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Lady Diana

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Everything posted by Lady Diana

  1. Thanks! I'd love to see it when it's done!
  2. I didn't know that she's not anime.Well I think my favorite anime is Pokémon because I watch it a lot.
  3. I would appreciate it if you draw Lilac in her Halloween costume
  4. Lady Diana

    staff q+a ChikoritaBrony Q&A

    So you seriously have to eat cheezits to feel better?
  5. Yay! Im going to Hollywood tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lady Diana

      Lady Diana

      I've been there before

    3. Chara


      Now I am MORE jealous, is it like what they say?

    4. Lady Diana

      Lady Diana

      Idk but what I was mainly doing was taking pictures and shopping which is pretty much it :|

  6. h2o = water (hydrogen + oxygen combination) I'm talking about chemistry, right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lady Diana
    3. CheeryFox
    4. Jokuc


      H2O big H! Otherwise h will be for the planck constant! Well that's physics but still xD

  7. Wow! I didn't see this! Thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply
  8. How did my profile get so viral? (Not that viral)

  9. I speak French and English. And I woukd like to learn Japanese so I can finally understand Miku.
  10. To my cousin's house tomorrow YAAY Wtf another 24 more hours?! Aaaaaahhh!!!!
  11. It's pretty tiring right now, but I'm excited to see my cousin on Thursday, but wtf I have to wait for 48 hours :/
  12. Finally, the charger

    1. ChikaChan


      Until you have to go to bed x3

  13. My battery is running out, wtf its 3%!

  14. I really can't choose between Marble and Limestone, but I have to say Limestone Pie. Marble is very adorable but Limestone has my personality, so I'll go with her.
    1. Chara


      Your nickname is actually kind of attracting now, so it's perfect!. (spoiler: I don't mean THAT kind of attracting)

  15. So..... What do you think is a better nickname for me?
  16. As a Hatsune Miku fan, mine would be https://youtu.be/yQ33p9iilrk
  17. Now I definitely have to say she's my favorite.
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