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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. The hour is getting late

    And I’m sitting by the fire

    I’m gonna take a rest because

    I’m getting really tired


    So sleep tight you little ponies,

    Until we meet again

    I’ll see you all tomorrow

    Goodnight! Goodnight, my friends!


    More poems! Yay!^_^

    Goodnight, y’all!:)


    1. Wannabrony


      And the wait was well worth it! Great poem! :yay: Goodnight @Rhythm Red and sweet dreams! :) 

    2. Johnny1226


      Good night red

  2. Apples are big mac’s best friend! In all seriousness though, I’m not too sure.
  3. Derp. I like it! And derpy looks cute!
  4. *squee*:squee:

    I’m bored, I dunno what to do.:adorkable:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Good to hear you’re having fun! I’m just gonna be sitting here for the next half hour or so before I head on up to bed (aaaaaand write a poem!:smug:). 

    3. Wannabrony


      @Rhythm Red Poems! I can't wait to hear it! :icwudt: Have fun writing your poem, fun is the most important part of writing a poem. (For me, anyways :P

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Oh, I definitely have fun writing them. They aren’t the best in the world, but I enjoy it! And I’m glad to see someone else does too!:) To me, that’s even more rewarding.

  5. One for each of the mane six: Rainbow Dash: Going fast is so uncool. Twilight Sparkle: Books are for eggheads! Fluttershy: *insert string of curse words here* Rarity: Fashion is so pointless. Why would anyone waste their time making dresses? Pinkie Pie: I gotta come up with an excuse to avoid this party tonight! Applejack: I like oranges more than apples.
  6. Equestria daily has been blowing up with pictures of this. I want it.
  7. Well, I’m allergic to cats. *turns and cuddles with my cat* I did that second part in real life. No joke.
  8. Sorry! Gotta go do... something... with a guy... at a place... Ok, Fine! I don’t wanna go!!! heheh... *runs*
  9. Yeah, but keep tabs on them. Things can always change quick. I like that question. Same?
  10. Welcome to the forums! Feel free to share your art with us, there’s a whole forum section for it. Anyway, have fun making new friends!
  11. I went there a while back, but I don’t remember any of the restaurants all too well. I do remember the food being delish, though!
  12. I have all evening to relax!:D what a relief...

    1. Wannabrony


      Rest at last! I'm happy for you, you seemed busy for the past few days. :)

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony I definitely was, but thankfully I managed to make it through. It’s all good now!:smug:

  13. I like the idea of reforming villains much more than ‘banishing’ them. It’s much more in-line with the show and it’s lessons.
  14. An interesting question! I personally would have to say there aren’t any good or evil cutie marks. Cutie marks define a special talent of the pony. Whether this talent is used for good or evil is completely up to the pony, if you ask me.
  15. Today was another long, hard day,

    But I made it through! So yay for me!

    I guess it’s time to hit the hay

    So I can catch some much needed Z’s!


    I’ll still be up for a little while, but I figured I’d write a poem now.:)

    Goodnight, ponies!:P See you tomorrow (which should be much more relaxing that the past few days)!


    1. Johnny1226


      Good night red

    2. Wannabrony


      Yay to you indeed! You must be very tired after the long day, so take some well-deserved rest, my friend. :P I hope tomorrow is much better than the last two! :lol: For now, I wish you goodnight and sleep well. :rarity:

  16. Just go on google search and type in ‘mlpforums post a picture of yourself’. Or you can use the search bar on this site, if you want.
  17. This topic has already been made. It’ll get locked soon, just saying.
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