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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Welcome to the forums! This is definitely a very welcoming community, and we'd love to see some of your artwork! Have fun making new friends!
  2. Ahh I see. If season nine is indeed the final season, I want it to be a full 26 episode one.
  3. For some reason I don't understand the wording on that tweet. It confuses me.
  4. HYPE!!! I'll admit, I'm still not entirely digging the whole school thing, but it's looking better and better.
  5. That moment when your dad (who doesn't know you're a brony) gets home earlier than you expected and catches you watching MLP.:sealed: 

    Help me...:lie:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wannabrony


      I hope so too... My parents were completely fine when they found out and even somewhat... encouraging? Yea and that lead to several awkward moments at the mall. I'm crossing my fingers for you. ;)

    3. Le Trotteur Sauvage
    4. Rhythm Red
  6. Yes! I really like them as a couple, and I like how they're still kinda new to the whole couple (and parenting!) thing. Both characters are individually very likable, as well.
  7. Doesn't really matter to me. I tan fairly easily, though, so usually the only time I'm pale is in the winter.
  8. I agree with what both of them said. Best not to worry so much about something like this. Seems a little silly to me personally.. I'm not trying to be rude, though, so please don't take it the wrong way.
  9. I WANT THIS! WHERE CAN I FIND IT?! I'M THROWING MONEY AT THE SCREEN! Seriously though, where'd you find it? If you know that is. I'd love a pony wallet.
  10. Honestly, I don't know enough about the whole otherkin thing to give a good opinion. But as long as they aren't harming others, I don't see any problem.
  11. Why did I choose this glorious picture of the great, mighty, handsome, powerful, and gorgeous Big Mac, with a stunning array of beautiful vegetables all over his face? No, the real question is... WHY DIDN'T YOU?!
  12. It's ok, man. We've all said things we regret, and honestly, when I was going through some stuff a few months ago, I behaved in a negative way as well on here. It certainly can make you feel very bad, and you can't change the past, but you can change the future. If there's one thing I've learned about these forums, it's that everyone is very kind, friendly, and forgiving. I'm sure that whatever you did wouldn't be a big deal in the long run. People will forgive you! But I won't force you to stay. If you don't like coming here, then don't come here, I don't want you to feel unhappy. Do what feels better to you.
  13. @Wannabrony Great to hear, man! Just a nice quote I think I should mention: "60 seconds spent in sadness is a minute of happiness you will never get back". I'm glad I could help!
  14. Honestly, you're one of the nicest guys I've met on these forums. I see you on every welcome thread, you always comment on my status updates, and I've found that wherever you go, people seem to be happier. I have some advice for you regarding your sadness, though. You have no reason to be sad about anything, because all that's gonna do is make things worse. As someone who has struggled with both sadness and social anxiety, I can say from experience that the only way to feel better is to make yourself feel better. That may sound really stupid, but I promise you, it works. It worked for me at least. I was a very awkward kid, and my lack of true friends led to a feeling of hopelessness that I felt I couldn't shake. But after that little change in attitude my life instantly got 100% better. Now I'm a (mostly) happy guy with a large social circle. Since this worked so well for me, I think it will work well for you! Oh, and if you ever need anything, you can always talk to me! I hope I helped...
  15. I dunno. The school idea doesn't sound very interesting to me. But I hope they can prove me wrong!
  16. I was rehearsing with my band for the past 3 hours.
  17. Yeah. Sometimes it does that, sometimes it doesn't appear at all. Sometimes I log off my account to view the comment and nothing's there either.
  18. Welcome to the forums, and welcome back to the herd! We're bigger and better than ever! And sure, talk in ponyspeak! I do it sometimes, and I know plenty of others who do as well. Nopony will judge you, this site's full of nice ponies! I'd love to see some of your work, whatever it is! Don't be afraid to post it here.
  19. I've been getting notifications that people 'reacted to a comment in (so-and-so)'s status update', but when I check my comments, nothing shows up under my name. No brohooves, no teacups, no nothing. It would be kinda weird for them not to have seen my comment though, as all the other similar comments around mine have usually been reacted to. It's kinda annoying me since I'm unsure whether people saw my comment or not. Maybe I'm just making a big deal out of nothing though. Anyone else having this issue?
  20. X Twilight Sparkle, since I know you like her. I swear if someone says 'Big Mac' for me I'm gonna lose it.
  21. I actually had time to get on the forums this morning! That doesn't happen often, since I'm usually so rushed. Anyway, I'm off to school, so later, everypony!:smug:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rhythm Red
    3. Wannabrony


      @Rhythm Red No problem! (Wait what did I do?)  Welcome back! :P

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Lol don't be silly. You took the time to say 'see ya later', that's something for me to be thankful for!:lol:

  22. ¡Yo hablo Ingles y Español! (I speak English and Spanish!) Though I think learning French or German would be cool too.
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