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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Granted, but you can't breathe air anymore. I wish for pizza.
  2. Granted, but you will be constantly finding the new 'last digit', as pi is infinite. You will be stuck in a loop forever! I wish I could fly.
  3. Thanks for the follow, man!:)

  4. The idea of them teaching classes based on their element actually intrigues me. At first I thought it would be a 'pinkie teaches a baking class, rarity teches sewing, RD teaches gym...' kinda thing. Glad to see that's not the case! Starlight as counselor is a great idea, too. Really looking forward too seeing that! I know I've said some negative things about the school idea in the past, but it looks like I was too quick to judge. I'm hyped!
  5. I made another Gmod pone! I'm actually very proud of this one, I think it looks really good.

    I've probably made a dozen or so, I should really post the others sometime.:ooh:




    1. Tacodidra


      Cute pony! :D Gmod ponies are pretty impressive. :)

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Tacodidra Thanks!:D I love the Gmod/SFM pony models. They look so adorable!:wub:

  6. Excellently put. Brony haters won’t buy it because it’s made by bronies, and lots of bronies won’t buy it because it’s not MLP. Who’s the true audience? Bronies? Regular people? That actually may have a pretty negative impact on sales. You gotta have a specific audience in mind.
  7. I just realized this was a forum game! I thought we were just saying what we were. How embarrassing... Straight!
  8. @Key Sharkz I disagree, personally, as I think the game is doing reasonably well at the moment (though it could be doing better). As time goes on, I’m sure sales will increase, as well. There’s plenty of time for the game to return on its investment. I may end up buying it myself out of curiosity, and to support Mane6, though the lack of MLP in the game is a problem for me. Still, I respect your opinion.
  9. Well, looks like I’ll be home all day. Got sick right when I got to school.:okiedokieloki:

    I’ll just print out today’s homework, and after I finish it, it’s Pony binging time! That should help me feel a little better.:adorkable:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rhythm Red
    3. Wannabrony


      I hope this sickness goes away soon... :( After you finish homework, take some rest, drink some water, or binge ponies! Whichever one makes you feel better. :smug:

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Thanks, I’ve done all three! And I feel loads better.:)

      I think ponies cure everything.:P

  10. I wouldn’t call it a flop, but I will say that I lost interest after the original Fighting Is Magic got C&D’d. I might still buy it, though.
  11. Today felt very short

    And all day I’ve been sleepy,

    Daylight savings time is pointless

    And it just makes me weepy!:(


    Can’t believe it’s almost Monday again, ughhh...:scoots: At least break is right around the corner for me!:)

    Goodnight, ponies!:D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Nice poem (and I completely agree on DST). :D Good night! :)

    3. Johnny1226


      Good night red

    4. Wannabrony


      I've been super sleepy today as well, due to DST I only got less than 6 hours of sleep last night. :please: And just keep pushing through next week, before you know it, 5 days will have passed and you'll get 9 days of glorious rest! ^_^ Goodnight and sleep well, Rhythm! :)

  12. Most people in real life don’t even try to hate on me. They understand that I won’t give them a satisfying reaction. But online, I’ve dealt with a fair share of haters. I can say most of the haters I’ve dealt with have, in fact, been anti-bronies. People have threatened to find where I live and burn me alive. So yeah.
  13. Welcome to the forums! Have fun making new friends!
  14. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay, and have fun making new friends!
  15. Just played the most annoying basketball game ever. It was against a ton of freshmen, and they all kept trying to bait me so that I’d foul them or something. They kept clawing at my face, too, and the referees didn’t call any of it. Threw me off my game a little bit.:dry:

    We still crushed them, so that’s good.:sneer:

    Here’s a photo of some of my ‘battle wounds’. My eye’s all red from where I got hit. There’s a scratch above my eye too.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rhythm Red
    3. Wannabrony


      I'm sorry about those freshman kids, they seem pretty rude and don't have sportsmanship. :dry: I realize being a freshman myself and saying that doesn't do much good for me. (I swear I'm not like that :adorkable:) I'm glad you won though, they really can learn that being physical and rude doesn't get you anywhere. Congrats on the win! :yay:

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Don’t worry man, you’re nothing like those guys!:lol: You’re a very nice guy.:) 

      The majority of freshmen aren’t as obnoxious as this group was, some of them are just a lil immature, I guess. Hasn’t been too long since I was a freshman myself!

      And thanks for the congratulations!:please:

  16. Welcome to the forums! Have fun making new friends! And feel free to post some more of your art on here, too!
  17. Pizza is a gift from the heavens

    And that isn’t up for debate

    I eat pizza nearly every day

    And I’m sure that many relate!


    I’m in a really good mood for some reason. It’s probably because of the pizza.:P

    Morning, y’all!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. CypherHoof


      Been cutting down on the amount of bread I eat - so often end up with packets of sandwich filling without the actual sandwich :)

    3. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      @CypherHoof That's called meat and cheese. There was a thread about sandwiches.

    4. CypherHoof


      pretty much, yeah. Supermarkets tend to sell packets of meat and cheese already sliced in sandwich-shaped and -sized portions though; it's nice to have (say)extra-mature cheddar or gouda already sliced instead of a block or grated when you are making a lunch from them :)

  18. I almost fell asleep at my keyboard

    I should really call it a night,

    So goodnight once again, my little ponies,

    This is sleep that I simply can’t fight!


    For some reason I feel very uneasy. Like something bad happened, when nothing’s wrong.:ooh: And yes, that poem was 100% true. In fact, I’ve fallen asleep at my keyboard a few times.:P


    *yawn* goodnight!:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nightfall Gloam
    3. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D

    4. Wannabrony


      I have never fell asleep on my keyboard, but I think I will if I don't get to bed soon. :adorkable: Plus, tonight I'm getting one less hour of sleep because of Daylight Saving Time. :P Goodnight @Rhythm Red, and sleep well! :)

  19. Here’s me. I couldn’t get the head shape right, but other than that it looks kinda close, I guess.
  20. @Nightfall Gloam Gonna have to agree with you on The Cutie Map. Most of it is very unsettling and eerie. But that’s part of the reason why it’s so good!
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