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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Uhh... Nah. Net neutrality doesn't need to go. I really don't care about this whole thing anymore, though. Nothing I can do, anyway.
  2. Welcome to the forums! I also find vintage stuff to be quite interesting, though I wouldn't consider myself a collector by any means. Have fun making new friends!
  3. Welcome to the forums! I'd love to see some more of your art. Feel free to post some of it here, there's a whole section just dedicated to art. Have fun making new friends!
  4. For me it depends on how I'm hearing it. On a phone recording? NO. With equipment (that mimics how others would hear it)? Sure.
  5. I'm-a back from school! :pinkie:

    ...buuuut I have some homework.:okiedokieloki:

    I'll be on more in a lil' bit.

    1. Wannabrony


      I'll see you later then! Good luck on your homework. :D

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony I'm all done! Had to create a quiz in chemistry, and everyone's gonna take other peoples' quizzes...:scoots:

      Doesn't help that my chemistry teacher won't be back 'til next Wednesday.

  6. This is a poem and I am tired

    If you don't go to work you will get fired

    But I have no job because I'm not cool,

    So I guess for now, I'll just go to school.


    I wonder if this will become a new thing for me... Writing terrible poems when I wake up or go to bed...:ooh:

    Either way, I'll see you crazy ponies later!:P

    1. Wannabrony


      I'll see you later as well! Great poem by the way! :pinkie:

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Thanks! Though yours was better.:)

    3. Wannabrony


      @Rhythm Red Thanks, I'm flattered! :adorkable: But I still think your poems are really great! :lol: 

  7. I'm definitely not a phony

    My username is Rhythm Red

    It's time for this silly pony

    To get off and go to bed


    ...what am I doing...


    Night, everypony!:P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prospekt
    3. Wannabrony


      Good night and sleep well, @Rhythm Red. :) Nice poem and rhymes by the way! ^_^


      ...what am I doing...

      Probably sleeping by now. But before that, you were writing a beautiful poem. :P

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Johnny1226 @Prospekt Thanks, guys! :)

      @King of Canterlot Amazingly enough, I've never read that...:adorkable: Thanks!

      @Wannabrony lol I wrote that when I was half asleep, and now I'm looking back and wondering what the heck made me decide to write a poem. Guess you liked it though, so that makes me feel much better about my poetry skills. Thanks!:lol:

  8. Well, we've seen ponies fight. And we've seen wars (The cutie re-mark). And we've seen scarred, wounded, or otherwise injured ponies. I think it's safe to assume there is blood. Obviously, there can't be blood shown on a kids' television program, but I think we can assume it's there. The real question is how much blood does the average pony see? Assuming that the average pony sees slightly less blood than the average human (considering their society is much more peaceful), I would say that they would be more squeamish around blood than we are, but not to the point of being HORRIFIED.
  9. Is it weird that despite not ACTUALLY being in the fandom in the early days, I FEEL like I was?

    When I was younger, I had a few very close friends who were bronies, and they showed me a lot of pony stuff even though I never watched the show then. 

    I guess being around bronies so much growing up kinda makes me feel like I was part of the fandom then. Hearing old PMV's or songs from the early days brings me some kind of weird, bittersweet nostalgia, and not like any kind I've experienced before. I think to myself 'Hey, I remember that! Those were the good old days!', and then remember I wasn't in the fandom then.:derp: 

    Sorry for the long post, just something I felt like talking about.:please:

    1. Prospekt


      It's all good!

      I joined MLP Forums in July of 2016, but I had been watching the show for well over two years. I didn't really participate in the brony community until I joined the forums, but I certainly followed the brony music, PMV, and analysis scene.

      So I still feel so much nostalgia when I listen to, say, this song from 2014:



    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Prospekt SAME! I love that song! Brings back so many good memories. I still listen to it when I feel down.

      Some other nostalgic things for me are the 'you're gonna go far kid' and 'the kids aren't alright' PMV's. They were made during the first two years of the show (the creator of them has supposedly passed away:() and I credit both of those videos for making me decide to watch MLP. I still cry sometimes when I watch them. Really nostalgic. The actual songs themselves are two of my favorite songs in general, too!

      The party hasn't ended by p1k (heck, most of his songs), rainbow by Koroshi-Ya, all of acousticbrony's stuff, several of princewhateverer's songs, the living tombstone, mic the microphone, glaze, and countless others also bring back those memories. Good times.:adorkable:

  10. Thanks for the follow! :) 

  11. That would be interesting for sure, but I doubt it. I like this episode idea. Families not approving of boyfriends/girlfriends is actually pretty common in our world. Excited to see how this episode turns out!
  13. Aww it’s so cuuute... I love your style!
  14. Afraid I can’t do anything to help, but this sounds AWESOME and I’d totally download it.
  15. Thanks for the follow back!:)

  16. Welcome to the forums! I'd love to see some more of your art! And dang, owning real ponies? That's pretty cool. Anyway, have fun making new friends! Wow, that's a cool picture!
  17. My first pony merch was a set of non-brushable, plastic ponies. It had all the mane six, tempest shadow, and the three princesses in it. I have them all on display in my room for everyone to see!
  18. Diddy kong racing, oh my god. Diddy kong racing was one of the first video games I ever played.
  19. Duuuuude those look awesome! Thanks for sharing, I'm gonna go have a look at this site.
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