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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. When I think of her tail, I instantly think of cotton candy, so I think it would feel nice and fluffy.
  2. The theme I got out of that episode was 'sometimes things don't go according to plan, but don't let it get in your way'! I can see why you hate that episode, but I think it's a very valuable and relatable lesson.
  3. I'm not very far at all, but I can't think of any episode that hate, I can't think of any that I dislike even... I love em all
  4. Heck yes! A lot of my favorite childhood memories are related to Christmas.
  5. I agree. Net neutrality is basically internet freedom. No one should be able to take that away, and I'll be shocked if they manage to!
  6. Nah, it's not dying. It won't die until long after the show ends. Don't worry!
  7. Thanks for the clip! Makes me feel better
  8. Haha, that would make a lot of sense! But for some reason I've always wanted my ponysona to be an earth pony... I dunno why! Now, off to go think about which name to pick! Hmm...
  9. I just made my ponysona recently, right when I joined these forums! He's so new to the point where I haven't decided what to name him (It will either be rhythm red or red rhythm, I don't know what order it should be). He likes music, of course, and he plays the guitar, even though ponies don't have fingers. He's basically me in pony form. If I ever did any role plays, I don't know if I'd use him or make another OC.
  10. I have that weird feeling where I'm kinda sad right now for no reason. I don't know why, I really don't have any reason to be upset. (This happens to me a lot at night and I have no explanation for it!)
  11. I was playing basketball, and some dude drove to the hoop and it knocked me over. I landed on my wrist (NEVER do that!) and broke it for about 6 weeks. I also had to get surgery when I was younger because I had appendicitis. Thankfully it didn't rupture or anything! still have the surgery scars though...
  12. Rhythm Red

    request Cutie Mark Help!

    If he works in the mines, I would recommend some mining-related mark. A gemstone or ore perhaps? If not, think about any other talents he may have and choose something from those!
  13. Yeah warm drinks in general help with sickness
  14. There have been so many funny quotes, unfortunately I can't pick out just one! Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of them anyway.
  15. Not wanting to play video games anymore?! Man you're lucky I play too many for my own good...
  16. It's not the prettiest, fastest, or nicest car, but I've always had a soft spot for the Jeep Wrangler. Specifically the red ones!
  17. I bought Total War: WARHAMMER II a week ago. I got the first game a while back and I'm really enjoying the new one.
  18. Sounding good, my man! Keep up the playing! Guitar bronies for the win!
  19. When I'm sick I cover up in a bunch of blankets by the fireplace, heat up some soup, and watch whatever is on tv. Shows, movies, and MLP of course!
  20. For me it's usually no more than 5. I'd say two to three most of the time.
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