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Everything posted by TopQuark

  1. I believe that the negative reactions to contrary opinions tends to be viewed out of preportion. Negative reaction tends to be a relative minority in an echo chamber. In my experience, only the people with strong opinions comment on critique videos to either say it was good or bad. So when the critic says somthing unpopular, the few who are easily upset start yelling at one target, so it can be overwhelming. I believe the majority of these critic's fans are generally calm and open-minded people who have better things to do than rant in a YouTube comments section about how some random person's opinion doesn't line up with their own.
  2. I have recently been wanting to have the ability to record audio, including voice, acoustic and electric instruments. I was hoping there was somebody out there who has some experience in this and could offer any advice, such as an adequate interface, dynamic or condenser microphone, boom setups, good software, etc. I use an early 2011 MacBook Pro. So, if you have some advice for a total audio noob, any help is appreciated!
  3. Whoops, I guess my examples of 'distinctions' were a little to specific. It could be kindness, or witt, or any trait that you put effort into giving to the community. It doesn't necessarily have to be a practical skill. You shouldn't join a community and expect the friendship to just fall into your lap; you need to put time and effort into it. (see post #74 at https://mlpforums.com/topic/130081-km-hayes-poniverse-qa-1/page-4)
  4. TopQuark

    fandom q+a K.M. Hayes Q&A

    Speaking of which, how's the revenue from Amazon coming? I've heard that they're not great on the author's side of the deal, as they take the relativly high share of the profit. Do you find this to be true? I personally bought it twice; once for the physical copy, which I enjoy collecting (arrived yesterday), and the e-book so I could start reading right away. Finished it in under twelve hours, by the way.
  5. TopQuark

    fandom q+a K.M. Hayes Q&A

    What is your avarage daily work load, and do you find it managable? From what I gather, you're a very busy woman. Work stress can be a big deterrant for some people interested in a possibly stressful occupation, so knowing how to deal with it might help. Also, let's see if we can get you to Cupcake rank tonight!
  6. TopQuark

    fandom q+a K.M. Hayes Q&A

    How often do you get negative criticisms of your work, and how do you deal with them? I've always been excellent at ignoring insults and staying level-headed during a debate, probably because I was never seriously bullied as a child and was often complemented for my skills, so I could develop a strong self-esteem. However, many were not so lucky. I would imagine some advice on taking criticism from a fellow anxiety-sufferer might help give them courage.
  7. TopQuark

    fandom q+a K.M. Hayes Q&A

    <Character Spoiler>
  8. TopQuark

    fandom q+a K.M. Hayes Q&A

    Thinking about a sequel already, are we? :comeatus:
  9. TopQuark

    fandom q+a K.M. Hayes Q&A

    Did you have an opinion growing up of the ‘My Little Pony’ franchise? You know, generations 1 through 3.5.
  10. TopQuark

    fandom q+a K.M. Hayes Q&A

    Why did you choose to use an alias, and why ‘K.M. Hayes’ specifically?
  11. TopQuark

    fandom q+a K.M. Hayes Q&A

    Why did you choose the title ‘My Little Brony’?
  12. Forums gets Code 500. I take a shower. I come back, and it's back up. Good job on the quick recovery, Poniverse Tech Crew. Silly DDoSers

    1. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      Hurrah for speedy recovery

  13. Sorry, I should have clarified. I've seen things get ugly on YouTube when the subject of Bronies comes up, and an emotional one gets in a flame war with an obvios troll and others get involved. Things are usually pretty calm in comment sections consisting of mostly Bronies.
  14. I believe that it is unwise to want to want to join a community or fandom just to be a member. You should have a clear distinction to contribute, whether is be artisic talent, administration, etc. That way, if the community dosn't live up to your expectations, you can just pack up and move on. If being in the community is your only reason for being in the community, then you'll just end up disappointed if things go down hill or never pick up to begin with. That being said, when I first joind the Forums, I said that it was opne of the friendliest sites I've ever seen, and I still stand by that. I have yet to see any serious disagreements that have devolved to simply throwing insults *cough*YouTubecommentssection*cough*. I joined the fandom at large with no real expectations, so I was pleasantly suprised to find it's above-avarage disposition.
  15. So is it happening in this thread, or somewhere else on the Forums?
  16. I've never come across such a fan fic, and probably would stop reading it if they just slaughtered anything for no reason. An author with any sense would at least attempt to introduce a legitamate reason for killing sentiant creatures and the moral dilemma for doing so.
  17. I'm thinking of posting a review blog after the interview, so I can include any insights I gain from it.
  18. I bought it twice. Once for the physical copy, and one for the e-book so I didn't have to wait. Worth it.
  19. Scheduled power outage from 7:00 to 2:00. This is going to be hard.

  20. I guess American redneck are different from Canadian rednecks. As I've said before, my town is about as redneck as it gets, with every other person owning a quad, going hunting on weekends, etc. And yet, I wore a Rainbow Dash shirt twice in high school and no one cared. No one even brought it up. By the way, we also have about ten churches for a tiny population of 10,000.
  21. I suggested a Twilight/Raindow pair signature a while back.
  22. Yeah, but what I'm saying is that after I got used to the MLP way of doing things, those kinds of action movies stoped being "fun romps" for me. Accually, I've never gotten really invested in a hardcore action movies. I would just watch them when ever my father put them on to look at the explosions and chases. And I still do love watching explosions, but now I need there to be an actual story for it to be enjoyable. I completely agree. All the new Marvel movies have been a blast, with story, comedy, and character development to offset the (quite impressive) action scenes. I currently have the Foundation series along with Nemasis on my to-read list. I started them both, but had to stop for the moment due to time restrictions. From what I read of them, they are exelant books, just like everything Asimov writes.
  23. A few weeks after I had first started to watch the show, I found myself to be less and less enthralled by mindless action scenes in movies. After a few months (now) I cringe slightly every time someone is killed. Now don't get me wrong, I still admire a well choreographed fight sequence, but I can no longer find any enjoyment in movies like 'The Expendables', in which the violence is the bulk of the movie. So I would like to know if any of you have had similar experiences, or if I just turned into (even more of) a pansy.
  24. Huh, apparantly the Fandom has it's own fiction novel now: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1634506766?ref_=pe_386430_126088100_TE_item Whod've thunk it?

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