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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Planning to determine things. Edit: Ninja'd! Playing sudoku.
  2. Forgot to mention earlier, but my audition went awesome today. My band director told me I'm probably going to move up to the second highest level band!:D

  3. Alrighty, the votes have been tallied! And throwing my own vote in, I've decided to go with future rainbow dash! Though of course, I couldn't resist changing my profile background to the keyboard picture. That one's just too cute.:wub:


    Thanks to everyone who voted!:D

    1. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nice pic dude! Very good choice indeed! :pinkie:

    2. Tacodidra


      That's an amazing avatar! :D

    3. Wannabrony


      It looks great! And the background banner looks adorable too! :P

  4. It’s school time again,

    Which means I gotta leave,

    But thankfully I will be back

    So don’t worry ‘bout me!



    Later, ponies!:P

    1. Wannabrony


      I'll see you later after school! :) Good luck!

  5. People definitely still talk on the phone, though it’s generally considered more formal do to so. I find it’s easier to communicate through talking on the phone than it is to communicate by texting.
  6. I wouldn't want to live forever. I just want to live to a nice, old age and die of natural causes.
  7. Here's the thing: while the older generations certainly do have a fandom, it isn't anything close to the g4 one. With that in mind, I'd assume that the 'show discussion' section will become a 'g4' section. Plenty of stuff will still be posted there, I'm sure. Now, if that happens (which I expect to be the case), then we will also see another completely new section for g5. Sorry if this post is worded funny. I'm half asleep right now.
  8. The hour is late, and I am tired

    I am sitting by the fire

    Writing a poem and scratching my head

    It's time for me to go to bed


    Not a lot for me to add here. I've done nothing productive all day.:adorkable:

    Good night, ponies!:)

    1. Wannabrony


      Goodnight @Rhythm Red! Have a great night of sleep! :)

    2. Johnny1226


      Good night red

  9. Considering you just said you have rabies, I’ll have to pass... sorry! NINJA’D! but sure, you can get a hug. You aren’t rabid.
  10. Oh my, I just realized I forgot to follow you back all that time ago! I’m sorry!!!:rarity:

    1. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      I'm positive you didn't forget it's just that I had disabled my following settings like a month ago.Yesterday I had changed it beacuse I forgot I even disabled it XD.

      Anyways thanks for the follow. :squee:

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      Phew, glad I didn’t forget...:adorkable:

  11. WAZZUP! Welcome to the forums, I must say your game looks fantastic! I can’t wait to play it when it comes out. Have fun making new friends!
  12. Okay, pones. I’ve narrowed down my next profile picture options. Feel free to vote, I’d love to hear some opinions!:)





































    Keep my current one


    A picture of my gmod ponysona.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony I know!:D I may end up using several of these over time. 

    3. Tacodidra


      Hard to say, many of those are great. But #9 might be my favorite. B)

  13. Like everypony else said, clothes are really just meant for special occasions. No clothes seems to be the norm in pony society. Though a few ponies choose to wear clothes anyway.
  14. Mooooooo! Welcome to the forums! Have fun making new friends! Or should I say, ‘moo’ friends? Get it? Get it?
  15. Band teachers, please, just let me audition already!!!:glimmer:

    1. Wannabrony


      You're kidding. You've got to be kidding. How many times do they have to keep doing that?! :unamused:

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony I dunno...:(  It was supposed to be Monday! Now it’s either gonna be Thursday or Friday!:adorkable:

      Maybe they’re saving the best for last...:smug:

    3. Wannabrony


      Perhaps that's exactly what they're doing! :lol: Even if that's not their intent, they definitely did anyway unintentionally! :P

      Jokes aside (Though I'm sure you're actually pretty good), I'm sorry they keep pushing you off to the next day... This must be causing you some trouble or stress of all sorts. :( I hope they finally get to you tomorrow and stop postponing, then you can finally be done with it and be able to put that down. :) *hugs*

  16. Hello again, ponies,

    I'm off to school!

    So I'll see you all later

    'Cause y'all are cool!B)


    Had to write a quick one this morning, sorry about that! I'm in a hurry.:please:


    1. Wannabrony


      I'll see you later! Good luck at school today and at your audition! :P

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