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Status Updates posted by Phanact

  1. Is anyone here going to EFNW?

  2. holy crap peter, 1062 notifications

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phanact


      most definitely.

    3. Magic Note

      Magic Note

      Yikes. I don't think I've ever had that many notifications before.

    4. Johnny1226



  3. Anyone here know computers?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Phanact


      That's not how hyperthreading works.

    3. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura

      It helps with the work load.

    4. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I say "just fine" because you say video editing and recording gameplay. While I could do this on my 6600K, the 6700K would be better for that since editing software does typically benefit from more threads.

  4. I never really get on here very much anymore but I'm always available on discord if you guys want. my server is phanact.com/discord

  5. Hi

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PiratePony


      A rare Rarity fan approaches!

    3. Johnny1226
    4. Phanact


      I'm sorrry I'm hardly here anymore. I'm at facebook as /phanactfj/

  6. Anyone here play overwatch?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Phanact


      Well for all of you who play, add me. My battletag is Phanact#1291

    3. Starflower


      Sweet! Mine is Axeliira#1348, message me if you want to play :)

    4. Phanact


      I always want to play. I'll probs ranomly invite youi

  7. I'm so bored at home...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AzureNightLight


      Either Star Vs. the Forces of Evil or Dan Vs.

    3. Phanact


      I'm catching up on poni

    4. HereComesTom


      You don't need your left thumb in that good of shape to play my FiM fangame---it's a long download, and it's a work in progress, but if you google "Weather Factory Meltdown", you'll find it!


      ...Though if you can't push spacebar, probably give it a miss; space is the fire-button...

  8. I had a motorcycle accident and broke my thumb.

    1. PiratePony


      ugh. I'm glad that's all you broke.

    2. CheeryFox


      Glad you are OK.

    3. Sonic Shimmer

      Sonic Shimmer

      Ouch :(


      I hope it doesn't take too long to heal.

  9. Does anypony have a link to the new episode?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AzureNightLight


      Just go sub to BronyDE. They usually post it and take it down a few days later to avoid copyright. I'm sure you can take it off there.


    3. Phanact


      Good idea. Thanks guys <3333333


      Just uploading it to my site :3

    4. Classic Play

      Classic Play

      It's finally uploaded to kisscartoon, if you end up missing it on youtube, lol.

  10. So today, I was having a break during my calculus class and I went to the vending machine to get a snack, and the vending machine decided to steal my money and not give me my snack, so I lightly kneed the machine because I was upset. A security guard (the same one who called me a school shooter because motorcycle helmet) was following me and yelled at me and took down my information because I intended to vandalise it, which isn't true, I just was mad but still. I'm going to speak t...

    1. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      I know what it's like to make someone paranoid in school. ;c I'm sorry, Phanact!

    2. HereComesTom


      Man...you're making me glad I grew up in an era when there was less paranoia! I mean, sure, bullying could be more overt, but bullying hasn't totally gone away nowadays...


      I hope you're feeling happier when you read this reply. This is just wrong...!

  11. Time to do my thing where I lurk people's profiles and add random people that look cute/cool

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      I occasionally look at people's profile that I think look cool but I feel like a stalker or somehow creepy if I randomly friend them and we've like never talked or anything.

    3. Malinter


      i've never added anyone to my friends list, i let them add me XD

    4. Johnny1226


      Every now and then I search for interesting friends too after all you can never have too many friends

  12. Does anyone still play Maplestory?

    1. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      Oh man, I miss playing Maplestory.

    2. Phanact
  13. I got accused at my community college of being a school shooter because I walk in every day with a motorcycle helmet on. What kind of madman would wear a motorcycle helmet????

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Johnny1226


      That is really unfair but I'm not sure weather to be angry about such unfair treatment or laugh at the utter ridiculousness of the situation

    3. Miss


      I was laughing at first XD

    4. Miss


      like really are y'all that stupid

  14. I've gotten noticed twice on overwatch now. Does that make me internet popular?

  15. So, who here plays overwatch?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Phanact


      eww tracer, but mercy is cool.

    3. Vox


      Not ew to me XD, 22 hours on her.

    4. Phanact


      She's just a meme-hero imo

  16. I accidentally purchased an applejack sleep mask (because I already have a rarity one) at bronycon, and I paid the woman for it, but she had to adjust the string that holds it on, and told me to come back. I never came back. I guess that money was a donation but I sort of want my sleep mask. I also can't find the seller online...

  17. I need pony music. Please gib.

  18. Why do people try to justify the incredibly dangerous and reckless actions of 80% of bicyclists? They all run red lights and ignore stop signs and road laws, and they never signal or wear helmets, yet then we're the bad guys for hating them?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PiratePony


      I agree with you! That's the biggest and scariest thing, especially when driving with my daughter or something in the car - I go through a green light, and from my right a bike zooms in front of me. If I don't slam on my brakes, I go to jail for a long time. It's absurd.

    3. Phanact


      We should start a #cyclistslivesdon'tmatter movement

    4. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      New York just sucks in general

  19. Hi. I'm back from bronycon. It was awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phanact


      Quite a lot of it. I met WhiteDiamonds(rarijack daily) and got noticed by someone from the other site I go on.

    3. PiratePony


      Had never heard of that...looked up rarijack daily. How adorable.

    4. Phanact


      She's my favorite artist, I love her. I bought so much I have my own Rarijack wall in my room now.

  20. Who is at bronycon?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      I'd love to go but can't. :(

      Have fun and tell us all about it! :D

    3. Anonymous Old User Who Has Left

      Anonymous Old User Who Has Left

      not me. I've never been to a convention, let alone a meetup. I might as well be a brony on Mars in terms of isolation lolz

    4. HereComesTom


      I know the feeling Shabb3r!

  21. Does anyone know anything about computers? My computer is acting super wonky. I've tested the RAM and Hard drives with other non faulty ones and it still seems to be occuring.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Vulcan


      Understandable. I hope you find the issue to your problem soon. ^ ^

    3. Phanact


      I kind of have to. I'm going up to my parents house tomorrow at 2 pm, and I need to know what parts to buy while I'm up there (They live near a microcenter)

    4. Vulcan


      That sounds rough. Let me know how it works out. I'm always eager to help when it come to computer stuff.

  22. Hey guys, does anypony have a link to the new episode? Also, who is attending bronycon? I might be inclined to meet some people :333

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phanact


      Oh, I thought it was just one week. So when does the show come back?


      And that sucks :cc

    3. Whirlwind
    4. Phanact


      Oh okay, I thought it was just a one week thing. That's cool, I guess. I haven't been keeping up anyway, just putting the new episodes on my website for others.

  23. Has anyone needed me? I get so many notifications here, that I get turned off pretty quickly to keeping up with them all.

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