was right there with them! Anyone who says women can't be strong or independent is a fool. I still get upset whenever I hear a news report about women being denied an equal salary in the work force just because of their gender. Though I am a male, I've been trying all my life to better understand and appreciate females, their struggles, and their experiences. See, I have a dream of being a father, and I want to have a son and a daughter some day. But I don't want to be the kind of father that runs away and says "Go speak to your mother" when my daughter is having *girl problems*. What if my wife isn't there? What if there aren't any other females on hand? I want to be able to step up with complete knowledge of what to do. I want to be able to enjoy things like mani-pedi's with my daughter. The same thing goes with being a lover. I want to be the kind of person who is able to understand her needs, who can do things she didn't expect the average man would even think of. I know it's also a matter of getting to know the people you're with, everyone's different and unique, but doesn't weaken my resolve. I don't mind getting in touch with my sensitive side! No matter what, I always want to better myself. And I want to prove to the women in my life that not every man is predictable or useless or whatever. I can rise to the challenge and prove that I can be better. Talk to me. I want to understand.
  15. Why yes! I love swords! I own three of them. Six if you count daggers and short swords.
  16. Even if Lauren was asked to collaborate on the anime, it wouldn't be 100% her creation to make. There are things that would be popular only on Japanese television; things that the average Japanese viewer would want to see but not necessarily things American audiences would care about, things that might not even make it past the FCC. Not only is Japan a more liberal country, but there are cultural differences to consider. At best, even if they did collaborate with Lauren or anyone from Hasbro or DHX, the anime would just end up being something that tries to please a larger international audience. That means it could go in either direction. Consider shows like Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, and Attack on Titan. Those anime used a lot of western influence instead recycling Japanese lore and tropes for then Nth time. They had an international audience in mind, but the creators behind them clearly had a passion for what were making. If the passion isn't there, if the production staff feels like they are being pigeon-held into making something for a foreign country, the anime could turn out generic and boring. No real fun to be had, none of the magic that made us all bronies in the first place, just a play-by-the-numbers anime that doesn't really try to capture our enjoyment in any way. That being in mind, if collaboration is REALLY the way to go, maybe it'd be better if the anime was just a special FiM side story, like an OVA or something. Something just for the fans, still continues the characters and stories we all ready know, but puts a subtle yet obvious Japanese spin to it.
  17. Oh wow! A fellow Texas brony! Nice to meet you, friend. I also sympathize with the fandom. The fans are the biggest reason I became a brony myself. Let's make some friends and enjoy our stay here.
  18. Welcome, new comer! Hope your stay is pleasant and full of new friends.
  19. Welcome! I think we are going to make great friends! I never saw that many shows with strong female leads. However, growing up, I did watch and loved Sailor Moon and Powerpuff Girls. They must have really set the stage for my love of ponies. What an unexpected turn in my life, but I'm LOVING it! Oh, and you have asthma and ADD? Wow! I had that too when I was younger! Maybe not as aggressive as what you have, but I still had it. It was hard over coming it, and my grandparents still think the ADD was a misdiagnosis. But with hard work, I managed to start and finish college without ADD medication. And my lounges have gotten stronger over time. I'm not extremely sensitive, but don't put me in a room of smokers where the smoke is so thick you can cut it with a knife, or else I'll be suffocating in no time. Anyways, welcome to the forum and the herd! I have much respect for Rarity fans.
  20. The trip to Japon would be long, but thankfully unnecessary. The pamphlet unfolds, revealing a mailing addressing. This made it easier for Lucky to contact Samurai Equine and invite him over. You'd be surprised how fast Pegasi can deliver airmail! To make sure he got there as fast as he could, Samurai travels by train. He goes over the instructions he got from Lucky, which include his address and a photo of what he looks like. "Perhaps this is where I make comrades that I can fight beside... For Equestria!" The train pulls in to the station, and Samurai gets off. However, he notices quickly that he is surrounded by laughing shadows! In fact, a few of the conductors and train staff are acting like zombies, possessed by the shadows. "Wicked shadow demons! Disperse, all of you!" Samurai bucks and punches with his horseshoe covered hooves, but physical attacks do nothing! "No effect? Then face my Flaming Horn attack!" Summoning his magic, red flames surround Samurai's horn. With a wave of his head, the flames shoot out, and burn the shadow creatures away! The train staff are freed and relatively unharmed. "The shadows draw closer with every minute. I can't waist anymore time!" Samurai Equine trots as fast as he can to his destination. Samurai arrives at Lucky's house. "This looks like the place."
