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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. There are so many good looking MLP skateboards out there.

    I want one.:please:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      I forgot to mention that I also had played the skateboarding game on Wii Fit Plus for the original Wii.

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @WiiGuy2014 You gotta do some real  skating sometime!:smug:

    4. Le Trotteur Sauvage

      Le Trotteur Sauvage

      @WiiGuy2014 oh c'mon buddy Skateboard is international ! :smug:
      I remember in 2005-2006 when I first started...with my friends we were listening to nirvana soad slipknot and everything, chilling in the skatepark trying to become tony hawks...aaaaah...that was good time...

  2. I play guitar and saxophone, play basketball, and go out and see movies with my friends every week.
  3. Okay, it’s finally time to boop! First things first: *boops @Wannabrony back* Okay! Tonight I choose to boop the following ponies: *Boops@Prospekt @King of Canterlot @SnakeEater @Johnny1226 @WiiGuy2014 @Cyralicious and @Trotteur Sauvage* Ya done got booped.
  4. That’s your forum rank! You increase it when you make enough posts. There are milestones, a certain number of posts will rank you up. Next for you will be the ‘cupcake’ rank! Just thought I should mention that brohooves don’t towards this. It’s just how many posts you make. And if a post is under a section where it says “post count will not increase in this section” (such as welcome threads and forum games), then it won’t count! Hope I helped!
  5. So it seems like that time again, 

    When the moon rises in the sky

    This pony is very tired

    Time to sing a lullaby!


    Today was a stressful day, and I’m afraid tomorrow will probably be the same way. I have a lot to do and a ton on my mind.:okiedokieloki:

    But I’ve gotten through worse, so eh. It’ll all be fine in a few days. No worries.:smug:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wannabrony


       Goodnight @Rhythm Red! I'm not completely sure what's wrong, but I do hope that it'll clear up and be gone as soon as possible. :) 

      I don't think I can help in any way, still, I wish you the absolute best tomorrow! ;) Sleep well for the night! :P 

    3. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      *Gives you a suspicious goodnight farewell*

      You claim to have gone to bed 45 mins ago, and yet you booped me just 6 mins ago, I don't know what to believe right now................... :okiedokieloki:

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Thank you! I just have a lot to do this week. I’ll get through it, though!:)

      @King of Canterlot Watch your back, because the boops could come when you least expect it!:P

  6. I like to think that the MLP world is achievable. Sure, there IS magic and all that, but imagine if we were all nice to each other like the ponies in the show. If we could be kind to everyone we meet, then they may be inclined to do the same! Happiness is infectious, you know.
  7. So ponytown is only 50% actual ponies. The rest are all either furry, FNaF, sonic, or Undertale based characters. That’s a little disappointing...


    On the bright side, at least there’s plenty of Spanish speakers! I can understand at least a little of what they’re saying.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony I dunno. I’ve been in several fandoms before the MLP one, but as soon as I discovered Pony, I just ditched them. So I can’t relate to that personally!:please:

      The brony fandom is without a doubt the best fandom I’ve been in. It’s the only one that I’ve actually gotten involved in, and I don’t see myself leaving!:lol:

    3. Wannabrony


      @Rhythm Red This has been the first and only one that I've been in and I think that it's great! I've many great people here including you and you have all been really nice! But hearing some stories from other fandoms I guess they aren't really all the same as this one, huh. :huh: I don't think I'll be joining any other fandoms anytime soon anyways. :lol: 

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony This has definitely been the kindest and most welcoming online group I’ve ever been in. I don’t think I COULD join another fandom, because they would all pale in comparison to the MLP fandom. Not to mention how much I owe to several bronies, when I was younger there were a few close friends of mine who were bronies that made my childhood absolutely fantastic. Not to mention how the fandom as a whole helped me through some rough spots in my life.

      Good to see that you’re sticking around for a while!:P Things are looking really good for pony this year.

  8. I’m officially on ponytown! I’m playing on the PG server, aka the safe one. If anyone wants to join me, just tell me on here.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Sounds cool. I need to check out Ponytown myself.

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Kyoshi It’s actually kinda fun! 

  9. Thanks for the follow, man!:)

  10. I love your artstyle! I hope you make more, it looks really good!
  11. Today’s been a pretty rough day for me, ughhh...:scoots:

    I think I’m gonna try Pony Town later, to help relieve my stress a lil bit.

    If anyone wants to join me, I’ll drop a status update letting you know when I get on.:)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Messy Mane it’s a game where you make a custom pony and chat with others. It’s more meant to be a social game. From what I’ve seen, it kinda reminds me of club penguin, but you don’t really do ‘missions’ or whatnot. Looks fun to me, though.

      @Wannabrony have you played it yet?

    3. Wannabrony


      @Rhythm Red Around 2-3 times, I just walked around in circles though. :huh:

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony haha! Well I’m going to get on in about 30 minutes. I’ll post a status update when I do, so just reply if you feel like joining!:)

  12. I needed that, thank you! *cuddles back*
  13. @Jeric makes an excellent point here, and I agree completely. Once MLP ends, we will still be able to enjoy it! And I for one won’t be going anywhere after the show ends. I’ll still be a part of this fandom. I’m sure many others are in the same boat. We’ll still have plenty of content creators making animations, fics, art, music, plushies, etc.! And if we’re getting G5 (which is basically a given), then we should all give it a chance. Most of us probably wouldn’t have ever watched MLP if we didn’t give it a shot, and we found it to be a great show! So why not with G5? This too. I think we shouldn’t come to any conclusions until hasbro themselves comes forward about this. I haven’t done my research on this very much, but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, at least for now.
  14. Goodnight my little ponies,

    It's been a long, hard day

    And though I wish I could stay up,

    I have to hit the hay


    Sorry about being sorta inactive today, I had a lot to do. I'll probably be fairly busy tomorrow, as well, unfortunately... :adorkable:

    I'll still try to get on here for a while, though!:)

    Anyway, goodnight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Good night red

    3. Prospekt


      Good night! :squee:

    4. Wannabrony


      Good night @Rhythm Red! I've actually been pretty inactive today as well, I'm incredibly tired too. I'm gonna go shower now and go straight to bed. So, goodnight again to the both of us. :P

  15. I have to go to bed right now, so I can't boop anyone tonight. I'll make a list tomorrow! I promise!!
  16. Welcome to the forums! I’d love to see some of your art sometime! Don’t worry about joining ‘late’, we aren’t going anywhere! And you should have no problem making friends here, we’re all very friendly people. Have fun!
  17. @Cyralicious @DanTheBrony @iPonyLover27th @Johnny1226 @King of Canterlot @Messy Mane @Mohawk Blaze @Nye @Prospekt @SnakeEater @Soren Peregrinator @Tempest Feri @Trotteur Sauvage @Wannabrony @WiiGuy2014 Tanks for being my fwends!
  18. Quake for sure. Plus a lot of games I play are based on quake. TF2 was based off of quake team fortress, for example.
  19. Welcome to the forums! I just so happen to love MLP as as well! You've come to the right place! Have fun making new friends!
  20. Donald Duck has always been, and always will be, my favorite of the Mickey Mouse crew. Quack quack!
  21. I'm ordering some pizza!:D


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      Man, I could eat pizza every day and never get sick of it.:please: Although it doesn't sound good right now. I ate waaay too much and now my stomach hurts.:adorkable:

    3. Wannabrony


      Aw, I hope you feel better soon. :sealed: 

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      Thanks, man!:)

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