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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. @The_Gobo *tries to hug, but he splits in half* OH GOD! I'M SORRY! *two halves turn into smaller versions of @The_Gobo What have I done?... Edit: ninja'd by @Vintjack Greasymane @Vintjack Greasymane Sure! *hug*
  2. Welcome to the forums! I know how it feels to be afraid of what society thinks of us. Thankfully most people don't seem to mind anymore! Plus this is a very safe space, and everyone is extremely kind. I think you'll enjoy your time here! Have fun meeting new ponies!
  3. I don't exactly understand what you're saying. Please, elaborate.
  4. "Offer more than our feelings?" We enjoy the show, and think it's still doing great, even seven seasons in. What else is there to say? You are offering your opinion, and we are offering ours. There aren't really any cold hard facts in this argument, either you still enjoy the show or you don't.
  5. I was typing up my latest status update poem. They're starting to become a habit.
  6. While I may still stay up for around an hour,

    I feel that it's within my power

    To write another fantastic poem

    About this here lovely forum


    Five million posts, that's a lot, I say!

    It's something that shows that we're here to stay

    A milestone! A testament! A victory so sweet!

    This groundbreaking news swept me off my feet!


    We will always stay strong

    And we will never fade

    Thanks to Pony, our friendships

    Won't ever go away


    Though whatever may happen

    May seem like 'the end'

    I promise, no matter what,

    We will always be friends.



    Each and every one of us contributed to this massive number, so we should all be proud. Plus it gave us that awesome banner! Look at the cute little ponies.:wub:



    1. Wannabrony


      WOOHOO! :yay: Congrats to everyone! Cake, anyone? :P 

      I enjoyed the extra-long poem, I especially loved the second stanza. It sounds so nice! :lol: 

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Thank you!^_^ Pinkie has brought the cake!


  7. I just got back from watching black panther with some friends.




    1. Wannabrony


      I watched Black Panther as well! But I watched it on the opening weekend so the movie theatre was packed when we got into it, we ended getting the 2nd-row seats. It was so close to the screen I could barely see anything happening and was dizzy for the rest of the day. Aside from that, it was a great movie! :D

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony ooh, that sucks. I’ve been there before too, it makes it kinda hard to enjoy the movie:okiedokieloki:

      Glad you still liked it, though!:lol:

  8. Afraid I’m going to have to disagree with you. MLP is still as good as it’s ever been, and I would go so far as to say 2017 was the best year for the show.
  9. I definitely know you pretty well. At least I think I do. If you're not some undercover agent, we're good.
  10. No. If you want proof, I'm a brony for life, and I'm definitely not a furry. You're only a furry if you want to be one, and if you say you aren't one, then you aren't one. Liking one thing doesn't mean you automatically like something else. There are definitely some bronies who are furries, though, no doubt about that!
  11. I've got an awesome story for you all!

    For one of our health class assignments, we were asked to write something about us that people don't know. I put down "I'm a Brony, which means I'm a guy who likes My Little Pony. Shh! Don't tell anyone!"

    I got the assignment back today, and I noticed that my health teacher wrote something right next to that answer.

    "Pinkie promise! : )". And yes, he underlined pinkie. And spelled it p-i-n-k-i-e.

    A non pony related pinkie promise is usually spelled p-i-n-k-y.


    Either he watches the show, has a daughter who watches it, or just knows there's a character named pinkie pie and unknowingly made a reference.

    Either way, it was pretty cool.:)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Prospekt


      Aww. That's awesome. :) I wish I could say the same thing. But I've never told a teacher, either in high school or college, that I'm a brony. Lots of my friends know, but I've never brought it up around a teacher. Just never found a really good opportunity.

      Now, I do remember referencing MLP in a short writing activity in my college freshman English class. :lol: But it wasn't an explicit reference. I just remember writing something about values that I have taken to heart and saying that they are "friendship, laughter, kindness, honesty, loyalty, and generosity." Yeah, I didn't say magic, but friendship is magic, right? ;)

    3. Wannabrony


      @Rhythm Red Aw, we shouldn't be scared or get into fights for showing what we like. Especially something as silly as a TV show. :( But some people are just like that way, I guess... :sunny: 

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Prospekt I actually made that same reference in a project too!:lol:

      @Wannabrony Yeah, it really sucks. Thankfully, the majority of people don’t mind, but there are just a few people that ruin it for me.:(

  12. A lot of things. My friends probably give me the most strength, but listening to or making music helps a lot too.
  13. This is poem number four

    I’m still making some more!

    Still, I’m leaving for school

    Though that place can be cruel

    Now I’m walking out the door!


    Decided to write a limerick. At least I think it’s a limerick. I don’t remember too well.:derp:

    Later, ponies!:P

    1. Wannabrony


      Yep that's the format for a limerick! ^_^ I'll see ya after school! :)

  14. Ooh I like this idea! @Trotteur Sauvage He’s a crazy French pony who’s probably posted a million times on my ‘guess a hobby of the user above you’ game. One of the first people I met here. He always has something funny to say in the forum games! @Wannabrony I would consider him a good friend of mine, who always has a positive attitude! I see him on every welcome thread, and almost every status update. He always leaves comments that make me feel better about my ‘poetry’, as well. He’s a real great guy! @King of Canterlot He comments on a lot of my status updates and replies to a lot of my posts on topics! I seem to run into him all the time on here, in a wide variety of posts. Guess great minds think alike! @Prospekt A real nice guy who’s writing an awesome fanfiction! Seriously, when’s the next one? I wanna read it! I see we share similar musical tastes, too! At least taste in brony music. But is there any bad brony music? Anyway, he’s another great guy! @SparklingSwirls I don’t believe I have you added, but I see you frequently on forum games! You and @Trotteur Sauvage have some of the funniest exchanges! And while I don’t know you too well at the moment, I’m sure you’re a great person!
  15. I know you may not like these much,

    But I just want to rhyme,

    So here's another poem

    Telling you it's my bedtime


    Am I seriously doing another one? Guess so. Will I do more? Maybe.:P

    Goodnight, ponies!:)

    1. Wannabrony


      These just get better and better, don't they? :P And I know it may sound fake, but I actually do like these poems you write! :) Good night @Rhythm Red and sleep well! 

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Hahaha thank you!:) And goodnight to you as well! (I'm assuming we're in a similar timezone:please:)

  16. Typed a little something into my signature. It'll work for now, until I can manage to get a picture.

    1. Wannabrony


      Heh, I like it, Mr. Rock and roll pony. ^_^ And yes, sometimes weird is a good thing. ;)

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Good to hear that!:please:

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