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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. I recently just broke up with my girlfriend, so I'm single right now because of that. I I don't date people for the sake of dating them. I just haven't found the right person since the breakup.
  2. In a world of magical talking ponies, nothing has to be fully explained. I think they do have a police force, especially in modern cities like Manehattan. But we technically don't know for sure, and crime is likely much rarer in equestria.
  3. @Jeric Alrighty, keep me posted, I'd be interested in joining in!
  4. I can partially understand why they did it. There have always been people asking whether MLP cider is alcoholic. It's not, but still, it can be misleading. I don't know why it's in the movie and not in the show. Maybe the movie cider stuff was made before the censorship.
  5. You get really swollen! And not the good kind of swollen either!
  6. Sorry, I was actually talking about wanting to sign @Jeric's petition. I want to thank the crew for their hard work. Your petition wouldn't change their mind. Let's just enjoy the next two years, we still have a lot of time!
  7. It's not really a big deal, honestly. Barely anything is affected.
  8. Welcome to the forums! You'll have a great time here, and don't worry, you'll find plenty of friends, there are a lot of cool ponies around these parts.
  9. escribiendo en texto grande. (For non spanish speakers, that roughly translates to "typing in big text")
  10. You begin to have an obsession with shiny things. You can't stop stealing them from people.
  11. Welcome! Everyone here is awesome, you'll have a great time.
  12. Alright, I have a few things to say.

    First off, I'm sorry about all the negativity lately. I know most of you are probably tired of it, and if anything I posted may have been rude, I apologize.

    Things have been pretty rough for me the past week or so. Mood swings, depression, all that fun stuff. But today was fantastic.

    I just want to let you all know how grateful I am to have a community like this. I have never been in a more welcoming, more positive community, than this one. You may not know it, but you all really helped me through the past week. It's good to know that I'll always have these forums to come to if I'm feeling down. 

    Thanks, everypony. Y'all are awesome.


  13. Not necessarily true. It still hasn't even been confirmed yet, and even if the leaks are true, it could all be cancelled if they want to cancel it. If they are going to do it for sure, things could certainly be different than what the leaks show. We just don't have enough info to make those sorts of conclusions, so going around saying it's 'in development' is spreading fake news. We just don't know yet. (Unless I'm underinformed or something)
  14. Basically what I was going to say. Not entirely true. Hasn't been confirmed yet. Once again, no, it's not 100 percent confirmed, and it's still likely subject to change. None of the g5 stuff is set in stone, we could get something totally different than what the 'leaks' show. What exactly makes you think that it's already being made? Not at all trying to be rude, I'm just asking. Exactly. People think this fandom is much more fragile than it is. Even after FiM ends, we will have plenty of people still making fan content. That won't change just because the show ends. And hey, if G5 does turn out to be true, then it could be really good. It could provide us with EVEN more material to make fan content of. Keep your chins up, guys. Whether g5 is happening after season 9 or not isn't certain, but either way I think we're in for a treat. This fandom ain't going anywhere soon.
  15. Welp, I'm going to bed early tonight, today was a rough day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Good night, Rhythm!

  16. 1. You say 'having a lot of that in there would be undesirable'. Any shipping would be undesirable for me. It's not what the show is about, and fans of certain ships would be pissed when their favorite ship isn't shown. Stick to the canon ships, like shining armor and cadence. Frequent romance+MLP=NOT GOOD. 2. It doesn't matter to me if the show is different. That's gonna happen. But I just want to make sure you keep MLP authentic if you end up doing this. Don't deviate too far from the examples set by the current team. 3. Maybe subtle references to that game would be alright. But don't make an episode outright themed around it. Just throw in a few tiny references, just like MLP did with metal gear solid.
  17. You bring up an interesting point. What if by some INSANE stretch of the imagination, g5 just wasn't selling any toys? What if it caused Hasbro to LOSE money? It's highly unlikely, but if that happened, what would they do? Surely they wouldn't just cut the entire MLP franchise right then, right? Would they go back to make more g4 episodes? The idea of g5 still kinda worries me, as I don't know if it will be good, but NO MORE PONY?
  18. This idea looks good on paper, but I have a few fears. 1. Ships. I'm afraid people are going to force ships and romance in a show that isn't supposed to have either. This show isn't supposed to be romantic, and putting the power into the hands of the fans will mean ships and OC's everywhere. 2. Authenticity. This would be a totally different team. Things would be handled differently. The show wouldn't be the same. 3. Copyright. You will need to take caution not to be shut down by copyrights. Watch out, and make sure you don't break any of these rules. If you do, it could be game over. However, if you can make quality episodes that seem just like the real show, then I'll most certainly watch them. But it's going to be REALLY hard.
  19. But there is no denying the fandom will be affected. While there will still be a TON of bronies making g4 content after g4, the lack of new material may make it difficult for some. There will certainly be a split between the diehard g4 fans and g5 fans. Some will move on, and some will stay, further complicating things. Eventually, g4 may be forgotten. My only hope is that the g4 fandom will continue to be active long after the show ends. Other fandoms have done it, and I think we will be able to as well.
  20. I would much prefer G4 staying. G5 seems like a big risk, but it won't kill my love of the show. Unless it sucks. Which it may.
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