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Everything posted by Ricebug

  1. I work at a small grocery store. The rules are loose and the best security measure we have are locks for the ice machine and propane tanks. I catch customers stealing all the time. It's a nice place to work to say the least. I'm not trying to sound sarcastic either. I enjoy working there.
  2. Replying to a bundle of messages I had waiting on here.
  3. Due to impossible customers last night I had to stay half an hour late. I don't mind staying late, but I do mind being called several times. Especially after I had already sent a text to my mom explaning why I was late getting home.

    1. Ricebug


      Please don't call me that.

  4. Higher pitched most of the time. Although you should not be able to hear my voice. I usually don't talk. Especially to people.
  5. I'd enjoy somewhere that is usually filled with snow because winter is my favorite season. Although, due to some health issues, I might not be able to survive the cold.
  6. I find myself visiting the "'Ignore' prefrences" tab quite frequently as of late.

  7. Lonely and unmotivated. Same as usual.
  8. I do not like being complimented. But, if someone has the urge to do so then I can put up with being called "Mysterious".
  9. Made myself look like a fool a few minutes ago in front of my coworkers...

  10. I've never stolen anything in a store. But, when I was in physical high school I would steal from my classmates all the time. I would take pencils, pens, notebooks, planners, erasers, packs of gum, hand sanitizer, mirrors, combs, boxes of tissues, a few pencil cases, stacks of loose paper, etc. I can't remember everything I stole. But, it was quite a lot. I still have the urge to steal, but I have not taken anything in a long time. I'm sure that all the items that I took made it's way back to there respected person. Because I lost just about everything I took. I would notice that some students would have their things back too. I was also the "pencil student" who had pens or pencils for everyone. I'd carry ten or twenty everywhere I would go and give just about all of them to students in need throughout the day. So, you could say I was being robbed of my writing utensils too. It's a good thing I've learned to stop stealing too. Especially now that I work at a very low security grocery store...
  11. I don't really like hot dogs anymore. But, when I was younger I used to eat them raw. Although, now boiling them is my favorite way to eat them.
  12. I think I'd be fine. Unless this unicorn knows any deadly magic.
  13. I'll usually make a simple sandwich. If I'm not in the mood for one then I'll usually be creative and make a barely edible abomniation.
  14. The only time I wear clothes multiple times in a row is if I have to work several days in a row. I'm not going to get more than pair of pants and shirt dirty. Besides, my clothes get dirty at work. So, it's not like wearing a clean pair before I get there is going to make a difference. Yes, I realize that is more than twice sometimes. But, I'm not rolling in mud at work and drenched in sweat when I come home. So, it's fine. A little dirt never hurt anyone.
  15. It doesn't matter how much I sleep. I always wake up tired. When I sleep I, for some reason, wake up a lot. So, when it comes time for me to get up and stay awake. I'm already tired. I'm used to it now, but it's common for me to nod off once and a while. Not for very long though...
  16. Unfortunately the internet is my life. It is where I talk to my friends, do my school work, and keep myself entertained with music and videos. I could last a few days without it and read books are write down my thoughts. But, after a while I will start to get depressed about not being able to see anyone. Yes, I know I could just go outside. But, it's hard to do that and meet people when you have social anxiety. Especially after people have accepted you don't like them and will go great lengths to ignore you.
  17. An English muffin with a slice of cheese for breakfast yesterday.
  18. I'd probably listen to music and think. If it's nice out I'll go out, lie down, and watch the sky. If it's a blizzard I'll happily watch it, but only alone. If it's a thunderstorm...hide and listen to loud music. I am scared of thunderstorms. I used to hide behind my living room chair in a blanket fort when I was little. I'll definitely be alone during a thunderstorm because my family likes to go outside in them to watch them.
  19. Right now. I haven't been feeling well for over three weeks.
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