Yes, we needed a topic like this. Thank you Kaasha!
Recently, Dice has just released the beta for BF3. I can say it is a very unique game. BF3 has so many new maneuvers and mechanics to the game, it's not even funny. The graphics are splendid also. I've been playing the beta on my Xbox 360, it is very fun. Although, I'm not quite used to all the new things, I am kind of used to it. Because I have BF: BC2, I honestly don't really care for that game.
But, BF3 feels looks like a great game, I honestly don't know who will win in the war between MW3 and BF3.
As for MW3, I am a long time CoD fanboy. I've been playing CoD since CoD 4: Modern Warfare. Now, with CoD 4, it brought so many new things to the game. I'm not even going to say what was brought into the game because there's too much.
As for Black Ops, Treyarch is a cash cow! This game was made very poorly, I can tell you that. All they did was basically copy everything from MW2 and paste it into Black Ops. What a rip off. Then, they supposedly fixed all the MW2 flaws.
Okay, one thing, just because you remove all the annoying things in MW2, doesn't mean your game is great or good for that matter.
The only thing that I can say is good about Black Ops, is zombies. That is it, I don't think anything else is good. The multiplayer seems dull and unoriginal.
This is why Infinity Ward needs to stick to the CoD games, not Treyarch.
I can't wait for MW3 for numerous amount of reasons.
There will be so many new things to the game, it wont be a ripoff like Black ops was. >.<
One, Survival Mode, it is a lot like zombies but it looks to be even better. You get unlimited waves of soldiers for you to kill.
Here is a trailer that shows off Survival Mode.
It looks amazing if you ask me.
Now, for multiplayer their are several new game modes and other things that are being brought into the game.
All I can say is, is that MW3 looks like it will be a very good competitor to MW3.
Also, to all of you that think BF3 is better because of graphics, think again.
Here is the multiplayer trailer for MW3-
And no, I am not bashing on BF3. Both of the games looks great.