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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Emerald7

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't wanna die today, I wanna live!!
  2. Emerald7 YAY! I usually type while looking at my keyboard so that was unexpected!
  3. Hi!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  90 more
    2. Diamond*


      I love ponies!

      This is my pony: Icy Diamond Vector

    3. Emerald7


      Awesome, unfortunately I don't have anything like that =( Oh well! =)

    4. Diamond*


      Hehe I vectored that off of a screenshot from a 3d pony game called Legends of Equestria :)

  4. Sooooooo, Nightmare Night is coming and I was wondering If anyone would be willing to draw my OC in a costume (you may draw whatever costume you think would work best with the design). I cannot draw to save my life so that is why I'm asking if someone would be kind enough to draw one for me. Here is a reference image: Side note: Please keep the bow tie! (the mane and tail can be changed to fit the outfit.) Thanks!
  5. I think the longest I've stayed awake is 70ish hours, for a 13 year old that's tough (especially when school's involved).
  6. How about...................... Soaring Heart? Or Dancing Dream?
  7. I'll help! I think I'm quite good at dialogue, here is some of my work (It's Discord explaining his backstory to Celestia, Luna (as foals) and Staria)
  8. Can we be Friends? I'm the minimum age too! And I'm nice, approachable and friendly! Could we be friends? Name: Georgia Age:13 Gender: Female Country: England Likes: Ponies, art, reading, friendship and real horses Dislikes: Anti-bronies, Fox News, my brother and generally mean people Hobbies: Watching ponies, horse riding, badminton, swimming, drawing and writing Other info: I have sleeping problems (this has nothing to do with ponies)
  9. I only know about mlp but I'm more than willing to help! to see some of my writing please go to fimfiction.net, my username is EmeraldRing (I suggest reading Chaos Dawns, the prologue was written by only me, as it is my most recent work).
  10. Done! (I've finished proofreading the prologue )
  11. Look there's a moose!

  12. Sure you can send it to me whenever you want. Thanks, I'll go do that now!
  13. Britain- Bitain (The bit on a bridle) Scotland- Trotland Ireland- Shireland (Shire is a type of horse) England- ? Is this ok? Sorry I couldn't think of one for England.
  14. Hi. I've noticed that recently I have had way too much free time on my hands, so I will help anyone who needs someone to proof read their story. I will read any genre except for things that are NSFW, but apart from that I'm fine with gore, romance and everything inbetween.
  15. This has a darker theme, but nothing unsafe for children. The day Oh how I loathe that word, the word that is the source of my pain. The word that has blackened my soul and turned me away from peace and hope. That so called life giving sun is nothing but a liar, for her light does not heal, It burns and burns until there is nothing left of you but pain, fear and hatred. The night sky brings peace and calm; but you wouldn't know as you rest your heads. Leaving the moon and I alone in the dark with only the stars for company. The sky and moon are not just shades of lead, the canvas of the night is painted with hope. But you have all been blinded by the sun's false promises and burnt by her fake joy. Mock an taunt me all you want I have been hurt to many times to care. However all the rage inside me keeps building like an army fortifying, The seeds of hate I harbour are constantly growing and multiplying. You have not seen through her, your greed for the sun's light overcoming your mind. She has shown her true colours to me by ordering the world to shun my night. I have struggled through and risked my life on your behalf, and this is how you thank me. You have outcast me, humiliated me and tortured me in ways that have broken me. Every time I earn anything she takes it all again and again, every single time. I can't take this anymore, I want what rightfully belongs to me and me alone. I refuse to be over shadowed by my sister, for mine is not, and never will be, the lesser light. The anger in my heart, my control over it is slipping away like water through fingers. Her tyranny must end soon, or the world will crumble an burst into flames Soon to be engulfed by your precious sun, the same sun that apparently brings you life. But you've had your chance an made your choice, stop your hollow words and useless thoughts. The cool moon will end this all, I shall not allow the sun to ever rise again.
  16. If you want I could double check for spellings and grammar. I often have too much time on my hands so I would be more than willing to help
  17. Ok. SO I don't have a reference image but this pony is a light purple with a pink mane that falls only in front of her head . Her cutie mark is a black heart and her talent is seeing somethings true personality. She doesn't really like her talent but is more than willing to show it off if the opportunity arises. She is hard to get along with due to her short temper, but cares about her friends deeply. She grew up in Manehattan with her mother (her father died when she was 1, it didn't really affect her as she didn't really know him) and moved to Trottingham when she was 7. She has a sever case of dyslexia and was teased about it throughout school, this is one of the main reasons behind her temper. Any ideas? Her eyes are dark purple.
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