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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Ricebug

  1. I'm sitting alone in my room and I felt someone run they hand down my back...

    1. Johnny1226


      A ghost perhapse

    2. Ricebug


      I hope not. Just the thought of a ghost touching me freaks me out...

  2. Rudely woken up by my co worker at seven in the morning to tell my brother to take his shift. Why didn't he call him instead?!

    1. Vulcan


      Headcannon: He and your brother are arguing and don't want to directly speak to each other o_o

    2. TheRockARooster
  3. I work a cut hour shift tomorrow. I look forward to having extra stress at work....

    1. melody strike

      melody strike

      Hope you come back to us in one piece.

  4. I fall asleep while doing something else constantly. Mostly when I am watching something on YouTube or listening to music.
  5. I had a cute dream/ terrifying nightmare last night. The dream was so good though that I am stull in a good mood.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kenshiro


      There is the circlet on your avatar's hair or its a headphone..

      I mean that..

    3. Ricebug


      Oh sorry. I didn't realize you were talking about my avatar.

    4. Kenshiro


      No problem =)

  6. My job seems to be getting worse everyday. Time to look for a new one.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Aww, I'm sorry to hear that Nykki.

  7. My profile won't load properly.....

    1. Frostgage


      Don't worry I can see it fine

    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Me too *continues to lurk*

  8. When it's cold out I love to drink a warm cup of hot chocolate! Besides that I try to eat anything warm since I don't do well with the cold.
  9. I had baked chicken. It was cut and seasoned by my dad at where he works and it was delicious~. I had a glass of milk and string beans with it. One of the better dinners I have had in a while.
  10. Once in my old high school as a senior prank (Well I was told it was one) all of the toilet water was turned into pink bubbles that flooded almost the entire bathroom. More recent at work I found a stuffed bear in the women's stall. Either it was left there as a joke or a child left it there and forgot it. It still sits in the lost in found box to this day.
  11. I met my best friend in a...interesting way. It was around 6th grade in grade school and two new male students joined my class. I tend to stick with my already made friends so never talked to either of them. 2 weeks in the classroom was all that was needed to make the class hate them both deeply. Their names were Connor and Brandon. One day while on the playground the whistle to line up for lunch time went off. So all the kids ran to their respected lines and waited. Of course everybody tried to be first to get to the food faster. I was at the front of the line since I was sitting there the whole time reading. I stood up and waited. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. I didn't realize that the two new kids ran behind me while I turned around. When I face forward again they both had cut me in line. Well my younger self was more forward and I decided to tap their shoulders. Connor turned around and said "what?!" Loud and very rude to me. I told him that I was in front of both of them and tried to walk in front of them. When I was at Connors side he grabbed the hood of my jacket and pushed me forward. I fell to the ground and even damaged the library book that I was reading. I got up and probably did the dumbest thing that someone could do in a situation like this. I pushed Connor back and Brandon caught him. Connor proceeded to push me even harder on the ground and I ended up getting a gash in my arm from the second fall. After I went to the nurse and got it disinfected (I fell on a black top) I came late to the lunchroom and sat down to eat. I was at the corner table by myself since all my friends were sitting with others and I didn't feel like talking to anyone after getting hurt. Connor came over and sat down next to me. He started to make fun of me and poke at my arm. It hurt and I tried to ignore him as best I could. Eventually he started to eat my lunch without permission. That was the final straw and I picked up my plastic spork and rammed it into his hand HARD. I felt bad and was amazed by how much blood started to come out of his hand. He didn't say anything or do anything except ran out of the cafeteria. I never got in trouble since Connor never told anybody about it. The very next day he found me reading in the shade of a tree and got in my face again. Although he wasn't mad. He seemed proud of me. He told me that he respected me for standing up to his bullying ways and wanted to play basket ball with me. I declined, but said thank you anyway. From the point on he introduced me to the more rougher kids and they all liked the silent shy girl. Of course nothing like that will ever happen again, but my first best friend was a memorable one.
  12. I am good at it, but not perfect. I have not been in an accident yet outside of the school course I took. Although while in the school course I mixed the pedals up while in reverse and almost reversed into a pole that was behind us. Besides that I haven't had other problems while driving, but the fear and anxiety that I feel while driving makes me not do it very often. I try to avoid driving all together if I can.
  13. Strawberry Panic finished. It was amazing!

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Strawberry what now?

    2. Ricebug


      Strawberry Panic. A yuri romance anime. No echhi either, which was what I was looking for! If you enjoy romance then I defiantly recommend you give it a try.

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Oh I love Romance, I will be sure to check this out!

  14. Just finished watching Sakura Trick. One of the sweetest most heart warming anime's I have ever watched. And now am in a hole of empty feeling now that it is finished. Well maybe sadness, yeah probably that.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ricebug


      I am sure you would be a wonderful person to get know~. It would be horrible of me to not give you a chance. And if your learning about me then it isn't fair if I don't get to learn about you =).

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      He's correct Nykki, listen before it's too late :o

    4. Ricebug


      I would give him a chance, but he never said anything back. So I won't bother him.

  15. It's terrible. I have forgotten names of my friends that I have known for a few years and talk to almost every single day. Important instructions given to me a few minutes ago. I tend to remember faces very well, but what good is that when you can't remember someones name x3?
  16. Well I tend to use my phone for the date, but my brother did bring a calendar home for me when he stopped at the bank. They were giving them away I think? I don't know I didn't ask him. I just took it and said "Thank you~." It's currently hanging up on my wall. I have crossed off a few days, but have kinda forgot about it. Not sure if I am gonna keep up with it or not =3.
  17. http://postimg.org/image/3mpmo4zj7/ This is all the subjects, which contain a few subjects within them, that I have left to do in order to get my highschool diploma =D! Not many left so excited!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ricebug


      Thanks~ Haven't seen you in a while =).

    3. 1Bit


      I was going to message you, I don't use Skype anymore though :P Was a little surprised at the change of username was all ^_^

    4. Ricebug


      Maybe that's why you didn't answer to my new account... Ehehehe well then I am waiting~

  18. Cut my self while shaving...I hate blood >~

  19. It's slightly snowing and my mom is driving me to Wal-Mart to get stuff like it's the apocalypse...

  20. The brand new phone that I am using to post this message. A new scarf and hat. And new mattress which I could literally spend all day sitting on x3. And not technically mine, but my brother bought a pan set for my mom and we can all use it if we wanted to!
  21. Delicious ramen~

  22. Merry Christmas~! Hope you all had a good day (Mine was alright)

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Yeah it was good glad you had nice time and merry Christmas. X3

  23. Is it just me or does it not feel like christmas eve? I blame there not being any snow on the ground =(

    1. Inactive_Now


      For me it's because no one is around :/

    2. Deano


      It feels like it was summer just a few weeks ago o_O

    3. Ricebug


      I got people around, but they are so annoying... I think it feels like summer now X3. December is suppose to have snow and be very cold. Not be bare ground and be slightly chilly.

  24. It's cold, raining, and very very early. I think it is the perfect time for a walk~

  25. I usually watch tv until I am utterly bored. Or re watch something on you tube until I am bored. My trick is get so bored that you get tired and fall asleep =3. It's usually how I get to sleep since I almost always sleep odd hours and need to get back on track a lot of the time.
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