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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Goodnight, goodnight, once again,

    I think it's time to catch some z's

    But you know what tomorrow is,

    It's almost time to watch more ponies!


    I CAN BARELY CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT! :love: Which is funny, because I technically haven't even caught up yet. :derp:


    Goodnight! :D And prepare yourselves. Season 8 is coming. ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nightfall Gloam
    3. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D

    4. Wannabrony


      WOOHOO! I hope you get all caught up soon and get to enjoy the brand new season! :squee: And sorry I haven't been on here the entire day, the forums were down for me. :adorkable: I wish you goodnight and sleep well! 

  2. I just finished reading Riders, and now I’m reading it’s sequel, Seeker.
  3. I think a lot has improved, especially the facial expressions. They’ve gotten a lot more unique and funny.
  4. Whoops, guess I forgot my morning poem today! :adorkable:

    Anyway, I need to binge more pony tonight. I’ll probably be up late today doing just that. :P 

  5. I think @King of Canterlot nailed it. That’s how I told my mom. My dad still hasn’t caught on, but he should soon. If you make a big deal about it, then they will too. If you treat it like it is- just you watching a really good cartoon- then they’ll probably have no problem with it. Edit: Also, this post shouldn’t be in the welcoming plaza. I think a mod will move it to sugarcube corner soon, since it’s a question involving the brony fandom in some way.
  6. It’s almost Friday, everypony,

    So hang in there a little longer!

    After tomorrow is a relaxing weekend,

    So we can rest and come back stronger!


    Good night, everypony! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wannabrony


      Goodnight and sleep well! The weekend will come before you know it. ;) 

    3. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D

    4. Johnny1226


      Good night nosotrose 

  7. Well, that’s dark... And something I’d prefer not to think about.
  8. Ooh, a DANK brony. I like it. Anyway, welcome to the forums! Have fun meeting new ponies! Yay, puns!
  9. On a physical level, I have no problems being a guy. But my god, I’m ashamed how guys act. I think I’m just preaching to the choir here, but so many guys just act disgusting. I could rant on for days, but eh, that’s all been covered above, I think.
  10. Thanks for the follow! Or I guess it’s technically a follow back. :P 

    Either way, thank you! :D 


  11. I gotta finish the rest of season 7 before Saturday! Or at least in the next few days. I want to be all caught up so I can discuss stuff.

    Though I must say, season 7 is awesome. ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tacodidra


      I love all their episodes too. :D I think it's really impressive how they've managed to keep the high quality over the seasons. There were no episodes I disliked in season 7, even the weaker ones (not many of those) were enjoyable. :)

    3. Wannabrony


      @Nosotros. I can't possibly just pick one, can I? :P If I pick my three favourites, they would be The Perfect Pear (Of course), Rock Solid Friendship and Parental Glideance. :)

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Nosotros. Totally. And I still think we have plenty of things that haven’t been covered yet. Season 8’s gonna be awesome! B) 

      @They Lol I guess all three of us like all the same episodes! ;) 

  12. Good morning, everypony!

    I’m off to class again

    So I’ll be back on later 

    See you after school, my friends! :) 


    Good morning! :D 


  13. My cat is on my lap

    And she doesn't want to leave

    But she better get off soon

    Cause it's bedtime for me! :P 


    Goodnight, ponies! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wannabrony


      Hope you don't wake up next morning with a cat in your lap! :catface: Goodnight and sleep well! 

    3. Johnny1226


      Good night nosotrose 

    4. Rikifive


      Goodnight! :) 

  14. ...oh my god... I’M a cartoon pony! This is the greatest day of my life! High five! Err... Hoof bump!
  15. I’m more concerned with the fact that CARTOON PONIES ARE REAL and that ONE IS IN MY ROOM! Am I hallucinating again?
  16. @They WHY IS THERE A PONY IN MY BED?! WHAT THE HECK?! Uhh... hi?
  17. Hiya! I would like @King of Canterlot to post next.
  18. I’ve always been a big fan of the Call of Duty franchise (Hate on me for that all you want, lol! :lol:), and I gotta say that I’m really liking WWII, ESPECIALLY the zombies mode. It’s not as good as black ops 2 zombies imo, but it’s still really good.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wannabrony


      I've never really liked shooters (both third-person & first-person) because they make me really dizzy. Heck, I played the demo of Splatoon 2 for less than an hour, next thing you know I was sick for the next two days. :muffins: Glad you're enjoying it though! ^_^ 

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Deae Rising Shine~ Join us... :P

      @Kyoshi I enjoyed overwatch for about a year, and then went back to TF2. Newer isn’t always better! ;) 

      @King of Canterlot You probably wouldn’t like COD WWII then. Some of it’s accurate, and some of it isn’t. I’m not too good with history, though, so I could be wrong about any of that. :adorkable:

      @They Aww, I’m sorry. :( If you were ever interested in trying any shooter games, I know some shooters have settings that help with dizziness! Maybe that would help!:)

    4. Deae Rising Shine~
  19. Before I watched the show, I knew my favorite would be Rainbow Dash. The people and things I would credit to making me decide to watch the show we’re all RD-related. So, yeah. But I really didn’t decide that she was my definite favorite until Sonic Rainboom. That episode was really relatable, and it was such a big moment for her. The cutie mark chronicles was also a great episode for Dash.
  20. Good morning, all you ponies,

    I hope you all slept great!

    I’m heading off to class, 

    And I’d better not be late! :) 


    Only a few days left until season 8. All aboard the hype train! ;) 

    Good morning! :D 

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