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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. I'm in high school, and my grades are all A's.
  2. Skateboarding, playing guitar, going out with friends, or playing basketball.
  3. I think crystal ponies are their own separate pony race. In other words, there are earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, and crystal ponies. There aren't crystal pegasi or crystal unicorns. That's how I see it, anyway.
  4. 333 brohoofs. *conspiracy music plays*:lol:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wannabrony


      @Rhythm Red I dunno, I just thought you would look more like a Rainbow Dash flying/floating in mid-air playing an electric guitar. :D 

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Whoa, how’d you find this old status update again? :lol: And that’s EXACTLY how I look in real life. How’d you know? :P 

    4. Wannabrony


      @Rhythm Red I went to my notifications and clicked on a random page. :muffins:

      And, you want to know how I knew that? It's pure luck. :P

  5. Apples and melons are better IMO, but I still do like bananas.
  6. I think it's a 'cheers' reaction, to be used when you agree with someone. Instead of just liking the post, you are showing your agreement. That's how I use it least.
  7. Really like the Rainbow Dash banner!^_^

  8. It'll probably be a completely new thing. Rumor has it that some of the mane six will switch races. Twi may be an earth pony (which I don't like), fluttershy may be a unicorn, stuff like that. Dash would still be a Pegasus though. I really don't know what to think of G5 honestly, as I'm still relatively new to the fandom. I feel like it's happening too soon for me, even though it's been around for over half a decade now. I'm sure that G5 will indeed be as good as FiM, though, and maybe even better.
  9. Southern. Isn't it obvious? And yes, people do talk like that. Many people in my family do, as my family is partially from the south.
  10. I'm sure it will. It'll probably be there for a long time too.
  11. Well said. I'm not super EXCITED for it, but I've come to terms with it. I'm sure G5 will be great, if not better.
  12. Just finished Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Here's my opinion:


    The episode itself was awesome. I like musical episodes, and BOY, the music was good. Diamond Tiara's redemption was handled perfectly, and it really does a good job of showing that many bullies either have been bullied at some point, or have difficult lives at home.

    The CMC finally got their cutie marks (yay!), which brings me to what I didn't really like about the episode: the marks themselves, and how they got them.

    I like how the marks show the connection between the three, but to be honest, that kinda takes away some of their individuality. They automatically become a unit, which makes it seem like their destinies are to be together. They can't pursue their individual talents. Plus I personally think the marks could look better. The actual icons on the shields look kinda small.


    Personally, I would have preferred each of the three to do what they're good at (Scootaloo doing an insane scooter course and sweetie belle singing live, for example), and at the same time they all do something spectacular and BAM! Three individual and unique cutie marks! At the same time!


    But eh, other than that tiny little thing, GREAT episode. I'm sure the cutie mark thing won't matter to me very much in the long run, anyway.:please:

    (I should make a blog for this or something. Lol.)

  13. WELCOME, FELLOW PONY!!! Glad to see you finally joined the herd. We're all like one big family. Have fun meeting new people!
  14. @TBD Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm!! Uhhh... traveling?
  15. I just realized, that if the rumors are true that G5 will start in 2020, then I will have graduated high school by that time. That seems crazy to me.

    We really do have a lot of g4 pony left.:)

    G5's designs are looking really good though, excited to see what the future brings.^_^ (I just want twilight to not be an earth pony:please:)


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