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Soaring Symphony

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Everything posted by Soaring Symphony

  1. just because i'm ambiciously lazy, ditto, ditto, ditto wait a minute!!!!!! There are 63 year old bronies?????????
  2. Ever since I watched pinkie pride, I've been wondering, if Wierd Al is able to play a character whose similtaneously Al himself and a Pinkie Pie clone, Who could represent the other EoH? If the Elements of Harmony existed in our world, which people alive today could come together in order to bear them. Keep in mind, I looking for something that could realisticly happen. If someone you know of who would fit an element (for example, Benjimin Franklin getting the element of genorosity) is already dead, don't take them into consideration. The six people you choose have to realisticly be able to come together and activate the elements the way the mane six have on multiple occasions. Personally, I think the element of laughter would have to go to Weird Al just cause he's so much like Pinkie Pie. On a side note, just so we can include the element of magic, I recomend looking at the elements in terms of the alternate names given to them by Celestia at the end of Magical Mystery cure. They are: Honesty = integrity genorosity = charity kindness = compassion loyalty = devotion laughter = optimism magic = leadership so what do you guys think? which real people alive today best represent the Elements of Harmony?
  3. exacty!!!!! the cutie pox is really just a weird disease. real cutie marks don't work that way at all. I don't agree. Here's what I think happened in magical mystery cure. When Twilight read the broken spell, that magic channeled through her element to all the others fundimentally altering which element represented what. For example, the element of kindness became the element of laughter. when this happened, the ponies most directly connected to the elements were effected as well. For example, AJ's element suddenly represented not honesty, but genorosity, so she was given false memories of her being genorous. The same goes for the rest of the mane six (excluding Twilight of course). Considering that the EoH are more or less the driving force of nature in Equestria, I think everypony else may have had thier memories altered as well, (although to a lesser extent). When the mane six's memories changed as a result of thier elements changing, their cutie marks changed to reflect that. In other words, a cutie mark is the result of a ponies percieved ideas of their natural talents, not the other way around.
  4. I agree that Sweet Apple Acres is technically part of Ponyville and, therefore, AJ is from ponyville too. Although, I've got to wonder, does Rainbow dash live in ponyville at all. While only Rarity and possibly AJ were born in ponyville, everyone except for Rainbow appear to live there now. Twilight lives in the town library. Pinkie lives at Sugercube Corner with the cakes. Rarity lives in Carousel Boutique. AJ lives at Sweet Apple Acres (totally part of Ponyville). fluttershy lives in a cottage on the edge of town. Rainbow Dash on the other hoof, where exactly does she live???? Does she still live in cloudsdale and only really visits Ponyville to see her friends and for her weather duties?????
  5. I really don't think Sunset representing the element of magic would make much sense. The end of EqG, when she tried to wear the element of magic, she was unable to properly wield it like Twilight could. Also, because Sunset is obviously not Twilight's human counterpart, if Sunset were linked to the element of magic, than that element would end up being wielded by more then one person/pony. That would be like if, in "The Legend of Zelda" someone else shared the Triforce of Courage with Link. It just wouldn't make any sense. As for Sunset's color (Red) joining the deus ex machina rainbow at the end of Rainbow Rocks, I don't think that was because she's conected to an element. In the battle against the Dazlings, they didn't use the elements at all. It was entirely the raw magic of friendship itself. While only the mane six are linked to the EoH, I think anyone is capable of being a good friend and sharing in the magic of friendship. That Inculdes Sunset Shimmer. She has officially joined thier group now though. I'll admit, I'm very curious to see how this will play out in Equestria Girls 3. Ps. if Sunset Shimmer did have an element, I think it would be the element of forgiveness. Due to her experiance in trying to gain forgiveness for her own past wrongdoings, I think she would be the most forgiving of the Rainbooms. Forgiveness was more or less her entire character arc in Rainbow Rocks. Not to mention that she was the only one (excluding Twilight who was completely distracted with trying to write a counter spell) who didn't get sucked into any of the arguements.
