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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Either sonic rainboom, the perfect pear, or twilight’s kingdom. Same?
  2. I found 3 guitar picks and 75 cents in my pocket. Ninjas! Uhhh probably winning the day yesterday. Favorite Discord moment? As in the character.
  3. Gray, but depending on what I’m wearing and the lighting in the room, they can look blueish or greenish. same?
  4. You came to the right place to find brony friends! We’re all friends here. Have fun meeting everypony!
  5. They kept the elements because Celestia told them to. She wanted them to be able to freeze Discord again if he were to go out of control.
  6. That’s a hard one, but in terms of ‘cuddly’, I’d have to go with pinkie.
  7. Good morning once more, everypony!

    I’m rested and ready to take on the day!

    I’m drinking lots and lots of coffee

    So hopefully I’ll stay that way! ;) 


    Good morning! :) 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thornheart


      Good morning and congrats on winning the day yesterday.

    3. Johnny1226


      Good morning nosotrose 

    4. Deae Rising Shine~
  8. @Shabb3r Completely agree! It’s a very important topic to bring up. And I think the show handled the topic very well.
  9. Goodnight again, you silly ponies!

    I’m very tired, I must say

    But what in equestria’s that thing I see?

    It looks like I just won the day! :pinkie:


    Good night! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wannabrony


      Congrats on your first day won! :yay: I have yet to win a day, but it'll take some time. :P Goodnight and sleep well now, get some rest for your tiredness. :rarity:

    3. Johnny1226


      Good night nosotrose 

    4. Prospekt


      Yay! I haven't won a day in so long, I've almost forgotten about that entirely. :lol:

      Good night! :twi:

  10. Changed my profile picture to Sandbar for now, while the season 8 hype is still going. I’ll probably change it back soon. ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @We. That would definitely make a lot of sense. I personally really like his colors, they look really nice together. But I can totally see how people would like a complete change in appearance, too. ;) 

    3. Tacodidra


      Smolder doesn't seem to be very popular either. She's my second favorite after Ocellus, not sure how I'd rank the others. But I like them all. :)

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Tacodidra I don’t find smolder all that interesting, personally. Same with Gallus. But then again, later episodes could change my opinions. ;) 

      Ocellus is adorable, and I completely understand why she’s so well-liked. :) 

  11. Banned because I don’t see any ninjas...
  12. Probably likes metal more than I do.
  13. Guess I’m still the only one who likes Sandbar the most, lol.
  14. Spoiler











    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Shrug


      @Nosotros. So do I actually. It’s a guilty pleasure. :lol:

    3. Tacodidra


      I like "Never Gonna Give You Up" too. :) It's cheesy but very catchy. I'd much rather listen to it than most of today's "hits". :muffins:

    4. Rhythm Red
  15. Horse. I like bears and deer a lot, too. What is your favorite vacation destination?
  16. Sorry stallions, but you must’ve heard wrong. I’m straight. But I heard Mr. @Sherbert over there has a big crush on all of you.
  17. She’d like being an alicorn, but she would probably dislike the responsibilities of being one.
  18. I don’t have a least favorite beverage. Same?
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