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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by FLARE

  1. the background of this website just changed to the night theme, its 8PM and it just happened...

  2. Steam is coming to linux soon (Valve time)... with better drivers to maintain similar frame rates as to what windows would.However if it is going to be anything like when steam was ported to OSX only certain games got ported over.
  3. Now I got that out of my system.... Mint is based on Ubuntu, Ubuntu is based on Debian. the main difference with mint and ubuntu is that mint doesn't use unity, which is what ubuntu uses and it is really a matter of choice with something like that. I hate unity so I prefer Mint to ubuntu (mint uses Gnome 3...I think...), but they are really very similar OS's and if the GUI is the only thing stopping you from using on or the other it doesn't take much to install a different one. For a first time user I'd recommend mint, because it comes with the goodies of ubuntu (the software center, and the large user base, if you screw something up google can easily help you) Also, mint comes with proprietary(closed source) software on it...I think... and ubuntu might as well...I'm not quite sure but...I--I might need to check up on that. That said, I'd honestly never recommend Ubuntu, unless it's an older version. So I'm subject to being quite bias.
  4. math exams tomorow! yay!

  5. Is your name a reference to doctor who? 'cause there is someone called river song, and her name was translated from melody pond. Some alien language translation issue 'cause they didn't have the right words. Welcome to the forums!
  6. type with our oe to comment

  7. Shooby do shoo shoo be doo I've got block exams today! Oh Joy.

  8. What exactly do you mean by ugly? Do you mind posting a picture of it here? I might be able to help then. Also include an SVG link to it so I can try and fix it for you.
  9. Known for being an admin and being super bold!
  10. Hai guize

    1. Pinkazoid


      Flare? I thought you were dead!

  11. A-Pull Jack

    1. Aureity


      Apru Jacku!

    2. FLARE


      apu (yes, I did just change my avatar for the sake of what you said)


    3. Aureity


      Thank you, come again!

  12. Expect this kind of stuff from the fandom. I guess if you want to, maybe you should read more of that type so you become desensitized to it and it doesn't shock you when you read it again.
  13. Great work! Did you trace vector or did you just like do it on the spot (or something else?)
  15. Awesome, I'll try to use the search more. More than before atleast as before it seemed sorta slow and by the sounds of it this new search is much better. Hopefully this will also help get rid of duplicate threads when someone hasn't searched properly.
  16. After recently aqiring some more friends from school as online contacts I realized something that never actually occoured to me before.... in people spare time...they do stuff...like meet up and socailize I expected everyone to spend their time on the computer...Although what they would do would be simple things such as facebook and skype etc it turns out they do other things too....I seriously hope I never turn into something like that.

  17. http://i.imgur.com/7BJ6w.png Did anyone else laugh as much as I did with this picture?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rudehamster


      Oh my gosh.. yes, infinite battery should be standard!

    3. FLARE


      At least the parental controls will keep my 768 year old father out of my private affairs on my computer!

    4. Rudehamster


      very true, parents have potential to cause all sorts of issues.

  18. Whoa man.... that eye... The guy should have got the while eye layer and made it mask all the other eye layers.... Thats what I do when I vector to make the eyes look pretty.
  19. happy birthday! its 12:10 am In Australia, so I might be a little bit early.

    1. Shankveld


      Haha is a little early but thanks anyway :3

  20. ARE YOU MY MUMMY? RAWR! I mean he looks at you like that because he read this thread. Try and think out side of the hay. Its good for your brain, helps it expand! Doctor who...I guess
  21. I might be able too... In all seriousness though, I hate swimming and have difficulty believing people actually enjoy swimming for fun. I have a pool in my backyard, its cold 90% of the time and not fit for swimming and it is a pain to maintain the pool water is green half the time no matter how many chemicals you put in or how many times you replace the pumps and filters. I'm also a slow swimmer and manage to chock on water when I try to swim really fast. Maybe if the pool was heated or something I would join you. At this moment I'd honestly full wholeheartedly have to say Nope. If you could meet my requirements it would be a good chance to go for a swim to get the proper and full experience of a swim.
  22. I think it would have to be a little bit more targeted to be considered actual hating on this fandom. I personally see it as more of a joke as it is vague.
  23. I didn't like my old name, this new one is better...In my opinion. I might switch back to flare or something else if I like it. I still continue to use the Flare signature that I made because it helps to identify who I 'was' Isn't that a little rude? I'd prefer to not die in a fire. Either way thank you for asking Seeing as I am technically a Flare I doubt fire would hurt me the slightest... on the other hand of the spectrum water would be quite a punishment for me.
  24. Ask me anything! Anything as long as it keep within the forum rules off course. I'm not roleplaying or anything this is me, my legit full name. I declare this thread now open! I used to be cool.
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