  6. The problem with that statement is that I can back up my claim. Hasbro released an official live action music video giving a pretty good depiction of what CHS, the humane six, and Sunset Shimmer would all look like in real life. Here it is. As you can see, more than half the people there appear to have died thier hair. From this, I think it's possible that dying your hair is just a thing that's popular to do at CHS and it's very possible that Brad often dies his hair blue. Hence why Rarity would call him a "blue haired guitar player".
  7. I don't think cutie marks are limited to just ponies. Just look at Zecora. But that's a completely different can of worms that I'd rather not get into. WROOOOOONNNGGG!!!!!!!!!!! Zebra's do too have cutie marks. It said so in "the journal of the two sisters". I know that book is cannon because it was written by Amy Keeting Rogers and appeared in the episode "castlemane-ia". in one part of that book, sun butt and moon butt stumbled across a tribe of zebras on the edge of the Everfree Forest. As a direct quote from Luna's entry "Terribly exhausted from walking and not seeing anypony, I took to the air to find out where I was. Suddenly, I saw a village of huts and a group of ponies down on the ground. But as I grew closer, I saw that while they had cutie marks, they weren't exactly ponies. They were unusually covered with stripes." Also, just look at Zecora. She's a zebra and she totally has a cutiemark. I forget, how exactly does status work on this site again??????? what could represent Discord better than himself??? a tornado that's what!!!!!!!
  8. Interesting theory, but Amy Keating Rogers already prooved that theory wrong in 'the journal of the two sisters" (as seen in another post of mine.)
  9. exactly!!!!!!! The Spiral Sun also represents elnlightenment and wisdom, both of which are words you could easily use to describe Zecora. Also, if you look at the mark a certain way, it resembles a swirling potion in a culdron over a blazing fire as seen from a top down perspective. Considering that the closest thing Zecora has to a special talent is alchemy, this would have to be one hell of a coincidence to be nothing more then a tribal tattoo. In fact, not only do I believe she has a cutie mark, I can proove she has a cutie mark. In "the journal of the two sisters" (which is cannon btw) sun butt and moon butt stumbled across a tribe of zebras on the edge of the Everfree Forest. As a direct quote from Luna's entry "Terribly exhausted from walking and not seeing anypony, I took to the air to find out where I was. Suddenly, I saw a village of huts and a group of ponies down on the ground. But as I grew closer, I saw that while THEY HAD CUTIE MARKS, they weren't exactly ponies. They were unusually covered with stripes." So, yeah, Zebra cutie marks have been confirmed as cannon. It's an interesting theory, but I don't agree. I've always thought of the zebra's in a similar way to how I think of the chrystal ponies. If you'll recall, the Chrystal Ponies all have cutie marks dispite not being Earth Ponies, Unicorns or Pegasi in a traditional sense, because thier technically just a different kind of Earth Pony. I bilieve it's a similar situation with the zebra's. Thier bassically a different looking kind of Earth Pony. I think Chrystal Ponies, Earth ponies and, of course, zebras are all the same race (dispite looking very different) in the same way Chiwawas, German Shepperds, and Golden Retrievers are all dogs (dispite looking very different).
  10. I don't know know about the names, but when it comes the weird skin and hair colors, I just view it as the animators taking artistic liberties
  11. Hey, it's about as believable a name as Carrot Top (who is a real person)!!!!!
  12. I'd have to go with honesty. It's more or less the basis for all the other elements. Without honesty, kindness is degraded to just buttering other people up to do favors for you (go re-watch "the ticket master" to see what I mean). While laughter can normally lighten a sour mood, dishonest laughter revolves around making fun of others misfortunes. Without honesty, you'd only be generous to build up a good reputation. But that reputation would be based on something that isn't heartfelt. Dishonest loyalty is what Tirek pulled on Discord (and we all know how well that turned out). Sooooooo.......yeah!!! Honesty is really BUCKING important. Ps. Did you notice that in "return of harmony" the first pony to be discorded as well as the first to get un-discorded by Twilight was AJ????????? Possibly symbolic???????
  13. I don't exactly have a single favorite, but there a few that come to mind. In no particular order, they are Hypno's Lullaby The origin of mlp Slenderman Happiness for sale.
  14. I don't think the humans have cutie marks on their bodies like the ponies do. I always thought the marks being on their clothes was just due to the animators taking artistic liberties.
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