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Everything posted by Derpaherpamerpa

  1. First I woke up with a friend that's staying over, which made my day. Then I messed up my eyeliner and had to redo it, which destroyed my mood. But then we went to a birthday thingie which was great I couldn't find my phone when leaving though Luckily I found it and my fiancée had chocolate (yay for being able to eat stuff like that again after so long) And now I don't even know
  2. Very intelligent, which I'm guessing Twilight is. Other than that not really. I mean I guess there are musical ponies walking about Share any 'weaknesses' or whatever with any mlp characters?
  3. I've snuck a lotta shit into hospitals over the years Though most people may not notice it I'm very manipulative (usually against my 'own will' i.e. it just happens) I one accidentally broke a friends fancy dress and didn't tell her about it (didn't break it on purpose). Year and a half later she thought she broke it
  4. Just me or is this forum much more... 'aggressive' than say 3-4 years ago? Not saying it's a shitty place just mean that the overall internet nature has struck down upon it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Snow


      i guess so :/ could jsu't be the fact there are more members and they are getting comfortable where the line is drawn

    3. Fallshirmpegasus


      Enemies everywhere, ma cherie. Be careful... or heretics will eat your soul for the glory of total chaos! Bwahahahaha!

    4. Derpaherpamerpa


      JU88snow that's exactly what I thought.

      Kinda like Reddit. I LOVE the place but some of the fun is making fun of others mistakes

  5. DBT to hopefully get the Disorders™ to chill the fuck out
  6. Would you punch a kangaroo to save Harambe?

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally wish this 'meme' would die already.

    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Yeah, what happened to good memes like the Louis pill addiction meme? c:

  7. Thinking about how I'm supposed to hold myself together without totally breaking again. I've been accepted into dbt but there's still a waiting period. I just have to hold on until that point.
  8. I really miss the body I had before I went to the hospital last time. But then again I wouldn't be alive by now.
  9. Like my head is on a rollercoaster of madness
  10. Bad puns, do more weird shit than normal but the same kind. I also get kind of hungry. Not like munchies from weed but more easily stricken by hunger
  11. Fantastic Beasts? Fantastic Movie!

  12. HOT HOT Chilli!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miss


      My first pony shirt was also a Rainbow Dash shirt XD

    3. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      yeah! that was Chilly-H.O.T.!!! you rock! have fun with Keyla's little brother (;

    4. Derpaherpamerpa


      Thank you WuW

      It's been a lot of fun so far. Many board and card games have been played

  13. Having a blast vlogging today

    1. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      can't wait to see it!)

    2. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      why do you have so little views on youtube? i thought you're very popular person and you have many-many friends... well i'm your friend(in that kind of way), so you can count on my views)

    3. Derpaherpamerpa


      Well I mean the channel is only 1 year old, and I've been away for quite a while during that time (inpatient etc)

      Thanks a bunch :)

  14. Fuck I just woke up to this. People will die. This is so bad...

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      I doubt people will die (at least not in massive holocaust like way some people indicate). Let's not go too far with panic. It won't help.


      In the end things will be alright no matter what *hugs*

    2. Derpaherpamerpa


      No I'm not talking holicaust, but to enforced oppression against minorities

    3. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      That too is not certain. First of all I doubt Trump gives a damn about that. Second - he is a populist. He said what his supporters wanted to hear. I won't be suprised if soon it will turn out his image was a fake.

  15. Hillary is not a good candidate, but it's bad vs BAAAAD. End of all minorities, women and poor people. If Trump wins I actually might just off myself, and I don't even live in that country.
  16. Angry at my personality (disorder).
  17. BPD can eat my intestines like I literally want to fkn smash my hand through a wall

  18. Theres a flickering light that makes A LIT of noice right by our dinner table and I'm the only one who finds it annoying... can't stand it makes me want to remove my ears and scrape my eyes out with a spoon

    1. Miss


      I get the same feeling when people drag their feet across the floor.

    2. Kenshiro
  19. After a VERY chaotic night I'm finally settling down
  20. My Personality Type!

    1. Kenshiro


      I have watched your wideo with a great plesaure. I am looking forward to see your new videos :D

    2. Ethan Tran
  21. Just got an appointment to the dbt team! Normal wait time is 1 year, I had to wait 2 weeks :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snow


      im not sure if you mean a job or you are going but.. congrats anyway?

    3. Derpaherpamerpa


      I'm getting the treatment :)

    4. Kenshiro


      How is it going ?

    1. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      cool, that was interesting to watch. good luck & get well soon.

    2. Derpaherpamerpa
    3. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      no, Thank You!) and i really like your mane (;

  22. Not in order Mountain Dew Cappuccino ProViva Blåbär Hot chocolate Rooibos tea Apotekarnes Julmust
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