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Everything posted by TopQuark

  1. I shall definitly try to be there. Everyone better bring their chocolate milk and map of South America. EDIT: Paid for and pre-ordered. Looks like I'll have a new book to read in a few days.
  2. Heck no. If I had any willing friends, I'd have a tea party every week. With crumpets. And perhaps some sort of bunt cake.
  3. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to do something in science. When I was quite young, I tended to lean towards biology (ugh) because it was easier to relate to, then later on I favoured engineering. Now, my course is laid in for theoretical physics, with maybe some robotics on the side.
  4. As long as they have a legitimate reason for existing and follow all of the standard rules of character development, I don't mind.
  5. Assuming they successfully get away, Frost Stone would probably contact the authorities in a calm and collected manner. My other OC is the pony Grim Reaper, and I doubt he carries anything valuable anyway. If he did get mugged, he would track down the thief and give them a stern talking-to. If it was just money they took, he would probably let them keep it.
  6. Araneae is one of my favourite orders, but I don't tolerate them in my home (along with any other foreign organisms). I hate it when I'm in bed reading, when I see one in my peripheral vision crawling across the wall. Luckily, they tend to stay out of my bed room. It probably has nothing to do with the fact that I'm constantly spraying down the floor with Raid to keep the ants out.
  7. What's wrong with wanting oats in your milk shake?

  8. Beautiful drawing. I wonder how long it will take Twilight to realize that she spent so long deciding on an outfit, that it is now spring.
  9. Chips implanted into his fingers and palms that disable computer circuitry, preventing him from ever touching an electronic device again. Somebody get on that.
  10. Good job; unique style. May I ask why this is a spoiler?
  11. I always found high school chemistry to be one of the easiest subjects. I've always said, if you can add, subtract, mutiply and divide, you can balance chemical equasions.
  12. Judging by the fact that it is impervious to all magic exept chaotic magic, I would have to assume that it does come from Discord's dimension. When Discord is trying to think of someone to bring with him, the smile on his face makes me think that the Smooze was just something that lived in his back yard that he tolerated.
  13. Nice job. It certainly looks... tasty.
  14. Congratulations! You shall now become one with the Forums ♪An Admin Here Before Us, Behold, Behold!♪
  15. The liver. Maybe with some barbeque sauce and onions...
  16. Last weekend when I was in Toronto on vacation, I went on one of those haunted house tours. You walk around the city and the guide (dressed in a black cape and lantern) gives you the ghost stories of the buildings. We were crossing a street when we were almost hit by a turning fire engine that forgot to signal. It barely slowed down to give us time to back up.
  17. Out of curiosity, what fomat would you like the submissions to be (MIDI, PDF, etc.)?
  18. I have come BACH!

  19. Going to Toronto for the weekend, so I probably won't be on much for a while.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Alright, have fun there ^^ *Hugs* :3

  20. I don't know if it's the music or just the synthesizer, but it sounds a little jagged. Other than that, great job.
  21. One day, I was letting my brain wander in the hopes of thinking up an interesting story idea to practice writing fan fictions, when I randomly put together ponies for a relationship; Octavia and Spitfire. The more I thought about it, the more I thought it could be an intriguing relationship, whether romantic or not. However, when I started looking around for some reference material, I could find none. Not one fan fiction or fan art had the two interacting in any significant way (except one drawing, but let's not talk about that). So that got me wondering how many others have thought of potentially good relationships (romance, friendship, etc.) that have little to no representation in the fandom. If you do, post them here; I'd like to hear about them. And be nice. Remeber, "They're not stealing your waifu, they're borrowing them".
  22. Here in southern Ontario, you can find MLP merchandise in pretty much any store with a "girl's" aisle, usually Toys 'R' Us, Chapters, Walmart, Target, etc. I'm not really an expert on low-income districts, but I'm sure it's there too. As for the Brony fandom, most everyone here has heard of them. We're often the butt of jokes, but I've never been personally attacked. I'm pretty sure no one actually cares in my town.
  23. Not for the most part. I'm pro-communism, and even I understand that individal talants are a vital part of society. Her philosophy is more exteme egalitarianism. Also, your poll options are a bit (completely) black and white.
  24. Well, even art is "targeted" towards a particular demographic. It dosn't mean that you have to cater to the lowest common denominator, but it is pretty much just a numbers game at that level. You don't expect every High Arts Major to appreciate a graphic novel, and you don't expect every child to fully appreciate The Mona Lisa (other master-pieces are available). But I don't doubt that many anti-bronies would enjoy "My Hypothetical Anime: Theorizing is Magic".
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