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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Well, I just watched Twilight's Kingdom for the first time, and I can see why everyone likes it so much! It's probably my favorite episode so far!

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      I enjoyed the episode for cementing Discord's Heel-Face Turn and bringing the Chest of Harmony arc to a close, seeing all the efforts of everyone getting their keys throughout the season pay off. Wouldn't you agree?

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @WiiGuy2014 Yes, there was a ton of buildup to it, as well as to the equestria games episode right before it, the chest/key thing was done really well, and Discord was handled perfectly. Twilight forgiving him was one of the best scenes in the show, to be honest. Either that or the ridiculously awesome fight scene!:P

  2. Exactly. I think the best explanation we have is that 'it's magic.'
  3. Lol, I agree, trying to find scientific explanations for things can be fun! The one problem is that when magic is on the table, scientific explanations can be hard to come up with. We don't even know how a lot of the magic works in the show! How do they actually perform magic? And how is it possible? What allows them to move things with their mind? Then again, 'Magic is just science that hasn't been explained yet' -some dude from a movie I saw at some point.
  4. Very true. I used to struggle with depression and social anxiety. Since joining this fandom, I have improved so much. I now have lots of friends, have no problem socializing, and have managed to (mostly) stay happy and keep the depression away! All thanks to this show about colorful ponies!
  5. My theory is that when they teleport, in the blink of an eye, they are 'transported' to their destination really, really fast. I just said 'transported' because this is magic, so I don't think we should overthink it! Though if you want to look at it scientifically, the law of conservation of mass states that matter can not be created or destroyed. Whether this is true in the world of pony or not is debatable.
  6. I voted for several, but my true favorite has to be Winter Wrap Up. It was the first song I heard from the show, and it's still my favorite! At the gala, the smile song, and this day aria were also really good, but they just can't beat Winter Wrap Up. So many memories...
  7. Like everyone else said, this is a great forum filled with wonderful people! Have fun looking around! And of course, welcome to the forums!
  8. Nostalgia + mlp possibly ending + my break being over + the usual nighttime blues = pure sadness:(

  9. Not really craving anything right now since I had a big lunch. I had steak, broccoli, onion rings, and garlic fries. I guess I'm kinda craving some ramen noodles right now though...
  10. Man, that's hard! I would have to say it's a three way tie between Winter Wrap Up, The Smile Song, and This Day Aria. Keep in mind that I'm only in the middle of season 4 right now, so I haven't heard them all...
  11. I watched the first two episodes of season 1 and thought they were pretty good, but nothing too special. They were good enough for me, so I decided to watch up until episode 10, because I felt ten episodes would be enough to judge the show on. Now, before I finished all ten, I watched a SFM short that had the song 'winter wrap up' playing. I thought it was catchy. I finished episode ten and, thought to myself, 'damn, this show is actually really good! Just one more episode for the night.' And the next episode was Winter Wrap up! I watched the episode, learned the song on guitar, and after that I considered myself a brony! So I liked the show from the first episode, but Winter Wrap Up is really the episode that sealed the deal for me. I have PMV's and animations from the fandom to thank as well, as those also helped reel me in. Whenever I hear winter wrap up nowadays I get all nostalgic.
  12. Welcome to the forum! I see we share a common taste in music. I also love hard rock. (And I love pony music too!) I can totally relate to how the show helps lift you up. It's helped me out of some tough times myself! As for your parents, things will just take time. I'm sure that after some time passes, they will warm up to the idea of bronies, and they may even give the show a try! It will all turn out fine in the end. Anyway, welcome to the community! There are plenty of cool folks around here, so have fun!
  13. I'm going to cry myself to sleep if FiM ends in general. That honestly doesn't sound that bad. Maybe it's just me.. 10
  14. Yeah, as you said, as good as the bands I mentioned are, you just can't beat the classics. Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, and Pink Floyd are some of my personal favorite bands. While they may not be 'modern', it's still worth looking through some of the more lesser-known songs of these bands. You may find something you like! Listen to the older bands too, they made some of the best songs in music history.
  15. Rock music is the best music. I can't stand a lot of today's pop and rap. There are some good songs in there, and even a few great ones, but for the most part, today's music is bland and repetitive. Except modern rock! I personally love to listen to harder rock/metal, so if that's your kind of music, I recommend bands like Stone Sour. They have a great variety of songs, some are slow, some are scream-y, and some are just rockin'. Linkin Park and Foo Fighters are also great bands. (R.I.P. Chester Bennington)
  16. I don't think it's confirmed yet. As far as I know, at least. 7
  17. HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYPONY!!! Sorry this is late, I just got back from my trip.:P

  18. I'm going on a one-night vacation with my family, I'll probably be back tomorrow afternoon. Later, everypony!

  19. Playing the 'guess a hobby of the user above you!' game.
  20. As far as I know, nothing has been confirmed by Hasbro yet, and I actually doubt that season 9 will be the last season. Let's not give up hope just yet! Whenever the show ends, I'm gonna get really depressed, though.
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