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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Emerald7

  1. There's no tricking me, I'm the master of tricks How screwed am I? 3/10
  2. Sorry but, if you think you can kill me, then you're delusional.
  3. Everypony be hugging me! And I be killing everypony. Here, have an Applejack
  4. I read that after adding my story to multiple categories. I am so sorry! Is there a way for me to take them out of the categories that I don't need the story in? If only you can do it (the story is called The Alicorns Made of Magic) then could you leave it in adventure, you can take it out of the others. Again I am really sorry.
  5. Die real fast and stay in eternal Would you rather never brush your teeth again or never eat anything other than fish
  6. Just had my injection, now my arm really hurts

  7. 364529 How is life for you all?
  8. 3:47am, still no sleep

    1. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      I'm right there with you, bro -_- it sucks.

    2. Emerald7


      Yeah it really does -_-

    3. Diamond*
  9. I know I'll live, because it would be unexpected and I'm all for unexpected Also, the chaos would kill you, though it might not, that's just it, I don't know
  10. I'm pretty sure I'll live (I don't think Icy could kill me XD)
  11. Emerald7

    Yum or Yuck?

    Yuck!!!!!! Regurgitated ducks blood
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