  21. Rarity rocks any look that she sports. Never a dull fashion moment with her! But even so, I feel like I have to challenge some of the looks... Can you really count the Wet Mane look? She didn't design it, she hardly chose it. She just got wet. It's more of a coincidence than a look. And if Princess Platinum is really a historical figure, then I doubt Rarity designed her look. She might have jazzed up the look with a flare that only Rarity can give, but I think Rarity was mostly just being historically accurate. I could go on and on, but I'll stop while I'm ahead. For me, it's a 3 way toss up between Coronation, Gala, and Crystal Rarity.
  22. I feel like I'm the only one who would gladly welcome a new member to the mane 6, especially a male. So far, the writers have yet to really turn me off. Even when I thought Twilight going princess was too far, the following season and the movie rebounded my way of thinking. If done right, and I honestly believe they would, then I could see another member meshing quite well despite needing to catch up a little. But then again, I could be wrong. The addition of a new member, established or not, male or not, could very well usher in the end of the brony fandom. I'd like to think we are more open minded then that, but after seeing so many people say NO to the idea, I just don't know. All I can do is quietly suggest everyone to keep an open mind, but then let everyone do as they please regardless.
  23. Somwhere in the heart of Japon, a distance yet very oriental land in Equestria, an armored pony patrols the weary streets. He has been known to break up crowd disturbances, send Diamond Dogs running back home with their tails between their legs, keeping Timber Wolves at bay, and make sure Snow Leopards don't interrupt days meant to be sunny. However as of lately, something else entirely grabs his attention, something that keeps him up at night. Something so mysterious and illusive, it could even make ninjas jealous... He can't find what it is just yet, but he knows it's out there. He knows because others have felt the ominous presence. In his investigation, he has heard from fellow ponies about being haunted by something scary, perhaps not of this world. Yet there was never any solid evidence left behind. Be that as it may, this armored pony felt it his duty to investigate. As a honorable retainer, he sent a written message to Celestia, leader of the solar kingdom which he is most loyal to. However, no word came back. No orders, no confirmations, and nothing dispelling what could be a potential threat. However, whatever was lurking among pony kind could not be ignored. It was possible that this threat has reached far beyond his humble land. To make absolute sure, this armored pony has been giving visitors and tourists advisory pamphlets. These ponies would take these pamphlets, give them a read, and quickly toss it aside as a joke. Some would throw theirs away when they got home, forgetting that they had it. And as luck would have it, one of those discarded pamphlets had somehow reached Lucky's yard. When he rushed home, that very pamphlet latched on to his hoof, and fell to the floor as he locks his door. It is dirty with mud, but still readable and waiting for him to discover it. It reads... "If you ever feel as if the shadows are haunting you, contact Samurai Equine." Information on how to do so was was listed within.
  24. Yes, I do. I am fully aware of Sonic history. I've been a Sonic fan longer than I've been a brony, and I've been a fan of FiM since Season 1's original airing on TV. Not to brag, but there is very little Sonic trivia you can surprise me with. Even so, I'm picky about how I think Sonic should be portrayed in cartoons. That's why it makes me happy that so many people like it. It was so drastically different after 4Kids dubbed it, but on the surface, there weren't enough changes to warrant companies like Funimation to redub it. Thank goodness the original uncut Japanese episodes are on Hulu. But I'm getting off topic.
  25. Ah, the charm of FiM... Sometimes, all it takes is 1 episode to get you hooked. Welcome to the forum and the herd. You'll fit right in here.
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