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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Yeah, I can ride a bike. I learned how to when I was really young. I used to ride down to the local store all the time with my friends. I still do, sometimes!
  2. I’m a sleepy pony

    The hours getting late

    So it’s time to head to bed

    I’ll see you later, mates!


    Tonight was a good night. I had guitar rehearsal, and those are always fun.:)



    1. Wannabrony


      I'm happy to see you had fun tonight! You seemed a little sad last night. :blush: Goodnight and sleep well tonight! :lol: 

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Yeah, last night was rough. Thankfully I’ve been in a much cheerier mood today!:)

    3. Johnny1226


      Good night red

  3. @Wannabrony *boops back* It’s late here, so I can’t write a full post, but there shall be boops for everypony tomorrow!
  4. Media discussion. It’s in the Everfree Forest section of the forums.
  5. Heyyy, guess what got moved again?:okiedokieloki:


    1. Wannabrony


      Not again... :(

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Eeyup. Again. I guess they just like making me live under stress.:adorkable:

  6. Today’s my audition,

    I think that’s right

    But I’ve also got

    My rehearsal tonight


    A day filled with music

    Saxophone, guitar,

    I guess I’ll be busy

    So I won’t be going far!


    Morning! I’m feeling better this morning, hopefully that feeling lasts...:rarity:

    1. Wannabrony


      Mornin'! Good luck on your audition today! Hopefully it doesn't get moved again. :rarity: I'm glad you're feeling better after some rest, let's both hope it stays that way. :)

    2. Johnny1226


      Good morning red

    3. Prospekt


      Good luck, bud! :)

  7. How's it going, guys?

    I hope y'all are alright

    I'll be up for an hour, but

    I wish you all goodnight!


    Whoa, early one!:please:

    Yeah, I'm not feeling too good right now. I was fine an hour or so ago, but then I suddenly got hit by about thirty emotions at once.:blink:

    Also, my audition got moved to tomorrow. So, yeah. There's that.

    Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning. I could really use some rest.:adorkable:

    Night, ponies!:)

    1. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      Have a goodnight Red!

    2. Wannabrony


      I hope so too... What got you down? :( Take all the rest you need, I really hope you feel better. And, good luck on the auditions tomorrow! (I'm sure you're sick of hearing this already, but I can't help myself. :P) Goodnight and sleep well @Rhythm Red. :) 

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony A lot of things have me down. People being people, responsibilities, school, y'know. The usual. I'm probably just overreacting, that tends to happen to me when it gets late. I get more time to think about the things I avoid during the day.:dry:

      Thanks wishing me luck on the auditions, I definitely need the confidence boost.:)

  8. Gonna be honest, as soon as MLP was removed from the equation, I lost all interest in this. Fighting Is Magic would've been great. Oh well, at least it's good to see the team behind it succeeding.
  9. There's two things that I like better than MLP. 1. Music. To me, music is one of the most powerful things there is. No explanation that I can come up with would do it justice, so I won't even try... Heheh. 2. My friends. From biking down to the local store, to skateboarding around the neighborhood, to staying out all night watching movies at the theater, my friends have really always been there for me.
  10. DO IT! But only if you feel comfortable.
  11. I wouldn’t say I BASE my diet around MLP, but since watching the show, I’ve noticed that meat seems less appetizing to me. Is that weird? I’ve never been a big meat-eater, though. So I can’t tell you if that’s because of Pony or not.
  12. Equestria’s power is built upon loyalty, laughter, generosity, honesty, kindness, and magic/friendship (otherwise known as the elements of harmony). Anything that would go against these elements would probably only hurt Equestria in the long run. Plus, look at how miserable the ponies were during the war with king sombra in the cutie re-mark! I wouldn’t want that!
  13. Ok, here’s some possible candidates for my next profile picture. There’s so many good ones, I can’t decide...:adorkable:























    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prospekt


      Just so you know, a lot of those probably won't fit the size limit. But they are pretty great. :)

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Messy Mane OBEY YOUR MASTER! MASTER!:love:

      @Soren Peregrinator Not sure, I've never used someone else's art. I've always used my own stuff or images from the show.

      @Prospekt If the one I choose won't fit, I'll clip it. I've had to do that with all my profile pictures, actually. If you look closely on the right side of my current one, you'll see a little line where I clipped it poorly.:adorkable:

    4. Messy Mane
  14. Well, looks like G5 has practically been confirmed at this point. EQD wrote a nice article on the whole situation, that actually gives me a lot more hope for the next generation. 

    1. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      I'm kinda looking forwards to G5 myself 

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @King of Canterlot I’m still ‘ehh’ on the whole thing. I really don’t know what to think, and my feelings are mixed. My focus right now is just to enjoy these next two seasons.

      I really can’t think about G5 without giving myself a headache...:adorkable:

  15. Color names are a human concept. Colors themselves are simply wavelengths of light that hit our eyes. So yeah, if she knows all the names of the colors, it’s because she felt like she needed to learn them to do well in the fashion industry.
  16. Yeah, I understand! Just thought it was worth mentioning, since the princesses would probably have some say in how a pony is punished.
  17. I’m off to go to school

    And my audition too

    But testing isn’t cool

    So much for me to do!


    Short, but sweet.

    Later, guys!:)

    1. Wannabrony


      I've said it once I'll say it again, I wish you the best of luck on the auditions! :) I'll see you later! :P

  18. All very good points! You just forgot to mention that the princesses likely have the power to pardon Starlight. But other than that, this is spot on.
  19. @Rikifive I think your picture has to be a .jpg file. I remember I had to convert my picture from a .png to a .jpg. Is that possibly the problem he’s having? You probably know more about this than me...
  20. Whoa whoa whoa, we’re just having a little discussion! It’s kinda interesting to talk about, really. But if you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to comment!
  21. This is my first poem in a whopping two days

    That's crazy, crazy, CRAZY I say!

    So here's a long one to make up for that

    Hopefully my attempt won't fall flat


    First off, I'm a squirrel, now! 300 posts!

    That's quite an achievement, I gotta boast,

    Now really, it's not as much as it seems

    But don't go crushing my hopes and my dreams


    I have my audition tomorrow, so I'm freaking out

    But who needs sleep anyway? Not me!

    There's just too much that I'm worried about

    But at least I still get to watch ponies! *squee*:squee:


    Phew, that's a lot. I gotta rest up for my big day tomorrow. Or try, at least.:rarity:


    Goodnight, ponies!:)




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Good night red

    3. Wannabrony


      This might be my favourite poem that you've posted! It makes the two-day wait all worth it. :lol: Congratulations on being a squirrel, too! Happy 300th posts! :yay: Rest well tonight to get ready for the audition tomorrow, I wish you the best of luck and I have my fingers crossed for you. :rarity: Goodnight and sweet dreams! ^_^

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony thank you! I’ll do my best on the audition, hopefully it turns out well...:adorkable:

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