A while back I posted about needing help with a mlp linux distro
This is the pre alpha of that distro, it is very buggy so I wouldn’t recommend installing it on real hardware
64 bit: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-yqwMV5FHyXVWRjaFJBVkhFYzA
32 bit: Sorry there will most likely never be a 32 bit version since unity is quite heavy and most 32 bit PC's are not up for the task
Known Bugs (If you find any more please let me know)
*Most icons do not have the pony theme, if anyone is up for improving the icon theme please let me know
*Most icons on the bar at the top of the screen are broke or using a unfitting icon, once again this is a problem with the icon theme, this can be fixed by installing another theme (I recommend Numix circle)
*There are several black wallpapers on the wallpaper selection screen, I don’t know why this is occurring
*There is no custom bootlogo, I attempted to apply one, however it did not work, just deal with the ubuntu one or install your own
Additional Things
I do still need help with several things
these include
*A theme/icon creator
*Someone to make a custom ubiquity slideshow
*Someone to make wallpapers
*And testers
you can do more than one if you want and if you want to something that isn’t listed go ahead