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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. I love it! And the braces on Celestia are a nice touch!
  2. The auctioneer argument would make sense. The one issue with that, as @King of Canterlot's picture shows, is that the gavel pony is next to Mayor Mare. To would imply that she's in the government, or at least that's the idea I'm getting. In order to determine the legislation system, I think we would need to understand equestria's government. To me it seems to be led by a monarchy, but the rest of it functions like the U.S. government. That's what the title of 'Mayor' implies, at least. Though yes, the princesses do seem to have a lot of say in things. I'm sure there is more going on in the background, though.
  3. Rewatching pony is never a bad idea! If you're looking for the scene I'm pretty sure it's at the end of the Cutie Re-mark.
  4. They did forgive her though... I think at the end of the cutie remark hey took her to the village and she apologized.
  5. I saw a pony with a gavel for a cutie mark once. I don't have a picture of it, but that would imply there is at least some form of court. But to answer your question, I think there has to be a court. About the whole Starlight thing, could a kids show have a trial with a bunch of stuff kids wouldn't understand? Besides, that was supposed to be a lesson in forgiveness, not the legal system lol. Also, since you appear to be new, welcome to the forums!
  6. Welcome to the forums! Have fun meeting new ponies!
  7. I would prefer g5 be in a future equestria, yeah. But not with the student six. Maybe with a grown up Flurry Heart or the grown up CMC’s.
  8. I’m debating whether or not to change my profile picture. As much as I love my current one, I feel like I need something fresh and new. I have a few ideas in mind, but suggestions are welcome, of course!:smug:

    Oh, and sorry if I don’t respond to this until later. I have some stuff to do tonight.:please:

    1. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      Change it to a Nazi pony like mine! Nazi Dash is best Dash! 


    2. Rhythm Red
    3. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      awwwwwwwww but its fun to be a Nazi-Communist Rainbow Dash! :dash:

  9. I’ll be sure to check these out!
  10. Welcome to the forums! I’m glad you joined us! You should totally share your writing here, I’d love to see some. Don’t worry about posting other things before you posted here, there’s nothing wrong with that! Anyway, have fun meeting everypony!
  11. I rather dislike Flurry Heart. All she does is ruin Alicorn lore. I like Shining Armor and Cadence. Despite them appearing out of nowhere, both characters have become very likable for me. I dislike the school of friendship idea in season 8.
  12. Pinkie: I suppose I could leave home without my party cannon ONE time...
  13. Another season 8 trailer just dropped. It looks pretty good, but I seriously hope they don’t make the characters start saying ‘everycreature’ instead of ‘everypony’. It just doesn’t sound good...:scoots:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      All your status update said for me was "An" and that's it so I screamed Gypsy Magic cuz you may have been trying to infiltrate my mind with it :blink:

      You'll never get me, red 

    3. Prospekt


      I don't mean to get all political or anything, but the idea of using the word "everycreature" instead of "everypony" reminds me of Justin Trudeau. :P


    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Prospekt That’s the exact same thing!:lol: It’s just unpleasant to the ears, yknow? I like the term everypony. In fact, I like the word pony in general.

      Pony, pony, pony, pony, pony.


      @King of Canterlot Ohhh! I accidentally hit the ‘submit status update’ button while typing the word ‘another’. That always happens when I use the site on mobile.:please:

  14. I watched Cast Away! God, I love that movie so much.
  15. Grayish blue eyes. Though mine are interesting, because depending on what I’m wearing and the lighting around me, they can look gray, blue, or even green sometimes.
  16. Thanks for the follow!:)

  17. ALL OF THEM. Lol, on a serious note, I kinda have to agree with you on TF2. Heck, it's probably one of the most brony-filled games out there. It's always been that way, and that's one of the many reasons why I love the game.
  18. You keep commenting after me, now no one is going to reply to my posts... But once again, nah, cause I’m straight.
  19. I guess it’d be a blind date, since I don’t know you well...
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